

单词 in hand with

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in hand (also hands) with
(d) in hand (also hands) with: occupied or engaged with, dealing with; engaged in combat with; (also) in conference with, endeavouring to persuade; (Scottish) in a state of courtship with. in hand to (do something): occupied in (doing it). Obsolete.Earliest in to go in hand with: see Phrases 2h(a).
the mind > language > speech > conversation > [adverb] > in conversation with
in hand (also hands) withc1450
in language with?c1450
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 81 (MED) Þis husband..baldlie went in hand with his pater noster & sayde it.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) II. 714 I shall never be at ease in my harte tyll I be in handis wyth them.
1509 A. Barclay Brant's Shyp of Folys (Pynson) f. cxxxix Another with Grece and Cesyll is in honde.
1515 Duke of Suffolk in Lett. & Papers Foreign & Domest. Henry VIII (1864) II. i. 26 The Queen was in hand with me the first day I [came], and said she must be short with me.
1539 Bible (Great) Psalms lvi. 2 Myne enemyes are daylye in hande to swalow me vp.
1604 King James VI & I Counterblaste to Tobacco sig. Dv Is it not a great vanitie, that a man cannot heartily welcome his friend now, but straight they must bee in hand with Tobacco?
1633 Bp. J. Hall Plaine Explic. Hard Texts i. 598 Zerubbabel, who is now in hand to build the Temple.
?1635 W. Laud Wks. (1860) VII. 116 For the Statutes, I am in hand with them.
1641 Diurnall Occurr. 3 Nov. 1640–3 Nov. 1641 18 It is feared many others [sc. soldiers] will depart voluntarily, unlesse a speedy course be taken. For which purpose a select Committee is chosen, and is in hand with it.
1776 London Mag. Jan. 23/2 Some buildings he was in hand with.
1825 J. Jamieson Etymol. Dict. Sc. Lang. Suppl. (at cited word) He's in hands wi' Jean.
1883 R. H. Stoddard in W. J. Linton & R. H. Stoddard Eng. Verse: Chaucer to Burns Introd. p. xxxv He was in hand with a translation of the Psalms when God called him to sing Psalms with the angels.
extracted from handn.
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