

单词 in post

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in post
P4. in post [after Middle French, French en poste (1497–8); compare Middle French courir la poste to go very quickly (1522)] : in the manner or capacity of a courier or bearer of dispatches; (hence) at express speed, in haste. See also post-haste v. Obsolete.Originally with ride, go, and other verbs of motion; in later use more generally with other verbs. Cf. post adv.1
the world > movement > rate of motion > swiftness > swift movement in specific manner > moving swiftly in specific manner [phrase] > in or with haste
in hastec1300
whip and spura1500
at (the) post1507
in post1525
in a pelter1861
society > communication > correspondence > postal services > person or vehicle that carries letters or mail > [adverb] > in capacity of post-courier
at (the) post1507
in post1525
1525 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles II. clxv. [clxi.] 457 Thus these four rode night and day..; they chaunged many horses; thus they rode in post.
1525 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles II. ccxl. [ccxxxvi.] 741 Than the bysshoppe of Caunterbury wrote letters..and sente them by a suffycyent man in post, who toke fresshe horses by the waye, and came to London the same daye at night.
1569 in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation (1891) I. x. 208 To Dunbar that nycht scho raid in haist Behind ane man in poist, as scho war chaist.
1577 M. Hanmer tr. Socrates Scholasticus vii. xix, in Aunc. Eccl. Hist. 387 He was able in three dayes to ryde in such poste, as was to be wondered.
a1604 M. Hanmer Chron. Ireland 169 in J. Ware Two Hist. Ireland (1633) Sir Iohn de Courcy..sent letters in post to his brother Sir Amorick Saint Laurence.
1670 J. Milton Hist. Brit. ii. 43 Horsemen all in Poste from Quintus Artrius bring word to Cæsar, that almost all his Ships in a Tempest that night had suffer'd wrack.
1711 Royal Proclam. 23 June in London Gaz. No. 4866/2 If the Post~master doth not..furnish any Person riding in Post, with..Horses.
1797 Encycl. Brit. XV. 426/2 He is said to travel post, or in post, i.e. in the manner of a post.
1814 J. B. Scott Diary 24 Sept. in E. Mann Englishman at Home & Abroad (1930) iv. 108 We..travel all this day in post. In Italy..post carriages are let as well as post horses.
extracted from postn.3
in post
1. An office to which a person is or may be appointed; a position of paid employment, a job. in post: appointed to or occupying a (specified) position.
society > occupation and work > position or job > [noun]
sits vac1945
1562 Edinb. Hammermen f. 252, in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue (at cited word) Ane sufficient nvmer of the maist honest of tham to quhome he offerit gladlie to refer his post [sc. the deaconship].
1695–6 T. Smith in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eminent Literary Men (1843) (Camden) 239 I am very glad of the new post you are preferred to, as you write, the publick Library.
1720 T. Hearne Remarks & Coll. (1906) VII. 117 A Person of no Learning, and very unfit for this Post.
1760 J. Hawkins in Walton's & Cotton's Compl. Angler ii. p. xxviii He was call'd away by some employment, or post, that was conferred upon him.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. ii. 223 Arlington quitted the post of secretary of state.
1872 T. L. Cuyler Heart Thoughts 63 The loftiest post of honour is the lowliest post of service.
1879 M. Arnold Mixed Ess. 148 Those posts in the public service supposed to be posts for gentlemen.
1958 M. L. King Stride toward Freedom i. 16 Three colleges had offered me attractive and challenging posts—one a teaching post, one a deanship, and the other an administrative position.
1985 Med. Woman Spring 15 Since being in post, problems have been largely overcome and the advantages have become increasingly apparent... We gain the opportunity to train part-time while experiencing a full-time type of commitment in an established post.
2004 Community Care 8 Apr. 34/3 I've been in post for five years. Since late 2002 the post has been job-shared.
extracted from postn.5
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