

单词 imaginary


Brit. /ᵻˈmadʒᵻn(ə)ri/, /ᵻˈmadʒn̩(ə)ri/, U.S. /ᵻˈmædʒəˌnɛri/
Forms: late Middle English ymagynarie, late Middle English–1500s ymaginarie, late Middle English–1500s ymaginary, late Middle English–1500s ymagynary, 1500s imaginarye, 1500s–1600s imaginarie, 1500s– imaginary, 1600s immaginarie.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin imāginārius.
Etymology: < classical Latin imāginārius consisting of a mere semblance, unreal, (in legal use) fictitious, pretended, in post-classical Latin also concerning images or pictures (early 4th cent.), of the imagination, imaginative (from 12th cent. in British sources), (as noun) standard-bearer (4th cent.) < imāgin- , imāgo image n. + -ārius -ary suffix1. Compare Anglo-Norman ymaginere, Anglo-Norman and Middle French imaginaire, and Middle French ymaginaire (French imaginaire) imaginable, thinkable (13th cent. or earlier in Anglo-Norman), existing only in imagination or fancy, not real or actual (1451), designating a quantity or number that can be expressed in terms of the square root of a negative quantity (1637). Compare also Spanish imaginario (late 15th cent.), Portuguese imaginário (1537), Italian immaginario (1354), all in sense ‘existing only in imagination or fancy, not real or actual’.With use as noun in sense B. 1 compare Anglo-Norman and Middle French imaginaire standard-bearer (1272 in Anglo-Norman; also in Middle French in sense ‘seer’ (1372)). With use as noun compare also post-classical Latin imaginarium (neuter) faculty of imagination (12th cent. in a British source).
A. adj.
a. Existing only in imagination or fancy; having no real existence; not real or actual. Formerly also: existing only as spirit, not corporeal (obsolete). Also as n. (with the). imaginary museum spec. = musée imaginaire n.
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of imagination > mental image, idea, or fancy > [adjective] > only in imagination or unreal
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of imagination > mental image, idea, or fancy > realm of imagination > [noun] > imaginary place > museum
imaginary museum1821
a1425 (c1395) Bible (Wycliffite, L.V.) (Royal) Apoc. Prol. 639 Sum visioun is bodili..sum is spiritual, or ymaginarie, as whanne we seen slepinge, or ellis wakinge we biholden the ymagis of thingis, bi whiche sum other thing is signefied.
?1510 T. More tr. G. Pico della Mirandola in tr. G. F. Pico della Mirandola Lyfe I. Picus sig. e.i How short how vncertain how shadow like fals ymaginary hit is.
1534 W. Marshall tr. Erasmus Playne & Godly Expos. Commune Crede f. 71v Those men, that geue vnto Christe an imaginarye and phantasticall body.
1593 W. Shakespeare Venus & Adonis sig. Ev Now is she in the verie lists of loue, Her champion mounted for the hot incounter, All is imaginarie she doth proue. View more context for this quotation
1605 H. Wotton Let. in L. P. Smith Life & Lett. Sir H. Wotton (1907) I. 329 Whether I shall..let them vanish like other imaginary bodies of the Devil.
1651 T. Hobbes Leviathan iii. xxxiv. 210 The word Ghosts, which signifieth..the Imaginary inhabitants of mans brain.
1676 R. Williams George Fox Digg'd out of his Burrowes 182 This true Lord Jesus Christ the Quakers turn into a meer Fiction, Dream, or Imaginary Christ in the mind of a man, or Woman.
1709 Lady M. W. Montagu Let. 21 Aug. (1965) I. 10 After giving me imaginary wit and beauty, you give me imaginary passions, and you tell me I'm in love.
1726 J. Swift Gulliver II. iv. vi. 88 Besides real Diseases, we are subject to many that are only imaginary, for which the Physicians have invented imaginary Cures.
1792 W. Cowper Let. 29 July (1984) IV. 160 You may think that there is much of the Imaginary in it.
1809 W. Irving Hist. N.Y. I. iv. v. 245 We are naturally..avaricious after imaginary causes of lamentation.
1821 Classical Jrnl. 58 332 The shepherd, the ploughman, the little children..would soon abundantly furnish the galleries and cabinets of our imaginary Museum.
1883 J. A. Froude Short Stud. IV. iii. 265 Rich men could not easily abandon substantial enjoyments in pursuit of so imaginary an object.
1894 Pedagogical Seminary Oct. 184 Katharine has a second imaginary friend, ‘Maggie’.., whom she talks about wholly in a humorous fashion and whose existence she regards as a transparent joke.
1963 Times Lit. Suppl. 23 Aug. 642/5 Mr. Skelton's readers are given hardly any notion of the imaginary museums in which poets roam and of which they too must be habitués if they are to appreciate poems more than superficially.
1985 D. Crimp in H. Foster Postmod. Culture 51 So long as photography was merely a vehicle by which art objects entered the imaginary museum, a certain coherence obtained.
