

单词 ice-table

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a. Composed or consisting of ice, as ice-bay, ice-dust, ice-hump, ice-ocean, ice-precipice, ice-shoal, ice-table, etc.
eOE Metres of Boethius (2009) xxviii. 63 Wlitetorh [perh. read Wlitetorht] scineð sunna swegle hat; sona gecerreð ismere ænlic on his agen gecynd, weorðeð to wætre.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Othello (1622) v. ii. 260 It is a sword of Spaine, the Ise brookes temper.
1619 J. Chambers Let. 16 June in S. Purchas Pilgrimes (1625) III. 734 We were put ashore in the Ice Bay.
1652 E. Benlowes Theophila 242 Periwig'd with Snow's each bald-pate Wood, Bound in Ice-Chains each strugling Hood.
1744 (title) An account of the glacieres or ice alps in Savoy.
1818 Blackwood's Mag. Jan. 366/2 What more impressive or affecting scenes could be borrowed from the pages of history, than..the sufferings of the forty-two Englishmen on the ice-shoals?
1856 E. K. Kane Arctic Explor. I. vii. 71 We could see the strait growing still narrower, and the heavy ice-tables grinding up.
1860 J. Tyndall Glaciers of Alps i. xi. 84 Breathing more freely after we had cleared the ice-precipice.
1897 Edinb. Rev. Oct. 325 Among the ice-hummocks off the southern shore of Franz Josef Land.
1910 W. de la Mare Three Mulla-mulgars 67 Floating like a cork among the ice-humps.
1953 W. M. Miller in Astounding Sci. Fiction Feb. 102/2 A soft sift of ice-dust obscured the stars.
1997 Harper's Mag. Mar. 34/2 I delight in the spare landscape out the plane window—ice oceans and ice mountains and clouds full of ice.
2000 Shetland Life Apr. Large ice lumps were coming down on them before a strong gale, and within minutes they were nipped in.
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