

单词 in pais

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in pais
in pais: in or within the country; relating to or designating actions, matters, etc., which are legally recognized despite not being formally recorded or performed. Also (and now frequently) in estoppel in pais: estoppel in respect of things expressed or implied by one party, which may not subsequently be disavowed to the detriment of the other party.Cf. per pais adv.
1628 E. Coke First Part Institutes iii. §667. f. 352/3 Touching Estoppels, which is an excellent and curious kind of learning, it is to [be] obserued that there be three kind of Estoppels, viz. By matter of Record, By matter in writing, and By matter in Paijs.
1766 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. II. xix. 294 Common assurances..By matter in pais, or deed; which is an assurance transacted between two or more private persons in pais, in the country.
1840 J. W. Smith Select. Leading Cases II. i. 459/2 Their [sc. the Courts'] inclination appears to have been to extend the list of estoppels in pais, especially in mercantile transactions.
1873 S. A. Foot Autobiogr. II. 207 A record imports verity, and can only be tested by itself. As a general rule no inquiry in pais is permitted, which may destroy it.
1921 J. Rankine Law Personal Bar in Scotl. i. 9In pais’ means, in the country, for a jury, as distinguished from proof by judgment (res judicata) and proof by solemn deed, both of which are for the judge.
1986 Stone's Justices' Man. (ed. 118) I. 15 Estoppels are of three kinds: by matter or record; by deed; and by matter in pais or by conduct.
2001 Commerc. Lending Litigation News (Nexis) 11 May 14 1 The court found estoppel in pais precluded Snyder from asserting his counterclaim because Reinwald detrimentally relied on Snyder's conduct when he entered into the promissory note.
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