

单词 as much

> as lemmas

as much
b. as much.
(a) See much pron. and n. 2a.
(b) The same; what practically amounts to that, all that; esp. in I thought as much.
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Franklin's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 310 This is as muche to seye as it was nyght.
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. viii. 112 Is it not asmuch to say, as that the example of the Arke had imboldened them to venture vpon the Sea?
1615 W. Bedwell tr. Mohammedis Imposturæ ii. §65 I have heard as much, and all thou hast said is true.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 2 (1623) ii. i. 15 Glost. My Lord, 'tis but a base ignoble minde, That mounts no higher then a Bird can sore. Card. I thought as much, hee would be aboue the Clouds. View more context for this quotation
1713 J. Barker Love Intrigues 68 Though all this came from an unknown Hand, no Question but he believ'd it came from me; and by his Behaviour I concluded as much, for he always avoided my Presence.
1778 F. Burney Evelina I. xxi. 150 ‘Only see, here's Miss!’ cried the brother. ‘Well, I declare I thought as much!’
1794 R. B. Sheridan Duenna (new ed.) iii. 63 Efecks, father, I shou'd have guess'd as much.
1856 E. B. Browning Aurora Leigh v. 226 If the Iliad fell out..By mere fortuitous concourse of old songs, We'll guess as much, too, for the universe.
1873 W. Black Princess of Thule xxi. 341 The old woman apparently anticipated as much.
1951 ‘J. Tey’ Daughter of Time ix. 121 ‘He's away off the beam. Away off.’ ‘I suspected as much. Let us have the facts.’
1996 C. Bateman Of Wee Sweetie Mice & Men xvii. 135 ‘I don't know where that kind of attitude gets you at home, but it's liable to get you into trouble here.’ ‘No, well, it kind of gets me in trouble at home as well.’ ‘I thought as much.’
extracted from asadv.conj.
as much
4. Modified by adverbs of degree, as as much, how much, that much, too much, expressing quantity in the abstract, without the necessary implication of a large quantity. so much: see so adv. and conj. 39. this much: see this adv. Phrases. thus much: see thus adv. 3. Cf. senses B. 2, C. 2a.For idiomatic uses of these expressions, see the first element.
c1225 (?c1200) Hali Meiðhad (Bodl.) (1940) 399 (MED) Wa is him..þet is wið to muche luue to ei eorðlich þing iteiet.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) 1362 (MED) Þanne told þei hire..at how miche meschef here men were formest.
c1443 R. Pecock Reule of Crysten Religioun (1927) 385 (MED) Þer may no stable reule be ȝouun and assigned to telle hou myche tyme precisely ouȝte be spende aboute oon kynde of þese meenal servicis.
1552 R. Record Ground of Artes (rev. ed.) ii. sig. Z.vi [Archimedes] putting the croune..into the vessell of water brymfull..marked howe muche water dyd run out.
1681 J. Scott Christian Life: Pt. I iv. 367 Too much whifling up and down in the little levities of Fancy.
1780 J. T. Dillon Trav. Spain i. xxiii. 216 After they had, in a manner deflowered the mine, and got as much ore as they could easily extract.
1903 Mission Field May 17 Over as much space as possible.
1956 S. Parker Drawings & Dimensions vii. 52 How much force may be used when gauging?
1977 Early Music 5 482/1 It would be over-fastidious to continue discussing the rest of the lai in even that much detail.
extracted from muchadj.adv.pron.n.
as much
2. Modified by adverbs of degree, as as much, how much, that much, too much, expressing degree in the abstract, without the necessary implication of a high degree. so much: see so adv. and conj. 39. this much: see this adv. Phrases. thus much: see thus adv. 3. Cf. senses A. 4, C. 2a.For idiomatic uses of these expressions, see the first element.
c1300 (c1250) Floris & Blauncheflur (Cambr.) (1966) l. 372 He wille..Honure þe so muche so he may.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 4853 Þanne viȝteþ hii aȝen vs as moche as is hor miȝte.
1598 R. Haydocke tr. G. P. Lomazzo Tracte Artes Paintinge ii. 13 To obserue, how much any one humor aboundeth in the body.
1713 J. Swift Jrnl. to Stella 22 Feb. (1948) II. 625 Miss is recovering [from smallpox], I know not how much she will be marked.
1748 S. Richardson Clarissa VI. i. 5 Thy strong-muscled bony face was as much admired by thy mother, as if it had been the face of a Lovelace.
1854 E. Ronalds & T. Richardson Knapp's Chem. Technol. (ed. 2) I. 292 The short pipes v are consequently allowed to project about that much above the level of the plate, while their lower extremities dip into shallow cups which remain filled with liquid.
1989 Blitz Jan. 98/1 How much are your films about you?
extracted from muchadj.adv.pron.n.
as much
a. In noun phrases expressing quantity in the abstract (without the necessary implication of a large quantity), formed from adverbially modified uses of the adjective, as as much, how much, that much, too much. so much: see so adv. and conj. 39. this much: see this adv. Phrases. thus much: see thus adv. 3. Cf. senses A. 2b, B. 2.For idiomatic uses of these expressions, see the first element.
the world > relative properties > quantity > [phrase] > as much (as)
as muchc1300
as well asc1300
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 2342 (MED) Þere was..of wyn..Rith al so mik and gret plente So it were water of þe se.
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 190 (MED) He clepede his spendere and him acsede hou moche he hedde y-yeue to þe kniȝte.
c1390 (a1376) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Vernon) (1867) A. iii. 140 Heo may as muche do In a Mooneþ ones, As [ȝoure] secre seal In Seuen score dayes.
1582 Bible (Rheims) Luke xix. 15 How much every man had gained by occupying.
1583 P. Stubbes Second Pt. Anat. Abuses sig. D6v That such a thing cost them so much, & so much, and it is woorth this much, and that much.
1797 Encycl. Brit. I. 276/1 One sward-cutter will cut as much in one day as six ploughs will plough.
1889 Q. Jrnl. Econ. 4 24 Mixed agriculture, properly directed, returns to the soil as much as it takes therefrom.
1988 A. Lurie Truth about Lorin Jones vi. 105 People don't mean that much to Laura.
1995 Accountancy Nov. 72/2 For instance, we could compare how much it costs to process a client in different parts of the business.
extracted from muchadj.adv.pron.n.
as lemmas




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