2007 Wall St. Jrnl. 14 Aug. a4/3 Forty of the 425 civilian officials in fact were ghosts: dead or imaginary bureaucrats whose salaries were being funneled to someone else.
b. Of a line, circle, etc.: that is assumed or inferred as passing through or between certain points, but which otherwise has no real existence.
1541 T. Elyot Image of Gouernance xxii. f. 41 And in that portion that belonged to Geometry and Astronomy, were about the walles great cartes and tables, contayning sundry..reuolutions of planettes, spheres and imaginary cerkles.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World II. 397 If a woman make three imaginary circles round about them [etc.].
1726 N. B. Farrier's & Horseman's Dict. 52/2 The Banquet Line is an imaginary Line, which Bit-makers in forging a Bit draw along the Banquet.
1806 Aberdeen Jrnl. 10 Dec. 2/3 A tract of country which has been the Theatre of War, bounded on one side by an imaginary line, reaching from Frankfort to Denmark.
1875 T. H. Huxley in Encycl. Brit. III. 754/2 This imaginary line..would be found to divide the breeding-range of a few [species of birds].
1954 L. Fermi Atoms in Family vi. 68 ‘It's the line that divides the North from the South,’ Enrico explained. ‘What sort of line? An imaginary line? A physical line?’ I asked.
2004 J. G. Bennett Design Fund. New Media iv. 78 A leaning object, the direction of a shadow, or even the use of positive and negative space can all be used to create an imaginary line.
c. Mathematics. Designating a quantity that can be expressed in terms of the square root of a negative quantity, usually √−1 (represented by i or j); of or relating to such quantities or numbers. Cf. complex adj. 2d. imaginary number n. a complex number; spec. one which is purely imaginary, having a real component equal to zero. N.E.D (1899) notes: ‘Imaginary numbers are sometimes called impossible numbers.’ Cf. impossible adj. 2.
the world > relative properties > number > mathematical number or quantity > [adjective] > prime > imaginary
1670 I. Newton Let. 11 July in Corr. (1959) I. 30 Ye extraction of cubick roots out of imaginary binomiums.
1706 W. Jones Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos 127 The Original Components or Roots of all Equations, may be either Affirmative, Negative, Mix'd, or Imaginary.
1730 Philos. Trans. 1729–30 (Royal Soc.) 36 59 Some Observations on Equations which I take to be new, and which will, perhaps, be more acceptable to you than what relates to the imaginary Roots.
1798 Crit. Rev. June 147 Consequently the square root of the imaginary number 2√−1 would be 2.
1841 J. R. Young Math Diss. i. 30 Expressions which in their common algebraic character denote imaginary or impossible quantities.
1936 R. S. Glasgow Princ. Radio Engin. i. 11 In this position the vector now extends to the left of the origin in a negative direction..so that j = √−1..which is mathematically an imaginary number. For this reason the vertical component of a vector is frequently termed the ‘imaginary component.’.
2004 M. Potter Set Theory & its Philos. viii. 145 Despite the terminology, modern mathematicians do not regard imaginary numbers as any less real than real numbers.
2. Relating to the imagination; imaginative. Now chiefly in translations.
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of imagination > [adjective]
a1500 (?a1425) tr. Secreta Secret. (Lamb.) 97 Vche voys yn his ordre ys al hool whenne it ys stiryd yn þe Eyre..& þat self noble spiritalte stirrys þerwith, so þat part mellys noght with part, to at þe laste it come to wyt and herynge; þanne er þey brought to-geder to a vertu ymagynary.
c1545 R. Copland tr. P. Tommai Art of Memory sig. A.iiii Yf the notable thyng be nat there, or lacke I feyn that in my ymagynation or at myne arbytre ymagynary.
1581 W. Allen Apol. Two Eng. Colleges v. f. 64v They..flee from al Councels and Fathers to their owne imaginarie sense of Scriptures, pretending to be tried onely by them, and by conferring the sense which liketh them, to the like sence of other places, conceiued alike in their owne imagination.
1609 W. Shakespeare Sonnets xxvii. sig. C2v My soules imaginary sight Presents their shadoe to my sightles view.
a1616 W. Shakespeare King John (1623) iv. ii. 266 My rage was blinde, And foule immaginarie eyes of blood Presented thee more hideous then thou art. View more context for this quotation
1677 R. Gilpin Dæmonol. Sacra ii. ii. 185 Satan had a Power..to fix upon their Imaginary Faculty, the Species, Images, or Characters of what was to be suggested.
1988 M. Idel tr. A. Abulafia in Stud. in Ecstatic Kabbalah i. 6 And from him (the inner intellectual faculty) there will be an emanation on the imaginary faculty.
2003 S. Moran & V. John-Steiner in R. K. Sawyer et al. Creativity & Devel. 74 Creative thought..starts as an imaginary sense of how things might be.
