α. pre-1700 handchinȝe, pre-1700 handesenȝe, pre-1700 handsanȝe, pre-1700 handschenȝe, pre-1700 handschenȝie, pre-1700 handseign, pre-1700 handseinȝe, pre-1700 handseingȝe, pre-1700 handseinȝie, pre-1700 handseinye, pre-1700 handseinze, pre-1700 handsenȝe, pre-1700 handsenȝe, pre-1700 handsenȝie, pre-1700 handsenye, pre-1700 handseyngyie, pre-1700 handseynie, pre-1700 handsigneie, pre-1700 handsignyie, pre-1700 handsing, pre-1700 1800s handsenyie, 1800s andsenye.
β. pre-1700 hanseinȝe, pre-1700 hanseinȝie, pre-1700 hansenȝie, pre-1700 hansenyie.
Dict. Older Sc. Tongue (at Handsenȝe) also records forms of the second element pre-1700 -zenȝe, pre-1700 -zenȝie.