

单词 in ordinary

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in ordinary
b. A part of a fleet which is laid up or out of service. Chiefly in in ordinary: (of a ship) out of commission, not in service. Also figurative. Now historical.
society > travel > travel by water > launching a vessel > [phrase] > laid up or out of commission
out of commission1533
in ordinary1754
high and dry1851
1754 Ess. Manning Fleet 24 Warrant-Officers doing Duty on Board any Ships in Ordinary.
1796 Grose's Classical Dict. Vulgar Tongue (ed. 3) at Negroes Heads Brown loaves delivered to the ships in ordinary.
1833 J. Nyren Young Cricketer's Tutor 57 I have constantly been ‘at the receipt of custom’ when any rousing match has been toward; and being now a veteran, and laid up in ordinary, I may be allowed the vanity of the quotation, ‘Quorum magna pars fui’.
1842 J. Wilson Recreations Christopher North I. 359 The Crutch is laid up in ordinary.
1863 P. Barry Dockyard Econ. 192 Dockyard ordinaries is merely another name for reserves of ships of war. When ships of war are said to be in ordinary, the meaning is that they are in one of three stages of readiness for commission and active service.
1898 J. K. Laughton in Trans. Royal Hist. Soc. 12 89In ordinary’ at that time [sc. 1805] meant being repaired, or waiting to be repaired, but certainly not fit for service.
1962 ‘C. S. Forester’ Hornblower & Hotspur i. 13 Count the ships of war—the number and rate of ships with their yards crossed; ships still in ordinary.
1988 D. A. Thomas Compan. Royal Navy iii. 266/2 This had resulted in the English ships not being fitted out..and the ships were left in ‘ordinary’—in other words, they were in reserve with all their stores taken ashore.
extracted from ordinaryn.
of (also for, in) ordinary
P1. of (also for, in) ordinary: in the ordinary course of things; as a regular custom or practice; ordinarily. Obsolete. [Compare Middle French en ordinaire in the usual manner (c1375), Middle French, French à l'ordinaire (c1375), Middle French par ordinaire (late 15th cent.), French d'ordinaire (1601), pour l'ordinaire (1666), selon l'ordinaire (1678), post-classical Latin ex ordinario in due course (c1307 in a British source).]
the world > action or operation > behaviour > customary or habitual mode of behaviour > in habitual or customary use [phrase] > usually or ordinarily
in general1526
most times1556
of (also for, in) ordinary1556
in a general way1660
in common1819
as a rule1828
1556 J. Heywood Spider & Flie lii. 17 Spiders of ordinarie haue store Of all municion, for warrs redie rated.
1589 G. Puttenham Arte Eng. Poesie iii. xviii. 160 In his Oration which ye know is of ordinary to be made before the Prince at the first assembly of both houses.
1762 Ld. Kames Elements Crit. I. ii. 83 May we not with equal reason derive from self-love the affection a man for ordinary has to them [sc. children]?
1808 T. Jefferson Writings (1830) IV. 112 We shall man them, in ordinary, but with their navigating crew of eight or ten good seamen.
a1860 J. Younger Autobiogr. (1881) 100 Your auld creeshy weaver breeks, that ye dicht aye ye're fingers on in ordinary.
1895 T. Hardy Jude vi. v, in Wks. (1896) VIII. 459 Unlike a woman in ordinary, whose eye is so keen for material things, Sue seemed to see nothing of the room they were in.
extracted from ordinaryn.
in ordinary
P2. in ordinary: in an official capacity. Chiefly used (now usually hyphenated) as postmodifier in official titles such as chaplain-in-ordinary, physician-in-ordinary (to the nobility, royalty, etc.); = ordinary adj. 2b. Also in extended use. [Apparently an expansion of ordinary adj. 2b, and like it opposed to extraordinary adj. 2. With chaplain-in-ordinary compare:
a1553 King Edward VI Jrnl. ann. 1551 in Lit. Remains (1857) II. 376 It was apointed I shuld have 6 chapelins ordinary, of wich tow ever to be present, and foure alwayes absent in preaching.
society > authority > office > holder of office > [phrase] > regular or fully recognized
in ordinary1621
society > occupation and work > worker > workers according to conditions > [adjective] > in (regular) employment > belonging to staff
in ordinary1621
1621 M. Wroth Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania 476 I came again, hauing liberty to behold them, but neuer any more to serue in ordinary.
a1631 J. Donne Poems (1633) 53 Favorite in Ordinary, or no favorite bee.
a1639 H. Wotton View Life & Death Duke of Buckingham in Reliquiæ Wottonianæ (1651) 78 There is conveyed to Master Villiers an intimation of the Kings pleasure..to be..his Cup-bearer at large; and the Summer following he was admitted in Ordinary.
1655 I. Walton Compl. Angler (ed. 2) i. 11 Therefore I think my Eagle is so justly stiled, Joves faithful servant in Ordinary.
1707 J. Chamberlayne Angliæ Notitia (ed. 22) iii. 550 (List of Queen's Officers and Servants) Physicians in Ordinary to her Majesty's Person.
1728 Chamberlayne's Magnæ Britanniæ Notitia (ed. 29) ii. Gen. List 264 The Establishment of Her Majesty's Houshold... Ladies of the Bed-Chamber in Ordinary..Ladies of the Bed-Chamber Extraordinary.
1785 F. Pilon Barataria ii. 32 But, my Lord, so many of your predecessors having been poison'd by the cooks, the Duke has appointed a physician in ordinary to inspect and determine what is proper or noxious to the constitution.
1815 R. Heber Let. 12 Feb. in A. Heber Life R. Heber (1830) I. xiii. 427 One Zedekiah, a Jew and magician in ordinary to Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia,..swallowed the court-jester..all save his shoes.
1858 W. M. Thackeray Virginians I. xlvi. 362 May my cursed fortunes, too, better themselves, is the prayer of Your honour's afflicted Chaplain in Ordinary, J. S.
1895 Econ. Jrnl. 5 8 In 1752 he became Physician in Ordinary to the King.
1934 Burlington Mag. Oct. 182/2 In this very year, January 1431, the King's painter to Charles IX of France was Henry Mellein, and his painter-in-ordinary was Conrad de Vulcop.
1997 Church Times 31 Jan. 6/5 In 1974 he was made a Lieutenant of the Victorian Order—the personal gift of the Queen, to whom he was Priest-in-Ordinary for seven years.
extracted from ordinaryn.
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