

单词 hand in hand

hand in handadv.n.adj.

Brit. /ˌhand ɪn ˈhand/, U.S. /ˌhænd ᵻn ˈhænd/
Forms: see hand n. and in prep. and hand n.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: hand n., in prep.
Etymology: < hand n. + in prep. + hand n.In quot. a1382 at sense A. 1 after post-classical Latin manus in manu (Vulgate), itself after Hebrew yaḏ lĕ-yaḏ assuredly (lit. ’hand to hand’). Compare also the following earlier translation of the same biblical passage, using the parallel adverbial phrase hand on hand ( < hand n. + on prep. + hand n.):a1225 (c1200) Vices & Virtues (1888) 133 Ȝiet seið þat hali writ herof: Manus in manus non erit innocens malus, ‘Hande on hande nis naht ðe euele man gylt-leas’. The following example has sometimes been taken to show earlier use of the phrase hand on hand; however, it is perhaps more likely that hand is the direct object of the verb, with Apollonius an (uninflected) form of the genitive (compare the Latin original): OE tr. Apollonius of Tyre (1958) xix. 30 Arcestrates se cyngc heold Apollonius hand on handa [L. tenens Apollonii manum] and eodon swa ut on ðare ceastre stræte.
A. adv.
1. Of two people: with the hands clasped, esp. as a mark of affection; each holding the other's hand. Also in extended use: side by side, together.In quot. a1382: (figurative) assuredly, without doubt (with reference to the clasping of hands when swearing an oath).
the world > movement > absence of movement > hold or holding > [adverb] > with hands joined or clasped
hand in handa1382
the world > space > relative position > posture > position of specific body parts > [adverb] > hand > hand in hand
hand in handa1382
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > absence of doubt, confidence > assured fact, certainty > making certain, assurance > [adverb]
hand in handa1382
in certc1440
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Prov. xi. 21 Hond in hond [L. manus in manu], shal not ben innocent the euele man.
a1400 (c1303) R. Mannyng Handlyng Synne (Harl.) l. 9210 Þese men..hadde go þus karolland Alle þe ȝere, fast hand yn hand.
a1500 (c1425) Andrew of Wyntoun Oryg. Cron. Scotl. (Nero) vi. 2187 To þe kynge..Malcome past, Makduff wiþe hym hande in hande.
c1500 Three Kings' Sons (1895) 33 Than wente they two hand yn hand vndir the clothe of estate.
1583 P. Stubbes Anat. Abuses sig. N.viv Are those that daunce with them, hand in hand, cheek by cheek,..most beastly to behold?
1631 T. Heywood Englands Elizabeth 137 The Ceremonies being consummate, they both went hand in hand together.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost xii. 648 They hand in hand with wandring steps and slow, Through Eden took thir solitarie way. View more context for this quotation
1739 T. Cooke Mournful Nuptials v. i. 60 My Freeman and my father hand in hand! Then they are friends.
1763 H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Painting III. i. 65 The portraits of the dwarfs hand in hand by Sir Peter Lely.
1859 T. Parker in J. Weiss Life & Corr. (1864) 500 That noble man and I have gone hand in hand to many of the most important philanthropics of the age.
1870 W. Thornbury Tour Eng. I. xii. 236 They dance hand-in-hand through [the] streets.
1901 Cent. Mag. Feb. 540 Hand in hand, with a radiant smile, Altar-plighted,..Treading a rose-embroidered aisle.
1952 T. Armstrong Adam Brunskill xiv. 475 She and Adam started out at once, running hand in hand down Mine Road.
2005 T. Hall Salaam Brick Lane xii. 256 We spotted courting..teenagers walking hand in hand or sitting on the sea wall stealing illicit kisses.
2. figurative. In close conjunction or association. Frequently in to go hand in hand (with): to be closely or inevitably connected (with).
the world > time > relative time > simultaneity or contemporaneousness > [adverb] > at the same time that with or as
forth withc1175
hand in handa1500
forth with that?1541
in parallel1709
neck and neck1799
a1500 in PMLA (1954) 69 641 Coueytyse and meede ben hand in hand, Sustrys þey be of oon alyaunce.
