

单词 in proper person

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in (one's) proper person
a. = in person at Phrases 4. Also (now chiefly Law) in (one's) proper person.
the world > space > place > presence > present [phrase] > in person
in (one's) proper persona1325
in one's (own) persona1393
in person1436
in one's own personagec1534
in propria persona1654
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) Prol. 71 (MED) The fortune of this worldes chance..noman in his persone Mai knowe, bot the god al one.
a1425 (c1385) G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde (1987) ii. 1487 Deiphebus..Com hire to prey, in his propre persone, To holde hym on the morwe compaignie.
1472–3 Rolls of Parl. VI. 52/1 The said John Myrfeld, Richard Ledys, and either of theym, in their propre persone and persones, appiere afore your Highnes in your Bench at Westminster.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection i. sig. Dvi He wolde be in his owne persone, the example of our hole iourney.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. ccclxxv They haue ofte intreated you, sometime by their Ambassadours, and somtime in their own persons.
1611 Bible (King James) 2 Sam. xvii. 11 Goe to battell in thine owne person . View more context for this quotation
1659 T. Hooker Applic. of Redemption x. 53 A Traveller, that in his own person hath taken a view of many Coasts.
1700 J. Tyrrell Gen. Hist. Eng. II. 815 No Constable shall distrein any Knight to give Money for Castle-Guard, if he will perform it in his own Person.
1796 Instr. & Regulations Cavalry (1813) 17 The pivot leader..will begin in his own person to circle behind the line.
1867 Cassell's Mag. 1 287/2 These dinners he must eat in hall in his own person.
1894 Idler Sept. 207 Anxious to try, in his own person, the effect of wedding what one may call the Prickly Young Person.
1937 Times 12 May 13/6 Leave the job to someone who is prepared to do the right thing and who is prepared to suffer in his own proper person.
2000 Las Vegas Rev.-Jrnl. (Nevada) (Nexis) 30 July 1 j Mrs. Duke now represents herself ‘in proper person’ as the case finally heads to trial.
extracted from personn.
in (one's) proper person
in (one's) proper person [after post-classical Latin in propria persona (frequently 1214–1350 in British sources); compare Anglo-Norman and Middle French en propre personne (1309 in Old French in plural as en propres persones; French en (sa) propre personne)] : in one's own person. proper thing n. Obsolete one's own thing, a property.extracted from properadj.n.adv.
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