

单词 harm upon harm

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harm upon harm
e. In phrases of the type harm upon harm, torment upon torment, denoting cumulative addition or repetition; = on prep. 18e.
c1320 tr. J. Bonaventura Medit. 865 Þey wounded here, and heped harm vp on harmes.
c1380 J. Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 346 And so servauntis upon servantis weren char[g]ious to þis hous.
c1485 Digby Myst. (1882) iv. 1336 He had torment opon torment.
?1529 S. Fish Supplicacyon for Beggers sig. A7 The capteyns of his kingdome..haue heped to him benefice vpon benefice.
1600 W. Shakespeare Merchant of Venice iii. i. 86 Why thou losse vpon losse. View more context for this quotation
1600 W. Shakespeare Much Ado about Nothing ii. i. 229 Huddleing iest vpon iest, with such impossible conueiance vpon me. View more context for this quotation
1613 S. Purchas Pilgrimage 152 Which heaped vpon them Anathema vpon Anathema.
1699 J. Evelyn Acetaria App. sig. P4 Cover the Bottom of the Jar with some Dill,..then a Bed of Nuts; and so stratum upon stratum.
1864 C. Kingsley Roman & Teuton v. 137 Dietrich had had to write letter upon letter.
1882 ‘Ouida’ In Maremma I. 90 Centuries upon centuries of carnage..have laid the land bare.
1884 C. F. Woolson in Harper's Mag. Feb. 371 Millions upon millions of violets.
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