

单词 hogshead


Brit. /ˈhɒɡzhɛd/, U.S. /ˈhɔɡzˌ(h)ɛd/, /ˈhɑɡzˌ(h)ɛd/

α. Middle English hoggeshede, Middle English hoggesheudes, Middle English hoggesheved, Middle English hoggishede, Middle English hoggyssehed, Middle English hoogeshed, Middle English–1500s hoggeshed, Middle English–1500s hoggesheed, Middle English–1500s hoggisheed, Middle English–1500s hogyshed, Middle English–1600s hogeshed, late Middle English hagyshed, late Middle English hogeyshed, late Middle English hoggesyde, late Middle English hokkeshed, late Middle English– hogshead, 1500s hocsed, 1500s hocshed, 1500s hogeshedd, 1500s hogeshede, 1500s hoggeshad, 1500s hoggesheadde, 1500s hoggesheade, 1500s hoggeshedd, 1500s hoggished, 1500s hoggsed, 1500s hoggshed, 1500s hoggshedd, 1500s hogsed, 1500s hogsheadde, 1500s hogshedde, 1500s hogsheed, 1500s hoshedys (plural, probably transmission error), 1500s hugshead, 1500s oggished, 1500s–1600s hoggeshead, 1500s–1600s hoggshead, 1500s–1600s hogsheade, 1500s–1600s hogshed, 1600s hodgshead (North American), 1600s hogeshead, 1600s hog'sheade, 1600s hogshede, 1700s hogside, 1800s hogset, 1800s hog's-head; also Scottish pre-1700 hogsheid, pre-1700 hoigsheid; U.S. regional 1800s hockset, 1800s hoghset, 1800s hoxhead, 1800s– hogset, 1800s– hogsit, 1900s– hogsid, 1900s– hogzit.

β. late Middle English hoggett (northern), 1500s hogehedde, 1500s hogghed, 1500s hoghed, 1600s hoggehead, 1600s hogghead, 1600s hogheade, 1600s– hoghead, 1800s hoggart (Irish English (northern)), 1800s hoggat (Irish English (northern)), 1800s hoghet (U.S. regional), 1900s– hogget (Irish English (northern)); also Scottish pre-1700 hodghead, pre-1700 hodgheit, pre-1700 hogeit, pre-1700 hoggat, pre-1700 hogged, pre-1700 hoggeid, pre-1700 hoggeit, pre-1700 hoggert, pre-1700 hoggitt, pre-1700 hoghed, pre-1700 hogheid, pre-1700 hogheidd, pre-1700 hogheit, pre-1700 hoghud, pre-1700 hogit, pre-1700 hogith, pre-1700 huggut, pre-1700 1700s hodgehead, pre-1700 1800s hogget, pre-1700 1800s hugget, 1700s hodget, 1800s hoggit, 1800s hogyet, 1800s huggit.

Also represented by the abbreviation hhd.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: hog n.1, head n.1
Etymology: In α. forms < the genitive of hog n.1 + head n.1 In β. forms < hog n.1 + head n.1 The reason for the name in sense 1 is uncertain; perhaps on account of the shape of the cask.Compare ( < English) Anglo-Norman hoggeshed , hoggeshede , hogeshed . Borrowings ultimately from the English word (either as loanword or loan blend) are also found in a number of other Germanic languages, denoting the cask or the unit of measure or both. Compare (in some cases apparently with assimilation to cognates of ox n., although not in the cases of Dutch or Middle Low German, unless via another Germanic language) Middle Dutch oxhoet (Dutch okshoofd), Middle Low German huckeshȫvet, German Oxhoft, Danish oksehoved, Swedish oxhuvud.
1. A large cask, esp. for storing liquids; spec. one of a definite capacity, varying according to the commodity held. Also figurative.
the world > food and drink > drink > containers for drink > [noun] > large for liquor
quarter pipe?1763
society > occupation and work > equipment > receptacle or container > vessel > barrel or cask > [noun] > for liquids > of specific size
1390 in L. T. Smith Exped. Prussia & Holy Land Earl Derby (1894) 23 Clerico panetrie per manus Fyssher pro ij barellis et j hoogeshed vacuis per ipsum pro floure imponendo xviij d.
1392 in L. T. Smith Exped. Prussia & Holy Land Earl Derby (1894) 156 Diuersis hominibus de Linne pro xiiij doliis vacantibus, ij pipes, v hoggeshedes..dolium ad ij s. ij d., pipa ad xx d., hoggeshedz ad xij d.