3. Of the nature of an image or representation. Obsolete.
society > communication > representation > [adjective] > of nature of or resembling a representation
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of imagination > mental image, idea, or fancy > [adjective]
1594 W. Shakespeare Lucrece sig. K3 Much imaginarie worke was there..A hand, a foote, a face, a leg, a head Stood for the whole to be imagined. View more context for this quotation
1624 Bp. F. White Replie to Iesuit Fishers Answere 231 Imaginarie representation onely, without speciall Institution, and other grounds, in the thing representing, may bee onely a motiue, and not a terminatiue obiect of Worship.
1671 A. Woodhead tr. Life St. Teresa i. xxviii. 192 This Vision, though it be Imaginary (or representing itself by way of Image to me), was never seen by me with the eyes of my Body.
4. Imaginable; that can be imagined. Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of imagination > mental image, idea, or fancy > [adjective] > capable of being imagined
1624 G. Digby Rel. Exped. Ld. Monroe 14 I humbly thank your Grace, for your noble confidence of my desires to serve you, which shall never be wanting to any command of yours with all imaginary industry.
1653 G. Ashwell Fides Apostolica 12 Clearing my way as I go, of al Imaginary rubs and obstacles.
1687 A. Lovell tr. J. de Thévenot Trav. into Levant iii. 20 All imaginary enquiry was made after them, but..there was no news to be had.
1755 E. F. Haywood Invisible Spy II. v. x. 167 He kept his promise, acknowledg'd her for his wife, had her intomb'd..in his own family vault, and paid all imaginary honours to her memory.
1798 H. M. Williams Tour Switzerland I. xiii. 194 A succession of sweeping cascades, that rush in every imaginary form down a channel.
1862 Hansard Commons 30 June 1241 It was desirable that it should be a statesman impelled by all imaginary motives to desire economy.
5. Supposed; putative. Obsolete. rare.
the mind > attention and judgement > judgement or decision > evaluation, estimation, appraisal > [adjective] > reckoned to be
a1631 J. Donne Serm. (1958) IX. 206 His imaginary Father Ioseph.
1803 G. S. Faber Diss. Myst. Cabiri I. v. 256 Sanchoniatho makes him the son of Demaroön; but..both he, and his imaginary father, are equally the scriptural Noah.
B. n.
1. In a Roman legion: an officer who carried the image of the emperor. Obsolete. rare.
a1460 Knyghthode & Bataile (Pembr. Cambr. 243) l. 769 (MED) An Egiller bar thegil, and thymage Of themperour bar an Ymaginary.
2. An imagination; a fancy; something imagined. Frequently in plural.
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of imagination > mental image, idea, or fancy > [noun]
1594 S. Daniel Delia (new ed.) xlix. sig. E1 Cease dreames, th' imaginary [1592 th'ymagery] of our day desires, To modell forth the passions of the morrow.
1612 G. Chapman in tr. Petrarch Seven Penitentiall Psalms 83 (title) To yong imaginaries in knowledge.
1710 D. Manley Mem. Europe I. iii. 272 False glittering Imaginaries.
1747 S. Richardson Clarissa I. xxxi. 201 And Cowley thus addresses Beauty as a mere imaginary.
1747 S. Richardson Clarissa II. xiii. 73 The lovers imaginaries (Her own word! Notable enough! i'n't it?) are by that time gone off.
1961 C. Bukowski Let. c15 Jan. in C. Bukowski & S. Martinelli Beerspit Night & Cursing (2001) 167 You dedicate Ern[ie] with imaginaries (some anyhow) when he is near, but distance breaks the spell.
1999 Earth Matters Summer 36/3 Such ‘imaginaries’ are crucial because they shape urban development patterns.
3. Mathematics. An imaginary quantity or expression. Cf. sense A. 1c.
the world > relative properties > number > mathematical number or quantity > [noun] > particular qualities > imaginary
1768 W. Crakelt tr. A.-R. Mauduit New & Compl. Treat. Spherical Trigonom. Contents p. xiii The Theory of Imaginaries.
1816 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 106 341 Hence we know..which last form will sometimes introduce imaginaries, that may be avoided by particular artifices.
1881 Amer. Jrnl. Math. 4 228 There may be no vector, and in that case we have the ordinary algebra of reals; or there may be only one vector, and in that case we have the ordinary algebra of imaginaries.
1935 A. H. G. Palmer & K. S. Snell Mechanics ix. 189 If k<n , the roots are conjugate imaginaries.
2007 D. J. Cohen Equations from God v. 163 Continental mathematicians had based their calculus on a number system lacking the imaginaries, and on a fundamentally unsound algebra.


iˈmaginariness n.
1647 tr. J. Böhme Way to Christ iv. 20 The Imaginarinesse that is in their own will hath set it selfe in the place thereof; and so the Imaginarinesse of selfe-lust would have the love in it.
1852 H. Melville Pierre vii. viii. 193 Pierre began to..see the mere imaginariness of the so supposed solidest principle of human association.
1955 J. Kerouac Let. 18 Jan. in Sel. Lett. 1940–56 (1995) 462 It's the sound of the imaginariness of the scene—the mind-sound of mind-stuff everywhere.
2002 Yale Law Rev. 112 44 A lie is an exercise of imagination that denies or conceals its own imaginariness.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2009; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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