

单词 hedge-player

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a. Born, brought up, habitually sleeping, sheltering, or plying their trade under hedges, or by the road-side (and hence used generally as an attribute expressing contempt), as hedge-bantling, hedge-brat, hedge-chaplain, hedge-curate, hedge-doctor, hedge-lawyer, hedge-parson, hedge-player, hedge-poet, hedge-wench, hedge-whore, etc. Also hedge-priest n.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabiting a type of place > [adjective] > dwelling under hedges or by roadside
c1530 Jyl of Breyntford's Test. 331 A hedge Curat, with as moche wit as a calf.
1551 J. Bale Actes Eng. Votaryes: 2nd Pt. f. lxvijv They..contynued vndre the slendre name of secular prestes or hedge chaplaines.
1582 R. Stanyhurst tr. Virgil First Foure Bookes Æneis iv. 75 A runnagat hedgebrat.
1590 R. Wilson Three Lordes & Three Ladies London sig. D3v This blindfold buzzardly hedge-wench.
1652 R. Brome Joviall Crew v. sig. M4 Hedge-birds said you? Hedge Lady-birds, Hedge Cavaliers, Hedge Souldier, Hedge Lawyer, Hedge Fidlers, Hedge Poet, Hedge Players, and a Hedge Priest among 'em.
1656 tr. J. A. Comenius Latinæ Linguæ Janua Reserata: Gate Lat. Tongue Unlocked lxxxvi. §804 Hee doth not rashly venture upon the cure, (as Quacksalvers, and Hedg-doctors, are wont).
1711 J. Swift Remarks upon Let. to 7 Lds. 20 These Hedge-Writers (a Phrase I unwillingly lend him, because it cost me some Pains to invent) seldom speak a Word against any of the late Mi——y.
1738 R. Thyer Let. 11 Mar. in Private Jrnl. & Lit. Remains (1856) II. i. 198 I find your curiosity tempted into a hedge bookseller's in some bye-lane.
1751 T. Smollett Peregrine Pickle IV. xcv. 23 This hedge-inamorata.
1815 W. Scott Guy Mannering II. 162 She ran out into such a horrid description of a hedge-ruffian.
1822 W. Scott Fortunes of Nigel II. vi. 134 A hedge-parson, or buckle-beggar, as that order of priesthood has been irreverently termed.
1855 E. C. Gaskell North & South I. xv. 183 Not hedge-lawyers, as Captain Lennox used to call those men in his company who questioned and would know the reason for every order.
extracted from hedgen.
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