1423–4 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Oct. 1423 §53. m. 30 Tonnes, pipes, tertians, hoggeshedes of wyn of Gascoign..shulden be of certein mesure..the terciane .iijxxiij. galons, the hoggeshede .iiijxxiiij. galons.
c1475 Gregory's Chron. in J. Gairdner Hist. Coll. Citizen London (1876) 207 They fulle ungoodely smote owte the heddys of the pypys and hoggys hedys of wyne, that men wente wete-schode in wyne.
1526 in Coll. Ordinances Royal Househ. (1790) 234 That noe Hoggesheads be meddled with by the Trayhor untill that the said Groome-Grobber hath perused the same.
1578 in 10th Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS (1885) App. v. 428 Marchauntes shall not..marke any signe or signes upon anye pipe, bout, or hogsed.
1626 J. Smith Accidence Young Sea-men 5 The Cowper is to..repaire the..hogsheads, etc. for wine, beere, syder, beverage, fresh water.
1674 A. Cremer tr. J. Scheffer Hist. Lapland x. 44 A garland..about as big as the hoop of an hogshead.
1706 Phillips's New World of Words (new ed.) (at cited word) In Fortification Hogsheads fill'd with Earth serve to make Breast-works, to cover the Men.
1781 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall III. lxviii. 716 Innumerable fascines, and hogsheads, and trunks of trees, were heaped on each other.
1808 J. Quincy Speech 7 Dec. in Deb. Congr. U.S. (1853) 766 This species of party insinuation was a mighty engine..on an election day, played off from the top of a stump, or the top of a hogshead, while the gin circulated.
1850 Bentley's Misc. 28 338 His humour is as rotund as his person, and his person is a hogshead of wit and mirth.
1858 P. L. Simmonds Dict. Trade Products 194/2 The hogshead is at present a large cask used for transporting various articles; for sugar ranging from 14 to 18 cwt. in weight.
1868 E. Edwards Life Sir W. Ralegh I. vi. 97 Some of his trees were excellently fitted to make hogsheads.
1898 Argosy June 416 Two of the Tories approached the place where she stood, rolling a large hogshead before them.
1928 L. Stockett Baltimore ii. 38 A pin was fastened to each end of the hogshead and shafts attached.
1962 ‘C. S. Forester’ Hornblower & Hotspur xiv. 194 Every cask and hogshead brim full.
1989 C. R. Wilson & W. Ferris Encycl. Southern Culture 66/2 [The tobacco] was taken down and pressed into enormous barrels, or hogsheads, for sale and shipping.
2006 Sunday Times (Nexis) 24 Sept. 11 The Wholesale Tea Warehouse was a big, dingy sort of cellar above ground, full of hogsheads, casks, sugar loaves, bottles and boxes.
β. 1490 in J. Robertson & C. Innes Munimenta Univ. Glasguensis (1854) II. 256 Ane hoghed and twa barrellis.1545–6 Raconyng Voy. Eyeslond in Mariner's Mirror (1939) 25 173 Itm. for a hoghed ij barrel caske.1577 in Glasgow Burgh Rec. (1832) 88 To ressave..ten hogheids, blawin and ticht, and to paye..twa schillingis for þe grathing of ilk ane þairof.1644 Z. Boyd Garden of Zion II. 166 Which..Blowes up the bung, or doth the Hodghead rent.1687 A. Wood Life & Times (1894) III. 228 The conduit..had a hoghead or vessell of clarret in it.1728 Glasgow Test. L. 99 in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue at Hoghed Ane old hodget.1830 J. Wilson Noctes Ambrosianae xlviii, in Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Apr. 692 Up till, moderately speaking, the girth o' a hoghead.1846 Commerc. Rev. South & West Nov. 334 It was taken out and placed in hogheads in the draining room or purgery.1987 E. Newby Round Ireland in Low Gear (1988) xii. 215 Someone would be waiting to catch the extra pints in..a particular sort of sweet tin for a firkin (a barrel holding 9 imperial gallons) or a certain sort of biscuit tin for a 54-gallon hoghead.2004 Advertiser (Adelaide) (Nexis) 24 Nov. f7 The 1970s saw..the first small oak maturation, in hogheads.
