

单词 in pieces

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in pieces
P1. in pieces: in fragments, broken apart, disintegrated; (figurative) divided, at odds. in (also into, on, a) pieces: into portions or fragments, apart; (figurative) into disarray.to take in pieces: to separate the parts of; (figurative) to analyse (obsolete).
society > society and the community > dissent > at variance [phrase]
in (also into, on, a) piecesa1275
in strife1398
at traversc1448
at issue1474
at a strife1488
at variancea1535
at square1545
at (a) jar1552
at (or to) daggers' drawing1556
at (a) mutiny1567
in (a) mutiny1567
at wrig-wrag1599
at daggers drawn1668
at (or at the, on the) outs1824
at daggers' points1857
at swords' points1890
the world > relative properties > wholeness > mutual relation of parts to whole > separation > separation or breaking up into constituent parts > into (small) pieces [phrase]
in (also into, on, a) piecesa1275
(all) to shiversc1275
to piecesc1300
to set in sunderc1325
in sunderc1390
in, into shredsc1400
in small1419
in piecemeal?a1425
in piecemealsa1470
by piecemeals1576
in shivers1589
in or into splinters1612
a1275 St. Margaret (Trin. Cambr.) l. 176 in A. S. M. Clark Seint Maregrete & Body & Soul (Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Michigan) (1972) 61 He [sc. a dragon] barst a two peces.
c1330 (?a1300) Sir Tristrem (1886) l. 1456 (MED) Þat spere..brast on peces þre.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) vii. 4525 Achias..kut it into pieces twelve.
c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Huntington HM 137) (1873) C. xxi. 62 The wal of þe temple to-cleef euene a two pices.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll.) 50 Arthurs swerde brake in two pecis.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) I. 23 They so sore fought that hir shyldis felle on pecis.
1562 Bp. J. Pilkington Expos. Abdyas Pref. 9 The forther that the bowe is drawen, the sooner it flies in pieces.
1600 J. Pory tr. J. Leo Africanus Geogr. Hist. Afr. iii. 133 The butchers cut their flesh a peeces, and sell it by weight.
1659 T. Burton Diary (1828) IV. 480 This takes in pieces your whole form.
1697 W. Dampier New Voy. around World viii. 215 His Ship..being old and rotten fell in pieces.
1753 S. Richardson Hist. Sir Charles Grandison IV. iv. 21 We are all in pieces: we were in the midst of a feud, when you arrived.
1762 D. Hume Hist. Eng. (new ed.) VI. ii. 59 The instrument of government was taken in pieces, and examined, one article after another.
1842 T. B. Macaulay Virginia in Lays Anc. Rome 163 Must I be torn in pieces?
1876 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest (ed. 2) IV. xviii. 193 When they submitted, their army..at once fell in pieces.
1944 R. Lehmann Ballad & Source 222 We've torn them in pieces and bunged them into a giant's stew-pot.
1991 M. Frutkin Invading Tibet viii. 138 Three Gurkhas leapt forward, slicing him into pieces with their kukris.
extracted from piecen.
in (also into, †on, †a) pieces
P1. in pieces: in fragments, broken apart, disintegrated; (figurative) divided, at odds. in (also into, on, a) pieces: into portions or fragments, apart; (figurative) into disarray.to take in pieces: to separate the parts of; (figurative) to analyse (obsolete).
society > society and the community > dissent > at variance [phrase]
in (also into, on, a) piecesa1275
in strife1398
at traversc1448
at issue1474
at a strife1488
at variancea1535
at square1545
at (a) jar1552
at (or to) daggers' drawing1556
at (a) mutiny1567
in (a) mutiny1567
at wrig-wrag1599
at daggers drawn1668
at (or at the, on the) outs1824
at daggers' points1857
at swords' points1890
the world > relative properties > wholeness > mutual relation of parts to whole > separation > separation or breaking up into constituent parts > into (small) pieces [phrase]
in (also into, on, a) piecesa1275
(all) to shiversc1275
to piecesc1300
to set in sunderc1325
in sunderc1390
in, into shredsc1400
in small1419
in piecemeal?a1425
in piecemealsa1470
by piecemeals1576
in shivers1589
in or into splinters1612
a1275 St. Margaret (Trin. Cambr.) l. 176 in A. S. M. Clark Seint Maregrete & Body & Soul (Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Michigan) (1972) 61 He [sc. a dragon] barst a two peces.
c1330 (?a1300) Sir Tristrem (1886) l. 1456 (MED) Þat spere..brast on peces þre.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) vii. 4525 Achias..kut it into pieces twelve.
c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Huntington HM 137) (1873) C. xxi. 62 The wal of þe temple to-cleef euene a two pices.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll.) 50 Arthurs swerde brake in two pecis.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) I. 23 They so sore fought that hir shyldis felle on pecis.
1562 Bp. J. Pilkington Expos. Abdyas Pref. 9 The forther that the bowe is drawen, the sooner it flies in pieces.
1600 J. Pory tr. J. Leo Africanus Geogr. Hist. Afr. iii. 133 The butchers cut their flesh a peeces, and sell it by weight.
1659 T. Burton Diary (1828) IV. 480 This takes in pieces your whole form.
1697 W. Dampier New Voy. around World viii. 215 His Ship..being old and rotten fell in pieces.
1753 S. Richardson Hist. Sir Charles Grandison IV. iv. 21 We are all in pieces: we were in the midst of a feud, when you arrived.
1762 D. Hume Hist. Eng. (new ed.) VI. ii. 59 The instrument of government was taken in pieces, and examined, one article after another.
1842 T. B. Macaulay Virginia in Lays Anc. Rome 163 Must I be torn in pieces?
1876 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest (ed. 2) IV. xviii. 193 When they submitted, their army..at once fell in pieces.
1944 R. Lehmann Ballad & Source 222 We've torn them in pieces and bunged them into a giant's stew-pot.
1991 M. Frutkin Invading Tibet viii. 138 Three Gurkhas leapt forward, slicing him into pieces with their kukris.
extracted from piecen.
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