

单词 harbour porpoise

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harbour porpoise
a. Any of various small delphinoid whales of the family Phocoenidae, characterized by a blunt, rounded snout and usually a low, triangular dorsal fin; esp. (more fully common porpoise, harbour porpoise) Phocoena phocoena, which is black above and whitish below with a grey patch on the side, and inhabits northern seas. Also: the flesh of a porpoise as an article of food.Occasionally with unmarked plural.
the world > animals > mammals > order Cetacea (whales) > suborder Odontoceti > [noun] > family Phocaenidae (porpoise)
puffing pig1845
the world > animals > mammals > order Cetacea (whales) > suborder Odontoceti > [noun] > family Delphinidae > miscellaneous members of
a1425 (a1399) Forme of Cury (BL Add.) 111 in C. B. Hieatt & S. Butler Curye on Inglysch (1985) 123 Porpeys in broth.
c1440 Prose Life Alexander (Thornton) (1913) 81 (MED) In þe se we see many dyuerse kyndez of Fisches, Delphines & porpasez layke þam.
1542 A. Borde Compend. Regyment Helth xiii. sig. H.iv A young porpesse the whiche kynde of fisshe is nother praysyd in the olde testament nor in physycke.
1590 R. Greene Neuer too Late ii. sig. B3 Neither flesh nor fish as the Porpus.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World I. 241 The Porpuisses..are made like the Dolphins.
1612 M. Drayton Poly-olbion v. 80 Wallowing Porpice sport and lord it in the flood.
a1665 K. Digby Jrnl. Voy. to Mediterranean (1868) 9 I neuer yet saw store of porposes playing, but soone a storme ensewed.
1687 A. Lovell tr. J. de Thévenot Trav. into Levant ii. 6 A Porpess..taken with a Fish-gig above Malta.
1709 T. Robinson Vindic. Mosaick Syst. in Ess. Nat. Hist. Westmorland & Cumberland Porpices..which delight in sporting and playing upon the waves.
1749 J. Hempstead Diary 7 July (1998) 517 They killed a Porpoise in ye River here yesterday with Guns Canoos & boats.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth VI. 329 There the porpess and the shark continue their depredations.
1807 J. R. Jewitt Jrnl. kept at Nootka Sound 6 When we sat down they put before us two large pieces of porpoise.
1830 M. Donovan Domest. Econ. II. iii. 193 The grand shoal..of which the arrival is announced by the number of its greedy attendants, the gannet, the gull, the shark, and the porpus.
1878 Cassell's Nat. Hist. II. 256 The Common Porpoise..is by far the most familiar Cetacean of our own and neighbouring coasts.
1909 Chatterbox 46/2 These fish..are greatly sought after by large fishes, such as the tunny and albacore, and also by porpoises.
1946 K. Tennant Lost Haven (1947) vi. 89 They had a cheerful time chasing a wise old porpoise, who knew better than to come within harpoon range.
1997 Daily Tel. 25 Apr. 14/8 Research is under way on an electronic ‘pinger’ device which can be fixed to nets to produce a sound that frightens porpoises away but this has not been fully developed.
β. ?c1425 Recipe in Coll. Ordinances Royal Househ. (Arun. 334) (1790) 427 Make the nombuls of purpoys.a1475 J. Russell Bk. Nurture (Harl. 4011) in Babees Bk. (2002) i. 166 Purpose rosted on coles.1480 Table Prouffytable Lernynge (Caxton) (1964) 11 Fro the see to you come Whales pourpays [Fr. Balainnes porc de mer].?1565 tr. Albertus Magnus Bk. Secretes sig. Ev Foca, purpays is a fysh wel ynough knowen.1586 T. Bright Treat. Melancholie vi. 28 The monsters of the sea..are ceals purposes, & such like.a1709 J. Fraser Chrons. Frasers (1905) 290 There were also two purpoises or spout whailes that ran up the River of Ness.γ. ?a1500 in J. H. Parker & J. Parker Our Eng. Home (1960) 68 (MED) [At the marriage of Henry V the guests were treated with a] rostid perpes.δ. 1565 A. Golding tr. Ovid Fyrst Fower Bks. Metamorphosis i. f. 5 The uglye Seales and Porkepisces nowe too and fro dyd flote.1595 E. Spenser Colin Clouts come Home Againe sig. B3 His heard Of stinking Seales and Porcpisces.1613 S. Purchas Pilgrimage viii. iii. 739 A great dead fish, round like a Porcpis.1654 E. Gayton Pleasant Notes Don Quixot iii. i. 67 A Sturgeon, a Sea-Calfe, a Porcipize.1661 O. Felltham Brief Char. Low-Countries 60 in Resolves (rev. ed.) They are the people that thrive and grow rich by war, like the Porcpisce, that playes in the storm.1678 J. Dryden All for Love iv. 47 Her Eunuch there! That Porcpisce bodes ill weather.a1718 R. O'Flaherty Chorogr. Descr. W. Connaught (1846) 105 Eighteen porcupices..were taken near Tombeola.
extracted from porpoisen.
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