1576 A. Fleming tr. Erasmus in Panoplie Epist. 341 The same..as it were running hand in hande with his wonderfull knowledge.
1589 J. Batt Portraiture Hypocrisie 140 Since the Gospell and persecution goe both hande in hande together, I coulde be content to suffer sometimes persecutions.
1609 F. Greville Trag. Mustapha ii. ii. sig. B4v Mercy must hand in hand with power goe.
1652 R. Brome Joviall Crew i. sig. B3v Thy charity there goes hand in hand with mine.
1705 E. Ward More Priestcraft 2/1 Ignorance and Zeal rose hand in hand, And scatter'd blind Devotion thro' the Land.
a1790 B. Franklin Autobiogr. (1981) iii. 131 The Debates..went on daily hand in hand with the Indian Business.
1839 J. S. Mill in London & Westm. Rev. Apr. 253/2 The convictions of the mass of mankind run hand in hand with their interests or with their class feelings.
1848 Zanesville (Ohio) Courier 5 May 4/1 In the operation of all other purgative medicines debilitation and purifaction go hand in hand.
1880 Harper's Mag. July 186/1 Spanish pomp and civilization went hand in hand with royally high prices for merchandise.
1916 W. A. Du Puy Uncle Sam 124 The smuggling of opium and of Chinamen was known to go hand in hand.
1952 J. Lait & L. Mortimer U.S.A. Confidential i. iii. 27 The Italian government works hand in hand with Commies on the importation of the dream powder.
2002 S. Stacey & J. Fairley 21st Cent. Beauty Bible 120/2 Tooth-bleaching has good results on..the general yellowing of teeth that goes hand-in-hand with ageing.
B. n.
1. The state or fact of being hand in hand; clasping or joining of hands with another person; (also) an instance of this.
1565 J. Stow Summarie Eng. Chrons. f. 151v Theyr bodies were ioyned by hande in hande, whose heartes were farre in sunder.
1647 A. Brewer Countrie Girle iii. sig. G4v This signe, Of the Hand in Hand is handsome.
1842 Ld. Tennyson Vision of Sin in Poems (new ed.) II. 222 Loving tears, And the warmth of hand in hand.
1871 Appletons' Jrnl. 11 Feb. 157/1 Not..arm in arm, but in the fashion of childhood or of ancient days, long past—that of hand in hand.
1912 Current Lit. Jan. 108/1 This hand-in-hand is one day cheek-to-cheek!
1999 K. Rowe Dead Hands ii. 81 Dynastic anxiety about the failure of filial bonds inflects the play's tableaux of hand-in-hands throughout.
2. A representation of two clasped hands.
society > communication > representation > a plastic or graphic representation > [noun] > representation of specific things
spread eagle1550
hand in hand1583
sun wheel1865
1583 T. Stocker tr. Tragicall Hist. Ciuile Warres Lowe Countries i. f. 13v On the backside of the same picture, was the figure of hande in hande.
1635 G. Wither Coll. Emblemes iii. 166 The Horne-of-plenty, which Wealth signifies, The Hand-in-hand, which Plighted faith implies.
1710 R. Steele Tatler No. 245. ⁋2 A broad thick Gold Ring with a Hand in Hand graved upon it.
1790 J. Macdonald Trav. Europe, Asia, & Afr. 25 The coat of arms he had on his carriage was a hand in hand, within a double treasure of flowers.
1836 F. Palgrave Antient Kalendars & Inventories Treasury Exchequer I. p. xxvii The sign of the instruments relating to Arragon is a lancer on a jennet;—Wales, a Briton..;—Royal marriages, a hand in hand.
1894 App. Minutes Evid. Royal Comm. Labour 1893 xv. 42/1 The form of the seal shall be an oval stamp,..with a ‘hand-in-hand’ as a device in centre.
1999 K. A. Rowe in S. Orgel & S. Keilen Postmod. Shakespeare 191 Wither's emblem ‘En Dextra Fides Que’..illustrates this trope as a hand in hand holding a heart.
