

单词 head mass penny

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head mass penny
head mass penny n. Obsolete a payment or offering made to the church for some particular service, esp. for having a mass said; cf. head penny n. 2, mass-penny n.
society > faith > worship > benefice > other financial matters > [noun] > individual payment
head mass penny1402
head penny1548
society > faith > worship > benefice > other financial matters > [noun] > payment made for specific purpose > for saying mass
head mass penny1402
1402 in Collectanea Topographica & Genealogica (1835) II. 44 (MED) Omnes minutas oblaciones in purificationibus, in baptismalibus ac sepulturis mortuorum pervenientes de hedemespenys.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. xiii. 137 To gyf all in my cofer, To-morne at next to offer Hyr hed-maspenny.
1521 in F. Collins Wills & Admin. Knaresborough Court Rolls (1902) I. 13 For nyght wakes and hedemasse pennys viij d.
1543 Will of Thomas Lorymer in C. Cross York Clergy Wills (1984) I. 53 And they ii churche wardens for to offer one hede masse penny.
extracted from headn.1
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