

单词 half-mind

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n. In various connections: as half-barbarian, half-battle, half-belief, half-believer, half-christian, half-conformity, half-consciousness, half-dark, half-darkness, half-defence, half-defender, half-dream, half-education, half-hint, half-honesty, half-humour, half-knowledge, half-laugh, half-lengthening, half-lie, half-literate, half-look, half-mind, half-power, half-principle, half-quotation, half-reason, half-reasoning, half-repentance, half-savage, half-servant, half-service, half-sleep, half-spacing (on a typewriter), half-view, half-whisper. (In most of these half- has an adverbial force.)
1597 R. Hooker Of Lawes Eccl. Politie v. lxii. 143 To speake as halfe defendors of the faults.
1597 R. Hooker Of Lawes Eccl. Politie v. lxxxi. 258 They iudge conclusions by dimipremises & halfe principles.
1690 J. Locke Two Treat. Govt. i. ii. (Rtldg.) 6 It is no injury to call an half-quotation an half-reason.
1736 Bp. J. Butler Analogy of Relig. ii. viii. 276 Half-views, which shew but Part of an Object.
1768 J. Boswell Acct. Corsica (ed. 2) ii. 120 A parcel of half-barbarians.
1768–74 A. Tucker Light of Nature (1852) II. 367 A kind of half-reasoning, that suffices to raise difficulties but not pursue them to an issue.
1814 J. Austen Mansfield Park II. vii. 148 A certain half-look attending the..expression of his hope. View more context for this quotation
1816 J. Austen Emma II. xvii. 320 Much that passed between them was in a half-whisper . View more context for this quotation
1816 J. Scott Paris Revisited viii. 237 A kind of stupified half-sleep.
1827 H. Hallam Constit. Hist. Eng. I. viii. 514 To admit of no half conformity in religion.
1836 J. S. Mill in London & Westm. Rev. 25 5 See how incapable half-savages are of co-operation.
1838 J. S. Mill in London & Westm. Rev. 28 454 The sceptics and half-believers of the story.
1838 J. S. Mill in London & Westm. Rev. 31 484 Almost all rich veins of original and striking speculation have been opened by systematic half-minds.
1841 T. Carlyle On Heroes iv. 225 Richter says of Luther's words, ‘his words are half-battles’.
1860 E. B. Pusey Minor Prophets 2 The character of Jehu and his half-belief.
1860 E. B. Pusey Minor Prophets 188 A half-repentance is no repentance.
1860 E. B. Pusey Minor Prophets 199 Another instance of this half-service.
1862 G. Borrow Wild Wales II. xxxii. 370 ‘In truth I am,’ said she, with a half laugh.
1865 E. B. Pusey Eirenicon 3 Unbelievers, or half-believers.
1866 G. MacDonald Ann. Quiet Neighbourhood xxxii, A voice said brokenly in a half-whisper.
1870 J. R. Lowell My Study Windows 349 That half-knowledge which is more mischievous in an editor than down-right ignorance.
1881 ‘M. Twain’ Prince & Pauper 208 His senses struggled to a half-consciousness.
1895 R. Kipling Day's Work (1898) 344 Leading him on to see, more by half-hints than by any direct word, how boys and men are all of a piece.
1898 Pearson's Mag. May 539/1 With a half-power steamer which had only one man all told upon her decks.
1900 Daily News 18 Aug. 6/1 How she did it she didn't know, she said, in a half-humour manner.
1904 W. de la Mare Henry Brocken 13 The half-dream [which] weariness brings.
1904 W. B. Yeats Tables of Law 9 The formalisms of half-education.
1905 Westm. Gaz. 25 Mar. 11/2 The inaccuracies do not matter very much unless they are so gross as to shock the great half-literate.
1926 H. W. Fowler Dict. Mod. Eng. Usage 399/2 The uneasy half-literates who like to prove that they can spell.
1927 A. Clarke Son of Learning ii. 44 In the half-darkness his cowled figure suggests demonic possession.
1928 D. H. Lawrence Lady Chatterley's Lover xvi. 278 She could still see on Connie's face..the half-dream of passion.
a1930 D. H. Lawrence Last Poems (1932) 257 A half-lie causes the immediate contradiction of the half-lie.
1934 E. Blunden Choice or Chance 40 Possessions too,—part fungus and part flower,—Forced on him their half-power.
1934 E. Pound Eleven New Cantos xxxix. 45 From star up to the half-dark.
1937 Mind 46 101 Postulating a sort of extra, separate half-mind—entelechy—like Driesch.
1938 Times Lit. Suppl. 8 Oct. 638/3 The curious delicate half-humour which smiled at his own hypersensitiveness.
1941 T. S. Eliot Dry Salvages ii. 11 The backward half~look Over the shoulder, towards the primitive terror.
1948 T. S. Eliot Notes Def. Culture 105 But what is important is to remember that ‘half-education’ is a modern phenomenon.
1950 A. Koestler in R. Crossman God that Failed 31 Once or twice she spoke on the telephone to comrades of hers—always in half-words and half-hints.
1953 K. H. Jackson Lang. & Hist. Early Brit. 342 Half-lengthening of penultimates could not have arisen until after the accent-shift.
1959 E. Pulgram Introd. Spectrogr. Speech viii. 64 The half~power points, whose power is..proportional to the square of the amplitude.
1961 Imperial Type Faces 10 A half~spacing device lends itself to display work.
1962 Which? Dec. 359/2 If you leave out a letter, it should be possible, after rubbing out the word, to fit in the extra letter by using half-spacing.
extracted from half-comb. form
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