3. A group of people hand in hand. Obsolete.Apparently an isolated use.
1880 G. Meredith Tragic Comedians II. vii. 110 The whole Alpine hand-in-hand of radiant heaven-climbers.
C. adj.
a. Characterized by the close association or conjunction of two people or things.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Cymbeline (1623) i. iv. 68 As faire, and as good: a kind of hand in hand comparison. View more context for this quotation
1696 R. Ferguson Dialogue between Sir Roger —— & Mr. Rob. Ferg—— 4/2 Like one Empire, but two Czars, our Church by this Hand-in-hand Reign, had arrived to the height even of an Absolute Muscovite Monarchy.
1774 N. D. Falck Treat. Venereal Dis. (ed. 2) ii. v. 170 The lymphatic vessels..have a hand-in-hand friendly communication, with every particle of the solids and fluids, of the parts where they reside.
1855 A. B. Warner My Brother's Keeper v. 39 His voluntary withdrawing from the hand in hand intercourse in which they had grown up.
1979 Black Enterprise Dec. 35/1 The major part of our work is done with the clients... This is always a hand-in-hand relationship.
2012 Sunday Star-Times (Auckland, N. Z.) (Nexis) 13 May 4 It will be a hand-in-hand selection. We all work in harmony.
b. Of two or more people: that are holding hands; (also figurative) closely matched or associated. Also: performed or carried out whilst holding hands.
the world > relative properties > relationship > equality or equivalence > [adjective] > equal or well-matched
hand in hand1779
even Steven1837
horse and horsea1859
1779 T. Davies Some Acct. Life P. Massinger in P. Massinger Dramatick Wks. I. p. lxvi The Elements of Matter in Chaos were not more dissimilar and discordant than the separate Scenes of these hand-in-hand Writers.
1816 L. Hunt in Examiner 1 Sept. 552/1 Ah, first-born of thy mother,..My bird when prison-bound, My hand in hand companion.
1892 Gentlewoman's Bk. Sports I. 145 The hand-in-hand figures [in skating], such as the Mercury, the Q scud, the half-double scud [etc.].
1904 Pall Mall Mag. 32 151/2 The happy, hand-in-hand couples that linger before Mr. Greiffenhagen's delightful ‘Idyll’.
1994 T. Petrovsky Red & Yellow Boat 18 Settled as hand-in-hand lovers.
2000 T. Garrity Always Bridesmaid xvi. 150 A place to take a hand-in-hand walk with a first boyfriend.
2. Chiefly in form Hand-in-Hand. Designating a mutual insurance company; of or relating to such a company. Originally in Hand-in-Hand Office, a nickname for the Contributors for Insuring Houses, Chambers or Rooms from Loss by Fire, by Amicable Contribution (founded in 1696), with reference to the company's emblem of two clasped hands. Now historical.The Contributors for Insuring Houses, Chambers or Rooms from Loss by Fire, by Amicable Contribution changed its name officially to the Hand in Hand Fire Office in 1720, and in 1836 became the Hand-in-Hand Fire and Life Insurance Society. After the 18th cent. the sense is only found as preserved in the name of this company. Its assets were acquired by the Commercial Union in 1905 and the company dissolved.
society > trade and finance > financial dealings > insurance > [noun] > insurance company (general)
hand in hand1701
1701 Post Boy 12 July The Amicable Insurers (or Hand in Hand Office) having lately in an Advertisement given out, that they Insure Cheaper than the Friendly Society.
1708 J. Chamberlayne Magnæ Britanniæ Notitia (ed. 22) iii. x. 297 (heading) Of the third Office, commonly call'd the Hand in Hand Office.
1763 New & Compl. Dict. Arts & Sci. (ed. 2) I. 1791 The hand-in-hand office insure for seven years at 12 s. per cent, on brick, and double that sum for timber-houses.
1798 W. Taylor in Monthly Rev. 27 493 It may be defined a hand-in-hand assurance office for securing mercantile credit.
a1800 W. Cowper Poems (1801) 110 Like hand in hand insurance plates.
1898 Speaker 30 July 135/2 The company issuing such a report is, of course, the famous Hand-in-Hand Insurance Society, the doyen of all insurance companies.
1997 Times (Nexis) 1 Dec. The Hand-in-Hand Fire and Life Insurance Society was the oldest existing insurance company in the world.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2013; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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