2. A quantity sufficient to fill a hogshead; a measure equivalent to the capacity of a hogshead, varying over time and according to locality and commodity. Abbreviated hhd.
a. Of liquids.A hogshead of wine was originally fixed at 63 wine gallons (see quot. 1423-4 at sense 1α. ), and is now fixed at 52½ imperial gallons (approx. 238.67 litres), or 63 US gallons (approx. 238.48 litres). A hogshead of beer is fixed at 54 imperial gallons (approx. 245.49 litres or 64.85 US gallons).
the world > relative properties > measurement > the scientific measurement of volume > measure(s) of capacity > [noun] > liquid measure of capacity > specific units of liquid measure > barrel or cask as unit
ton mascull1432
1427–8 in J. A. Kingdon Arch. Worshipful Company of Grocers (1886) I. 168 (MED) For a hoggisheed of Wyne to Adam Semy for his labour..Summa xxvj s. viij d.
1445–6 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Feb. 1445 §49. m. 2 What man sell a tonne or pipe, tercian or hoggeshede, of wyne, oyle or hony, or than hit be gauged, þat he shall forfait hit to the kyng.
1500 Chron. Calais (1846) 50 Dyverse sortes of wyne, and ij. hoshedys of ypocras.
1510 Ld. Clifford's Househ. Bk. in Craven Dial. (1828) I. 230 Itm payd at London..to John Browne for a tonne of wyne yt ys to say v hogsheeds of white and two of clared v. li.
1587 W. Harrison Hist. Descr. Iland Brit. (new ed.) ii. iv. 170/1 in Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) I Hereof we make three hoggesheads of good beere.
1599 T. Nashe Lenten Stuffe 47 Hauing a drop or two of pitty left of the huge hogshead of teares they spent for Hero & Leander.
1662 T. Allin Jrnl. 24 Oct. (1939) (modernized text) I. 106 I paid..11 milreis, being 22 pieces of eight, one crusado and two vingtimes for a hogshead of Peeke wine.
1698 J. Savage Hist. Poland II. iv. 161 They also give a great many Hogs-heads of Wine and Beer to the People.
1713 R. Steele Englishman No. 8. 56 I sell it by the Gallon, as cheap as you can buy it any where by the Hogshead.
1725 D. Defoe Compl. Eng. Tradesman I. iii. 35 Two carts loaded with about twelve hogsheads or casks of molasses.
1752 S. Reynardson in Philos. Trans. 1749–50 (Royal Soc.) 46 65 The liquid Bushel is not 64, but 63 Pounds or Pints; eight whereof make the Hogshead equal to 63 Gallons.
1793 Massachusetts Spy 8 Aug. 1 Timothy Chowderhead , who is too lazy to hoe corn, goes to Newyork, and gets a hogshead of rum.
1825 ‘J. Nicholson’ Operative Mechanic 54 By means of pumps a horse can raise 250 hogsheads of water, 10 feet high, in an hour.
1862 D. T. Ansted & R. G. Latham Channel Islands App. B. 576 The hogshead of cider in Jersey contains sixty gallons.
1897 Whitaker's Almanack 424 Of wines imported in casks the following are the usual measurements..Hogs~head of Claret 46; Port, 57; Sherry, 54; Madeira, 46 gallons.
1918 A. Huxley Let. 12 Aug. (1969) 160 He drains..twelve hogsheads of rich milk, to say nothing of..the thirty two quintals of sugar.
1956 P. O'Brian Golden Ocean xi. 175 Paita had yielded barely a hogshead, there being never a spring in the town.
1997 Moneywise Apr. 94/2 The Scotch Whisky Association..has suggested to me that £400 is about the right price for a hogshead of new-fill whisky.
β. 1499–1500 in J. T. Fowler Extracts Acct. Rolls Abbey of Durham (1901) III. 656 In 5 doliis et uno hoggett vini rubii.1586 Edinb. Test. XV. f. 262v, in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue at Hoghed Tua huggettis of wyne.1622 G. de Malynes Consuetudo 40 The caske which is made for the keeping of wine doth differ much; in France, a tunne of two pipes, three puncheons, and foure hogheades, is euerie one of these six Ames of Antuerps measure.1634 in Glasgow Burgh Rec. (1876) I. 23 Twa hogheidis of wine to the Bischope.1660 in J. D. Marwick Extracts Rec. Burgh Glasgow (1881) II. 447 Twa hodgheitis of wyne to be provydit for the wse of the sojouris.1740 W. Oldys Life Sir W. Ralegh 447 When their Water was so scarce..they saved some Hogheads, which fell from the Clouds, and all quenched their Third with great Cans of this bitter Draught, as Ralegh describes that Rain Water to have been.1842 Q. Jrnl. Agric. 13 No. 59. 378 One trough will keep two [cider] presses going, and where there are two in a house, there will easily be made twenty-four hogheads per week.1859 Republican Jrnl. (Columbus, Wisconsin) 28 Sept. 3/3 (advt.) You can find every thing here from a cambric needle to a hoghead of molasses, at the lowest cash prices.1928 Jrnl. Amer. Folk-lore 41 539 The king still wasn't satisfied. He ordered ten hogheads of water.1959 Times 24 Mar. 17/7 He had pleaded Guilty to receiving nine hogheads of whisky and three radiograms, knowing them to have been stolen.1999 Globe & Mail (Toronto) (Nexis) 24 Dec. b9 At the height of Tulipmania, a single bulb was exchanged for four oxen, eight swine, 12 sheep, two hogheads of wine, four tuns of butter, [etc.].
