

单词 as if

as ifphr.

Etymology: Compare as adv. and conj. Phrases 1; often used to represent German als ob (frequently in Kant and taken up by Vaihinger as a key expression).
Introducing a supposition, or way of conceiving some entity or situation, that is not to be taken literally, but yields some insight or convenience in metaphysics. Also absol. and attributive.
the mind > mental capacity > philosophy > metaphysics > [phrase] > fictionalism
as if1892
1892 J. Royce Spirit Mod. Philos. iv. 113 You act as if God were your..visible companion, as if the moral law..were spoken in your ear.., as if the unsearchable God..were as familiar to you as your daily walk... This is to do what Kant calls postulating God's existence.
1900 J. Royce World & Indiv. I. v. 206 This as if, or as it were, becomes to some thinkers, a sort of ultimate category.
1921 A. H. Hannay & R. G. Collingwood tr. G. de Ruggiero Mod. Philos. ii. 61 A champion has now arisen in Vaihinger to erect the ‘as if’ into a philosophical method!
1924 C. K. Ogden tr. H. Vaihinger (title) The Philosophy of ‘As If’.
1937 G. W. Allport Personality (1938) xi. 289 There is no real objection to this ‘as if’ epistemology provided it is applied equally to all the data of psychology.
1937 Mind 46 114 The ‘as-if’ concepts, like ‘wave’, ‘corpuscle’, etc., which we borrow from macroscopic perception in order to interpret the nature of phenomena too small to be perceived in their own right.


as-ˈifness n.
1940 H. H. Price Hume's Theory of Ext. World v. 154 There are different degrees of as-ifness. This is acknowledged in ordinary speech, where we find such phrases as ‘to some extent as if’, ‘rather as if’, ‘very much as if’, ‘exactly as if’.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1972; most recently modified version published online September 2018).

> as lemmas

as if
a. as if: as the case would be if. Cf. sense B. 7.
(a) With finite clause (originally usually with verb in the past subjunctive, now frequently with indicative tenses).Use with the indicative is criticized in H. W. Fowler & F. G. Fowler King's Eng. (1906) 156–7, on the grounds that the as if expression is elliptical for an unreal conditional construction.
the world > relative properties > relationship > similarity > [adverb] > as if or as though
as ifc1175
as whoc1380
like asa1393
like as and1523
eOE (Kentish) Glosses to Proverbs of Solomon (Vesp. D.vi) in U. Kalbhen Kentische Glossen (2003) 124 Uelut si auis festinet : oððe swa [gi]f efst fugel.]
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 14799 Drihhtin þær to clæf þe sæ, Alls iff itt waterr nære.
c1300 St. Michael (Laud) l. 411 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 311 Ase ȝif þov heolde ane clere candele bi-side an Appel riȝt Euene half þe Appel, heo wolde ȝiuen hire lijȝt.
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add. 27944) (1975) I. iv. i. 130 Þe bemes of liȝt comeþ togedres..as ȝif þe bemes were joyned in a myrour.
a1450 (a1387) Prol. Comm. on Matthew 48 Summe thingis doon bifore ben seide, as if thei suen in ordre of tyme.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Prov. vii. C Like as yf a byrde haisted to the snare.
1579 E. Spenser Shepheardes Cal. Jan. 18 As if my yeare were wast, and woxen old.
1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes 39 [The] arrowes fell as thicke..as if it had been a perpetuall..shoure of haile, to the great disordering & dismaying of the whole armie.
1693 J. Dryden tr. Persius Satires i. 7 As if 'tis nothing worth that lies conceal'd.
1749 H. Fielding Tom Jones V. xiv. v. 144 He..would have had us consider ourselves as highly, as if we had been the richest Heiresses.
1752 H. Fielding Amelia II. v. iii. 110 As if when Nature hath finished her Work, the Dancing-Master still is necessary to put it in Motion.
1766 O. Goldsmith Vicar of Wakefield I. iii. 25 He defended his opinions with as much obstinacy as if he had been my patron.
1845 M. Pattison in Christian Remembrancer Jan. 71 Treating history as if it were a series of tableaux vivans intended to please the eye.
1862 W. M. Thackeray Philip II. viii. 173 As if a coarse woman..has a right to lead a guileless nature into wrong!
1915 J. Buchan Thirty-nine Steps iii. 71 You can lie as snug here as if you were in a moss-hole.
1963 D. Storey Radcliffe xxxvi. 367 As if everything that appears to live..is simply imitating some distant and incoherent ideal.
1991 N. Bawden Woman of My Age 35 He laughed as if I had said something annihilatingly funny.
(b) With non-finite clause with implied verb, or containing an infinitive expressing purpose or destination, or containing a participle.
1615 G. Sandys Relation of Journey 136 Buying pewter, brasse, and such like implements, as if to set up house-keeping.
1650 T. Fuller Pisgah-sight of Palestine iii. 398 As if foreseeing..that..a distressed Prince..should..recover his rightfull throne.
1706 N. Rowe Ulysses i. i. 52 'Twou'd make Comparison..monstrous seem, as if to mate A Mole-Hill with Olympus.
1746 E. Haywood Female Spectator (1748) IV. 304 She..swam round the room, as if leading up a courant.
1785 W. Cowper Task v. 122 Thus Nature works as if to mock at Art.
1818 H. Bankes Civil & Constit. Hist. Rome II. xxxiii. 355 Brought occasionally, as if in mockery, to Rome..he dragged on an inglorious existence.
1821 P. B. Shelley Adonais xi. 10 One..Washed his light limbs as if embalming them.
1842 F. Marryat Percival Keene I. v. 55 Mr. O'Gallagher looked round the school as if to find a culprit.
1867 T. Carlyle Reminisc. (1881) II. 18 I was banished solitary as if to the bottom of a cave.
1927 J. Buchan Witch Wood xx. 355 The hand was raised, and the other cowered to his saddle-bow, as if to avert a stroke.
1952 T. Armstrong Adam Brunskill iv. 114 Feeling for the furniture as if needing support.
2007 R. Millward Apples v. 47 He kept thumping and roughing me up, as if to prove he would've been alright in the same situation.
(c) colloquial. Without clause, as an exclamation.Typically used as a sardonic response to a stated or reported suggestion.
a1902 F. Norris Pit (1903) i. 10 ‘Maybe he'll come up and speak to us.’ ‘Oh, as if!’ contradicted Laura.
1975 A. Buzo Tom i. ii. 6 Why doesn't Tom forgive and forget?.. Huh! As if! That kind of magnanimity's an unknown concept as far as you're concerned.
1981 UNC-CH Slang (Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill) (typescript) Mar. 1 ‘He drank 50 beers in 5 minutes.’ ‘As if.’
1994 A. Heckerling Clueless (film script, first shooting draft) (O.E.D. Archive) Green Revised Pages 64 Elton. What's the deal, you've been flirting with me all year. Cher. As if! I've been trying to help you and Tai get together.
2001 Sun 27 Jan. 42/1 When she finds her cheating hubby in bed with another woman (as if!) Isabella moves to Los Angeles.
extracted from asadv.conj.
as if
c. as if: see as adv. and conj. Phrases 1.
extracted from ifconj.n.
as lemmas




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