

单词 how goes it?

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how goes it?
(a) colloquial. how goes it?: used to ask how something is proceeding, or to ask a person how he or she is getting on. Also used as a greeting: ‘how are you doing?’, ‘how's life?’. Cf. how's it going? at Phrases 2h(b), sense 4a.
a1592 R. Greene Frier Bacon (1594) sig. Hv How goes it sirs.
1611 H. Barrow Platform sig. A2v And how goes it with religion?
1654 Trag. Alphonsus iv. sig. G2v How goes it with the Palsgrave of the Rhein?
1764 T. Reid Let. 14 Nov. in Wks. (1846) I. 40/2 After I have given you so full an account of my own state, spiritual and temporal, how goes it with you?
1786 tr. F. de Tott Mem. I. ii. 24 How goes it, my friend, how goes it?
1841 Fraser's Mag. 23 16 ‘How goes it, Joe?’ ‘Pretty well, as times go.’
1898 J. Conrad Tales of Unrest 138 How goes it, you old image?
1927 H. T. Lowe-Porter tr. T. Mann Magic Mountain (1999) vii. 614 ‘How goes it, my son?’ ‘Topping, thanks.’
1952 K. Burke Let. 2 Aug. in Sel. Corr. K. Burke & M. Cowley (1988) 306 How goes it with your ailment?
2009 D. Eggers in New Yorker 24 Aug. 62/1 This was one of Gary's typical questions: Another day, huh? How goes it? No play for the playa, right?
extracted from gov.
how goes it?
a. In what condition or state? how are you?: (in quot. 1918) used ironically in sense ‘indeed!’ how do you do? (formerly how do you?): common phrases used in inquiring as to a person's health. See also how-do-ye phr. and n., how-do-you-do phr. and n. Also, how goes it? = how-do-you-do phr. and n. 1; how's (or how are) things (or, originally Australia and New Zealand, tricks?); how do?: = how-do-you-do phr. and n.
the world > existence and causation > existence > state or condition > [adverb] > how or in what condition or state
the world > action or operation > behaviour > good behaviour > courtesy > courteous act or expression > courteous formulae [phrase] > terms of greeting
God give you good dayc1275
hail be thou (also ye)c1275
pax vobisc1275
how do ye?1570
(good, fair) time of day (to you)1597
how goes it?1598
I salute youa1616
how do you find yourself?a1646
how do?1886
how are you popping (up)?1894
how's (less frequently how are) tricks?1915
how's (or how are) things (or, originally Australia and New Zealand, tricks?)1926
how's life?1931
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > absence of doubt, confidence > assured fact, certainty > making certain, assurance > of course, certainly [phrase]
to iwissea1000
mid iwissea1000
in wisc1000
to wis(se)c1000
without(en (any) weenc1175
sans fail1297
thereof no strife1297
but werea1300
forouten werea1300
out of werea1300
without werea1300
without deceit1303
for certainc1320
it is to wittingc1320
withouten carec1320
without nayc1330
without noc1330
without (but out of) dread1340
no doubtc1380
without distancec1390
no fresea1400
out of doubta1400
without doubta1400
for, (in, at obs.), of, to (a) certaintyc1400
withouten stance14..
hazel woods shakea1413
of, on, in warrantisec1440
sure enough?1440
without question?1440
wythout diswerec1440
without any dispayrec1470
for (also of) a surety?a1475
in (also for) surenessa1475
of certainc1485
without any (also all) naya1500
out of question?1526
past question?1526
for sure1534
what else1540
beyond (also out of, past, without) (all) peradventure1542
to be a bidden by1549
out of (also without) all cry1565
with a witness1579
upon my word1591
no question1594
out of all suspicion1600
for a certain1608
without scruple1612
to be sure1615
that's pos1710
in course1722
beyond (all) question1817
(and) no mistake1818
no two ways about it (also that)1818
of course1823
bien entendu1844
you bet you1857
make no mistake1876
sans doute1890
how are you?1918
you bet your bippy1968
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 20089 ‘Alas! alas! alas!’ said sco, ‘How mai i live, how mai i be!’
1480 Table Prouffytable Lernynge (Caxton) (1964) 4 What do ye? how is it with you?
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. viii. 81 How do thay in Gessen, The Iues, can ye me say?
1583 C. Hollyband Campo di Fior 35 How doest thou my heart?
1594 W. Shakespeare Venus & Adonis (new ed.) sig. Cij How doth she now for wits?
1598 J. Florio Worlde of Wordes How now? how goes it? go to, it is well.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Measure for Measure (1623) ii. ii. 77 How would you be, If he..should But iudge you, as you are? View more context for this quotation
1764 T. Reid Let. in Wks. I. 40/2 After I have given you so full an account of my own state, spiritual and temporal, how goes it with you?
1799 R. B. Sheridan Pizarro Prol. 4 Nodding to booted beaux—‘How'do, how'do?’
a1822 P. B. Shelley Magn. Lady v How feel you now?
1836 C. Dickens Pickwick Papers (1837) vii. 67 Several dozen of ‘How-are-you's?’ hailed the old gentleman's arrival.
1847 F. Marryat Children of New Forest I. xi. 190 Well, master Andrew, how fare you?
1847 W. M. Thackeray Vanity Fair (1848) xiv. 123 How's little Miss Sharp?
1850 Ld. Tennyson In Memoriam iv. 4 O heart, how fares it with thee now. View more context for this quotation
1886 H. Baumann Londinismen 79/2 How-do, how d'you do?
1892 I. Zangwill Children of Ghetto I. 147 ‘Well, how goes it, Reb Moshé?’ said Reb Shemuel with his cheery smile.
1918 J. Joyce Exiles i. 2 Beatrice. Did he practise the piano while I was away? Brigid. Practise, how are you!
1926 K. S. Prichard Working Bullocks viii. 86 They halloed and yelled to him: ‘H'lo, Red!’ ‘How's things?’
1928 H. Crane Let. 27 Mar. (1965) 321 How goes it with your translations..?
a1930 D. H. Lawrence Mod. Lover (1934) 192 Hello, you two. How's things?
1934 Passing Show 27 Jan. 5/4 Hey, Morrison, old socks. How's things?
1939 C. Belton Outside Law in N.Z. xxv. 129 ‘Hallo. How are things?’ I greeted him.
1940 H. G. Wells Babes in Darkling Wood i. iv. 90How do, Father?’ said Gemini.
1941 Coast to Coast 195 ‘G'day,’ he said. ‘How's tricks?’
1949 D. M. Davin Roads from Home i. iii. 49 How's things?.. How's tricks with you?
1971 B. Malamud Tenants 149 ‘I won't be coming around to say howdo this Friday, Irene,’ Bill said tonelessly.
1973 L. Meynell Thirteen Trumpeters xiv. 211How's tricks?’ he enquired. ‘I'm fine. I slept like a top.’
extracted from howadv.n.3
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