b. Of dry substances, as tobacco, sugar, etc. Now chiefly historical.
the world > relative properties > quantity > [noun] > a definite or specified quantity or amount > an amount equal to the volume of something
a1492 W. Caxton tr. Vitas Patrum (1495) i. cxxiv. f. cxliiv/2 The holy Patryarke..sente..a thousande hogges heedes of beenes & peesen to make potage wyth.
1569 Irish Act 11 Eliz. Sess. 3. c. 10 in R. Bolton Statutes Ireland (1621) 336 Shall pay..for every such hugshead of beafe fortie shilling sterling.
1608 J. Smith True Relation Virginia (1925) sig. B2 I unladed again 7 or 8 hogsheads (of corn) at our fort.
1622 J. Smith New Englands Trials 260 About three hogsheads of Beuer skins and some Saxefras.
1662 Rec. Charles Countie in J. H. Pleasants Arch. Maryland (1936) LIII. 276 Your petitioner wanteth a hogshead of shewger containing 735 lb of Muskevad sugar.
1776 A. Smith Inq. Wealth of Nations I. ii. v. 454 About ninety-six thousand hogsheads of tobacco are annually purchased in Virginia and Maryland. View more context for this quotation
1808 C. Vancouver Gen. View Agric. Devon vii. 184 The pea-stubbles are dressed with six or eight hogsheads of lime per acre, and sown with wheat.
1904 Daily Chron. 6 May 6/3 His whole imports in March were 133 hogsheads of ‘strips’ and nineteen hogsheads of leaf tobacco.
1957 R. W. Beachey Brit. W. Indies Sugar Industry iii. 75 In 1837, the proportion was 36 puncheons of rum to 100 hogsheads of sugar.
2005 C. A. Jones Texas Roots vii. 139 A few prominent Brazoria County planters produced large amounts of both cotton and sugar, including Abner Jackson (622 bales, 586 hogsheads).
β. 1499 in J. Stuart & G. Burnett Exchequer Rolls Scotl. (1888) XI. 181 Expensas..de quinque barilibus et uno le hogehed salmonum.1588 in Glasgow Burgh Rec. (1876) I. 123 Ane hogheid of beiff.1598–9 in J. R. Anderson Burgesses & Guild Bretheren Glascow (1925) 26 Fines applied by the bailies and council to the purchase of ane hogheid of hering to be sent east throw to the men of law.1614 Edinb. Test. XLVIII. 173 in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue at Hoghed Fyve scoir hoggeidis salmond at fyftie merkis the hoggeit.1681 A. Wendover Let. 20 Feb. in R. Law Eng. in W. Afr. (1997) I. 155 One hogghead of beef.1793 Times 13 Sept. 4/2 From 10 to 15,000 hogheads have been cellared, and large shoals still appear in the Northern Channel, near the lands.1822 New Monthly Mag. 6 476/2 Large shoals of fine fish have been seen off the coast... At St. Mawes and Gerrans about 500 hogheads have been taken.1900 W. K. Ackerman Hist. Illinois Central Railroad Company ii. 202/1 There are seven thousand hogheads of tobacco to be shipped in the year 1900, besides the large shipments of flour.1948 Econ. Geogr. 24 68/1 6–8 hogheads of lime was harrowed in to the turnip land after fallowing.2003 Canad. Jrnl. Afr. Stud. 37 257 Hogheads of tobacco, puncheons of spirits, and casks of palm oil were mentioned.
c. figurative.
1593 G. Harvey Pierces Supererogation 45 She knew what she said, that intituled Pierce, the hoggeshed of witt: Penniles, the tospot of eloquence: & Nashe, the verye inuentor of Asses.
