

单词 as true as god is in heaven

> as lemmas

as true as God is in heaven
(a) In various phrases invoking God or something sacred, and emphasizing that a claim, statement, etc., is absolutely correct or accurate, as as true as God is in heaven, as true as God lives, as true as the Gospel, etc.
a1450 (c1410) H. Lovelich Merlin (1932) III. l. 21086 (MED) On þyng j schal ȝow telle which is as trewe as the gospelle.
a1475 (?a1430) J. Lydgate tr. G. Deguileville Pilgrimage Life Man (Vitell.) l. 10283 (MED) I haue a certeyn ston Wherthorgh (trewe as any byble) I kan me makyn invysible.
?1518 tr. B. de Clere-Ville Copye of Let. Greatest Batayle i. Ye trees sore bront and torne asonder wt the fyre of their ordenance... I ensuere you yt this is as trewe as god is in heuen.
1554 J. Christopherson Exhort. to All Menne sig. Ovi As true as God lyueth, and as true as your grace lyueth, wheresoeuer you shall become, there wyll I your seruaunte be.
1601 A. Munday & H. Chettle Death Earle of Huntington sig. F3 Bruse Ile begin with you: I will ifaith, as true as God is true.
a1691 J. Flavel Navigation Spiritualiz'd (1698) sig. Bv As true as the Word of God is true; as sure as the Heavens are over thy head, and the Earth under thy feet.
1722 W. Sewel Hist. Quakers viii. 438 You will..grow desperate in Cruelty.., till your whole Earth is filled with Violence; and then (as true as God liveth) will the Flood come upon you.
1775 Trials R. & D. Perreau's 93 What I am going to say, is as true as God is in Heaven.
1832 Sc. Jests & Anecd. 41 Sir, it's as true as the Gospel; ye ken yoursell, the last crop wasna aff the ground till Januar, this blessed year.
1862 Chambers's Jrnl. 11 Oct. 236/1 It is a mystery how I became rich; but, as true as God lives, I will tell you all about it.
1934 Boys' Life Dec. 43/3 ‘It's ambergris!..It's worth more than its own weight in gold! Isn't that true, Captain Dan?’ ‘True as the Bible, boy!’
2004 H. Strachan Make a Skyf, Man! xix. 224 A big sod called Wilberforce Mdwayi, whom as true as God's my father, I've never seen in my life before.
extracted from trueadj.n.adv.int.
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