

单词 in a manner

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in a manner
13. in a manner (also †in manner): in some way, in some degree, so to speak, as it were; to a considerable degree, almost entirely, very nearly. Similarly †in some good manner.
the world > relative properties > quantity > smallness of quantity, amount, or degree > small of quantity, amount, or degree [phrase] > to some (small) extent
in (also by, with) measurec1225
in mannerc1425
in some sort1556
in some (also a) measure1600
by somewhat1653
something of a(n)1711
(a) sort of, o', a, sorter1790
the world > relative properties > quantity > greatness of quantity, amount, or degree > high or intense degree > greatly or very much [phrase] > to a considerable degree
in good measurec1225
a quantityc1330
in mannerc1425
not meanly1533
in (a) great (also large, good, ample, etc.) measure1581
to some tune1692
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) iii. 2671 (MED) Whan þe twylyȝt, wiþ a pale chere, In maner morneth þe absence of þe sonne.
c1500 (?a1475) Assembly of Gods (1896) 1075 (MED) The slepyr grasse made many of hem fall, And from thense in maner depart sodeynly.
1502 tr. Ordynarye of Crysten Men (de Worde) i. iii. sig. c.ii v [They] ben uncrystened & made as in maner forsakyng theyr fayth.
1545 R. Ascham Toxophilus i. f. 6v The Persians which vnder Cyrus conquered in a maner all the worlde.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. cccxxiiiv They..found in manner [L. fere] nothing.
1584 T. Cogan Hauen of Health ccxliii. 279 There dyed in the same disease in manner within sixe dayes space..eight hundred persons.
1588 A. King tr. P. Canisius Cathechisme or Schort Instr. f. 96 The worthy fruicts of pœnance, quhair be we recompense (at the least in a mainer) the..sinnes of our former lyf.
1606 P. Holland tr. Suetonius Hist. Twelve Caesars 32 Of these murderers, there was not one in manner [L. fere] that either survived him aboue three yeares, or died of his naturall death.
1615 W. Lawson Country Housewifes Garden (1623) 12 Fruits are..desired of so many (nay, in a manner of all) and yet few will..take paines to prouide them.
1619 Sir D. Carleton in S. R. Gardiner Lett. Relations Eng. & Germany (1865) 1st Ser. 44 His busines is in some good manner prepared for him.
a1658 J. Durham Law Unsealed (1676) 110 Chance, luck, fortune, &c. are so much looked to, and in a manner deified.
1737 W. Whiston tr. Josephus Jewish War i. Pref., in tr. Josephus Genuine Wks. 689 The war..hath been the greatest..in a manner, of those that ever were heard of.
1790 E. Burke Refl. Revol. in France 148 Our education is in a manner wholly in the hands of ecclesiastics. View more context for this quotation
1838 T. Arnold Hist. Rome I. v. 74 The poorest citizens..were considered in a manner as supernumeraries.
1875 T. W. Higginson Young Folks' Hist. U.S. ix. 65 Massachusetts, being first settled, was in a manner the parent of these later colonies.
1913 W. Cather O Pioneers! v. ii. 299 She reflected that she was, in a manner, immune from evil tidings.
1953 V. Randolph & G. P. Wilson Down in Holler 170 The phrase in a manner..seems to mean nearly, virtually, or almost. ‘Them biscuit is in a manner done,’ a housewife said, ‘an' we'll have 'em on the table in a minute’.
1975 H. Nemerov Coll. Poems (1977) 499 The soul is in a manner all there is.
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