

单词 hedonic tone

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hedonic tone
1. Of or relating to pleasure. (In first quot. applied to the Cyrenaic school of philosophers: see B. 1) In wider use, chiefly in Psychology: of, pertaining to, or involving pleasurable or painful sensations or feelings, considered as affects. Spec. hedonic tone, the degree of pleasantness or unpleasantness associated with an experience or state, esp. considered as a single quantity that can range from extreme pleasure to extreme pain.
the world > physical sensation > physical sensibility > sensuous pleasure > [adjective]
the mind > mental capacity > psychology > study of emotions > pain or pleasure in mental state > [adjective]
the mind > mental capacity > psychology > study of emotions > pain or pleasure in mental state > [noun] > degree of
hedonic tone1901
1656 T. Stanley Hist. Philos. II. v. 3 Aristippus..instituted a Sect called Cyrenaick from the Place, by some Hedonick, or voluptuous from the Doctrine.
a1866 J. Grote Exam. Utilit. Philos. (1870) xi. 182Hedonic’ knowledge.
1880 Mind 5 88 The defects of Mill's Hedonic philosophy.
1901 G. F. Stout Man. Psychol. (ed. 2) i. i. 63 When we wish to say that pleasure or displeasure belongs to this or that mental process, we say that the process is pleasantly or unpleasantly toned. Hedonic-tone is a generic term for pleasure and the reverse, considered as attributes of this or that mental process.
1901 G. F. Stout Man. Psychol. (ed. 2) i. i. 63 Anger has hedonic-tone, mostly of an unpleasant kind.
1932 J. G. Beebe-Center Psychol. Pleasantness & Unpleasantness i. 6 In the present volume..the general algebraic variable, whose positive values correspond to pleasantness and whose negative values correspond to unpleasantness, will be called hedonic tone.
1940 Jrnl. Exper. Psychol. 26 233 The oscillations of hedonic tone in his case are slight, and the tone rises continuously from the beginning, in spite of pain and fatigue.
1940 Jrnl. Exper. Psychol. 26 227 While Ss worked Es took their tapping rate every minute..and in a number of cases called at stated intervals for a rating on a previously agreed hedonic scale.
1952 D. J. O'Connor John Locke 51 By pleasure and pain Locke..is referring to what the psychologists nowadays call the hedonic tone of our experiences which can be roughly measured on a scale ranging from very pleasant through mildly pleasant, neutral, mildly unpleasant to very unpleasant.
1961 P. T. Young Motivation & Emotion v. 153 The sign, intensity, and temporal changes of affective processes can be represented upon the hedonic continuum.
extracted from hedonicadj.n.
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