1642 T. Case Gods Waiting 103 The Parliament had not now been unblown up, nor our Worthies to have been murthered..had our Antichristian enemies had time to set abroach their Hogs-heads of wrath and revenge.
1773 S. Johnson in J. Boswell Jrnl. Tour Hebr. 21 Oct. (1785) 427 This man is just a hogshead of sense.
2002 Time 4 Mar. 84/1 Some [journalists] take fat fees from companies like Enron in exchange for a few hogsheads of bloviation.
3. A head or mind resembling that of a hog; a person exhibiting characteristics associated with a hog. Cf. pig-head n.Recorded earliest in to couch a hog's head at couch v.1 1e.
society > society and the community > social class > the common people > low rank or condition > low or vulgar person > [noun]
huddle and twang1578
rough scuff1816
the world > physical sensation > physical sensibility > sensuous pleasure > sensuality > [noun] > animal sensuality > swinish quality or behaviour > swinish person
swine headc1405
?1518 Cocke Lorelles Bote sig. C.jv Some couched a hogges heed vnder a hatche.
1586 A. Day Eng. Secretorie i. sig. N8 If you delight in a pigs-nie, you may by receiuing of him, become sure of a hogshead.
1619 R. Harris Drunkards Cup 20 Their Parish Priests (as those hogs~heads terme him).
1645 J. Milton Colasterion 25 His jabberment at [sic] in Law, the flashiest and the fustiest that ever corrupted in such an unswill'd hogshead.
1788 G. Steevens in Prolegomena to Dramatick Writings Will Shakspere I. 203 Into a tavern then let us next march, where the braines of one hogshead must be beaten out to make up another.
1898 S. W. Mitchell Adventures of François xiii, in Cent. Mag. May 35/1 Soon or late, the guillotine will get thy hog-head, as it did thy Jew-nosed king's.
1919 M. H. Hedges Iron City xv. 164 No, you hogshead, I'm not afraid of you.
2007 Times (Nexis) 22 Jan. (Times2) 7 The press ruin every holiday for him by pretending that he is some bad-holiday hoghead.
4. humorous. The lid of a pig-shaped drinking vessel, used as a cup.
the world > food and drink > drink > containers for drink > drinking vessel > [noun] > other specific shapes > lid of
1884 Mag. Art Jan. 102 The vessel [sc. a Sussex pig] is filled with liquor..and the head being taken off and filled, each guest is invited to ‘drink a hog's-head of beer to the health of the bride’.
1965 Lebanon (Pa.) Daily News 22 July 23/4 Small earthenware pigs were filled with beer and carried to the wedding guests by the nineteenth century. The head was removable and could be used as a cup for a small ‘Hogshead’ of beer.


hogshead stave n. each of the staves which are hooped together to make a hogshead.
society > occupation and work > materials > raw material > wood > wood in specific form > [noun] > strip of wood > for making casks or vessels
barrel stave1549
hogshead stavec1580
pipe stavec1580
c1580 in Eng. Hist. Rev. July (1914) 518 For..pipestaves and hoghed staves.
1613 Sir R. Boyle in Lismore Papers (1886) I. 26 Butt staves and hogshead staves.
1755 H. Laurens Let. 3 Nov. in Papers (1970) II. 6 There came to Town a parcel of fine White Oak Hogshead Staves.
1862 Catal. Contrib. Brit. Guiana to London Exhib. 37 Arrara, or Tryssil, (Pentaclethra filamentosa, Benth.). suitable for furniture and hogshead staves.
1929 Agric. Hist. 3 23 The exportation of..barrel staves was discouraged by laying a duty of 20 shillings on every 1000 hogshead staves.
2005 P. Hyland Herculaneum Pottery vii. 93 The manufacture and supply of hemp, rope, oil, hogshead staves, sail canvas and other ships' chandlers' materials.
hogshead weight n. Obsolete a unit of weight equal to five hundredweight, or 560 pounds (approx. 254 kg).
the world > relative properties > measurement > measurement by weighing > [noun] > unit or denomination of weight > hundredweight > five hundredweight
hogshead weight1600
1600 T. Hylles Arte Vulgar Arithm. xiii. 66 112 Poundes weight maketh 1. hundred weight. 5. of those hundreds..1. Hogshead weight.
1656 J. Brown Descr. Carpenters-rule x. 115 112 lib. or 14 stone, or 4 quarters of a C. is an hundred weight: 5 C. is a Hogshead weight.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, November 2010; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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