

单词 hempgarth

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a. A small piece of enclosed ground, usually beside a house or other building, used as a yard, garden, or paddock; frequently with defining word, as apple-garth, barn-garth, cloister-garth, field-garth, fold-garth, garden-garth, hall-garth, hemp-garth, minster-garth, stack-garth, willow-garth, see under the initial element.See also church garth n., kirk-garth n.
the world > food and drink > farming > farm > farmland > [noun] > enclosed land or field > small field or enclosure
a1340 R. Rolle Psalter xxxvi. 2 Þe kale, þat he says not ere of garthis bot of gressis.
c1420 Pallad. on Husb. i. 777 Yet is the chalk or cley lond forto eschewe, And from the rede also thy garth remewe.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) i. l. 257 Throw a dyrk garth [1570 gait] scho gydyt him furth fast.
1535 W. Stewart tr. H. Boethius Bk. Cron. Scotl. (1858) II. 39 In symmer syne, quhen euerie schaw wes schene, And euerie garth with gerss wes growand grene.
c1560 A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) vii. 25 Sen in ȝour garth þe lilly quhyte May nocht remane amang þe laif.
1625 W. Lisle tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Noe in tr. Part of Du Bartas Ded. 5 See lad, quoth he, the house and garth well drest To morrow morn.
1701–2 A. de la Pryme Let. 2 Feb. in Diary (1870) ii. 249 I got it [sc. Aparine Plinii] plentifully in a garth of Richard Rogison's, of Broughton, in Lincolnshire, amongst the corn.
1799 A. Young Gen. View Agric. County Lincoln 412 A garden for potatoes, of a rood or half an acre, called a garth.
1848 Jrnl. Royal Agric. Soc. 9 i. 126 The most independent mode is for the cottager to rent a small garth or close.
1887 York Herald 16 Apr. 6/5 The party of Greek gipsies..encamped in a garth close to the Gaol.
figurative.1559 D. Lindsay Test. Papyngo l. 57 in Wks. (1931) I In all the garth of Eloquence, Is no thyng left bot barrane stok and stone.
extracted from garthn.1
hemp-garth n.
the world > food and drink > farming > farm > farmland > land raising crops > [noun] > hemp land or field
1627 Merton Reg. II. 296 Unum Hempegarth simul cum libertate communii.
1663 MS. Indent. of Barlby (Yorksh.) An orchard, a hemp~garth, two gardens.
1877–89 E. Peacock Gloss. Words Manley & Corringham, Lincs. Hemp-croft, -garth, -yard, the gardens attached to old cottages commonly went by one of these names, as they were in former days used mainly for growing hemp.
extracted from hempn.
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