

单词 heavenly city

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heavenly city
a. With modifying word or of-phrase. In religious language: heaven or paradise, portrayed as a city in which God, his angels, and the beatified reside. Frequently in celestial city, heavenly city, etc. Cf. City of God n. at Phrases 1, Holy City n. at holy adj. and n. Compounds 2a.Originally and chiefly with reference to the ‘new Jerusalem’ (cf. Jerusalem n. 1) described in Revelation 21–22.
the world > the supernatural > deity > heaven > [noun] > paradise > Elysium or Elysian field(s)
Elysian fields1579
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Royal) (1850) Apoc. xxi. 2 The holy citee [L. civitatem sanctam] Jerusalem, newe, comynge doun fro heuen of God.
a1438 Bk. Margery Kempe i. 67 To se þe blysful cite Ierusalem a-bouyn, þe cyte of Heuyn.
1534 W. Marshall tr. Erasmus Playne & Godly Expos. Commune Crede f. 174v In that heuenly cytye [L. coelesti ciuitate] there is no rebellion agaynste god.
1610 J. Healey tr. St. Augustine Citie of God xix. v. 761 How should our Celestiall Citty [L. Dei ciuitas]..haue euer come to..perfection, but that the Saints liue all in sociable vnion?
1614 E. Parr Grounds Diuinitie 231 That Heavenly Ierusalem, the Citty of Saints.
1678 J. Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress 122 Now the way to the Cœlestial City lyes just thorow this Town [of Vanity], where this lusty Fair is kept.
1750 P. Shaw Reflector iv. vii. 351 Some Christians consider..Heaven as a City paved with Gold, or precious Stones.
1796 Gill's Compl. Body Doctrinal & Pract. Divinity (new ed.) II. iv. 430 New Jerusalem; a city, as consisting of the whole family of God, who are fellow-citizens with the saints.
1834 Mother's Mag. July 101 One of the little boys stopped to ask, What kind of a city is Heaven? I told him that it was a very beautiful city.
1871 B. Jowett in tr. Plato Dialogues II. 160 Such an ideal of a city in the heavens has always hovered over the Christian world, and is embodied in St. Augustine's ‘De Civitate Dei’.
1906 Proc. 12th Ann. Meeting Lake Mohonk Conf. on Internat. Arbitration 124 That glorious City which St. John saw descending out of Heaven, paved with gold, and gated with pearl.
1950 W. Goyen House of Breath ix. 91 I wanted to go to Heaven, to the city Foursquare and paved with gold that we sang about in church.
2000 D. Forrester in A. Hastings et al. Oxf. Compan. Christian Thought 361/1 True justice must measure up to the divine justice and love revealed in Jesus Christ and realized fully only in the heavenly city.
extracted from cityn.
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