

单词 hardly a

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hardly a
a. hardly a: almost no, barely one single. Cf. scarcely adv. 2a.
1534 T. Paynell tr. Moche Profitable Treat. against Pestilence sig. A.viii Hardly a man shall eyther by herbes, or any other medycine restore the bodye to his fyrste condytyon and estate agayne.
a1684 J. Evelyn Diary anno 1667 (1955) III. 478 The cold so intense, as hardly a leafe on a tree.
1710 Lady M. W. Montagu Let. 20 July (1965) I. 45 There is hardly a character in the World more Despicable or more liable to universal ridicule than that of a Learned Woman.
1780 Mirror No. 94 Hardly a single house did I find inhabited by the same persons I left in it.
1834 T. Medwin Angler in Wales I. 232 We had hardly a moment's intermission from rain.
1898 Cosmopolitan July 322/1 Save for the forge-rooms where the metals are heated, or annealed,..there is hardly a spot without its machine of some sort.
1928 G. B. Shaw Intell. Woman's Guide Socialism i. 2 Laws..are amended and amended and amended like a child's knickers until there is hardly a shred of the first stuff left.
1966 Evening News 17 Nov. 10/5 Hardly a week goes by without a report of drug-taking and ‘fix’ parties among teenagers.
2011 Atlantic Monthly Apr. 57/1 Hardly a story about North Korea appears..that hasn't either originated in, or been confirmed by outlets like the Daily NK or Open Radio North Korea.
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