

单词 hear!

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a. The imperative hear!, now usually repeated, hear! hear! (formerly hear him! hear him!) is used as an exclamation to call attention to a speaker's words and hence has become a general expression of approbation or ‘cheering’.It is now the regular form of cheering [cheer n.1 7] in the House of Commons, and expresses, according to intonation, admiration, acquiescence, indignation, derision, etc.
the mind > attention and judgement > esteem > approval or sanction > commendation or praise > commend or praise [verb (intransitive)] > by specific expression
hear! hear!1689
the mind > attention and judgement > esteem > approval or sanction > commendation or praise > expressions of commendation [interjection]
hear- him1727
that's your sort1792
top marks1829
that's the spirit1853
good for you (also him, her, etc.)1855
good man1887
good egg1903
to go up (also down) one1909
right on1911
1689 Sir E. Seymour 19 Feb. in Cobbett Parl. Hist. V. 122 I see gentlemen speak here under great disadvantages..When gentlemen speak with reflections, and cry ‘hear him, hear him’, they [the former] cannot speak with freedom.
1689 H. Capel in Cobbett Parl. Hist. V. 122 When Seymour was in the Chair, I have heard ‘Hear him, hear him’, often said in the house.
1762 S. Foote Orators ii. 53 Ter. Dermot, be easy— Scam. Hear him— Tire. Hear him— Ter. Ay, hear him, hear him.
1768 Ld. J. Cavendish Speech House of Commons 8 Dec. in Sir H. Cavendish Deb. (1841) I. 96 Let us..give a dispassionate attention to everything that passes. [Hear!] That very word ‘hear!’ I dread of all others.
1769 F. Norton Speech in Sir H. Cavendish Deb. (1841) I. 432 The common law is as much the law as the statute law. [Mr. Grenville called out hear! hear!] If the hon. gentleman will hear, by and by he will hear.
1770 G. Grenville Speech 16 Feb. in Sir H. Cavendish Deb. (1841) I. 461 The House will be obliged to you [the Speaker] for your information. [Hear, Hear!] Mr. Speaker, I beg the House will be silent. I am sure that is disorderly.
1783 Gentleman's Mag. 53 ii. 822 As to himself, he was free to acknowledge..the hand which he had in it (A cry of Hear him! Hear him!) By the cry of Hear Him! said his Lordship, gentlemen seem to think I am going to make a confession.
1803 in Stanhope Life Pitt (1862) IV. 49 When he [Pitt] sat down there followed three of the..most enthusiastic bursts of applause I ever heard..as far as I observed, however, it was confined to the parliamentary ‘Hear him! Hear him!
1812 Parl. Deb. 5 May in Examiner 11 May 292/2 Orders were sent off to Mr. Henry to withdraw from the United States.—(Hear, hear!)
1865 J. R. Lowell Scotch Snake in Prose Wks. (1890) V. 251 One Noble Lord or Honorable Member asking a question, and another Noble Lord or Honorable Member endeavoring to dodge it, amid cries of Hear! Hear!
extracted from hearv.
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