

单词 hazel leaf

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hazel leaf
a. General attributive, as hazel bank, hazel bough, hazel bower, hazel bush, hazel copse, hazel cover, hazel holt, hazel leaf, hazel rod, hazel staff, hazel stick, hazel twig, hazel wand, hazel woodland, hazel wride, etc.With the use of hazel bough in quot. ?a1300, perhaps compare Middle English uses of hazel wood in what appear to be phrases expressing derision, incredulity, etc. (see note at hazel wood n. 1a).
eOE Bounds (Sawyer 495) in W. de G. Birch Cartularium Saxonicum (1887) II. 542 Of ðære apuldre þe stent wið westan þam wege þurh þone lea to þam miclan hæslwride, of þam hæslwride adun on þa blacan rixa.
OE Bounds (Sawyer 786) in D. Hooke Worcs. Anglo-Saxon Charter-bounds (1990) 182 Of þære twycenan on þa hæselræwe ondlong streames on horwyllan.
lOE Bounds (Sawyer 446) in W. de G. Birch Cartularium Saxonicum (1887) II. 460 Þonon to þam wylfpyttæ þonnæ on gærihta þurh hæselholt to clæfærdæne æft on þæt dell.
?a1300 Thrush & Nightingale (Digby) l. 106 in C. Brown Eng. Lyrics 13th Cent. (1932) 104 (MED) Fowel, þou sitest on hasel bou: Þou lastest hem, þou hauest wou.
a1400 in T. Wright & J. O. Halliwell Reliquiæ Antiquæ (1845) I. 53 (MED) For brynnyng with wilde fyre: tak rest bacon, and do hit on a grene hesill styk.
a1450 in T. Austin Two 15th-cent. Cookery-bks. (1888) 31 (MED) Take a gret porcyoun of Haselle leuys, & grynd in a morter.
a1500 Warkworth's Chron. (1839) 22 It was as lytelle as a hesylle styke.
1584 R. Scot Discouerie Witchcraft x. vii. 183 There must be made vpon a hazell wand three crosses.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Taming of Shrew (1623) ii. i. 248 Kate like the hazle twig Is straight, and slender. View more context for this quotation
1678 S. Butler Hudibras: Third Pt. iii. ii. 183 He's mounted on a Hazel Bavin.
1678 E. R. Experienced Farrier Table sig. Bbbv/2 With your hand strike the wind equally into every place of the shoulders, and when they be both full, beat all the windy places, with a good Hazel-wand.
1744 J. Thomson Summer in Seasons (new ed.) 107 Close in the Covert of an Hazel Copse.
c1786 T. Blaikie Diary Sc. Gardener (1931) 205 They have had here the famous Charlatain Lebreton who pretends by means of a hazel rod to descover Springs.
1822 J. Woods Two Years' Resid. Eng. Prairie 206 I dug a piece of prairie-land to sow it on; part of it had some hazle-brush on it.
1848 Duffy's Irish Catholic Mag. May 107/2 Holy are the hazel woodlands green.
1855 Ld. Tennyson Brook in Maud & Other Poems 110 I slide by hazel covers.
1862 W. Barnes Poems Rural Life in Dorset Dial. III. 79 On zides of hazzle wrides, Nuts do hang a-zunnèn.
1880 Encycl. Brit. XI. 549/1 The virtue of the hazel wand was supposed to be dependent on its having two forks.
1904 G. F. Goodchild & C. F. Tweney Technol. & Sci. Dict. 282/2 Hazel rods. Thin rods of hazel are often used for the handles of smiths' tools..which have to be struck by a hammer.
1911 Sc. Geogr. Mag. Sept. 460 The bracken loves light, hence it avoids the shade of the alder and hazel woodland.
1932 F. L. Wright Autobiogr. i. 46 With scattered hazel-brush and trees.
1969 U.S. Forest Service Res. Note SE-20 (U.S. Department Agriculture) Dec. 4/1 These additional fuels can be grouped thus:..II. Reindeer moss.., dead bracken fern.., and hazel leaves... III. Hazel twigs, eastern larch needles [etc.].
1982 Proc. Royal Irish Acad. B. 82 291 The nature of the dry-land vegetation was changing..from hazel woodland with occasional elms, pine or birch to a more typical mixed oak forest.
2008 C. Peacock Death of Dancer iii. 28 She went without a word, picking her way among the shadowy chairs and music stands as gracefully as a deer in a hazel copse.
extracted from hazeln.adj.
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