

单词 half-mounting

> as lemmas

half-mounting n. Military Obsolete (originally) the underclothing and minor articles of clothing (e.g. shirt, stock, hose, and shoes) belonging to a soldier's outfit; (in later use, in the British Army in India and among certain army pensioners) uniform.
1706 Ld. Cutts Let. 19 Nov. in Hist. MSS Comm.: 15th Rep.: App. Pt. IV: MSS Duke of Portland (1897) IV. 353 in Parl. Papers (C. 8497) XLIX. 1 I farther find, upon examining his clothier here, that in his halfmounting, he has not bespoke half his due complement.
1711 Mem. Visct. Dundee 62 The King of France allows his Soldiers Half-mounting, and every Captain fifty Pistoles to make his Campaign.
1800 War Office Order 9 Apr. in F. Grose Mil. Antiq. Hist. Eng. Army (1801) II. 186 In lieu of the former articles of cloathing, called half-mounting, two pair of good shoes of the value of five shillings and sixpence each pair.
1872 R. D. Lyons Treat. on Relapsing Fever xiii. 263 He [sc. the sepoy] has to provide himself out of his pay with many necessaries, such as his half-mounting or summer clothing, his boots, and various other articles.
1892 Times 4 Aug. 2/5 Tenders from such persons as may be willing to contract for the supply of clothing to the In-Pensioners of the Hospital for two years, viz:—Whole Mounting for the year 1893. Half-mounting for the year 1894.
1905 Financial Statem. 1905–6 (Government of India Finance Dept.) 98 The sepoy now receives from Government..an annual half-mounting allowance for the provision and up-keep of his khaki uniform and certain other articles classed as necessaries.
extracted from halfadj.
half-mounting n. the underclothing and minor articles of apparel belonging to a soldier's outfit in the 18th cent.
1800 War Office Order 9 Apr. in Grose Milit. Antiq. (1801) II. 186 In lieu of the former articles of cloathing, called half-mounting, two pair of good shoes of the value of five shillings and sixpence each pair.
extracted from half-comb. form
as lemmas




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