

单词 great valerian

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great valerian
a. Denoting varieties of true valerian, as garden valerian, great valerian, little valerian, wild valerian, etc., valerian.Many varieties are enumerated in Parkinson Theatr. Pl. (1640) 120–2, Bradley Dict. Bot. (1728), Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. (1753), Johnson Gard. Dict. (1852), etc.
1548 W. Turner Names of Herbes sig. F.iij The one is growing..in the moyst plasshes and in morish groundes, and it is called in englishe wylde Valerian.
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball 339 Great wild valerian. Little wild valerian.
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 916 The tame or garden Valerian hath his first leaues long, broade, smooth, greene, and vndeuided.
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 917 Valeriana Petræa. Stone Valerian.
1601 R. Chester Loves Martyr 83 Great wild Valerian and the Withie wind.
1629 J. Parkinson Paradisi in Sole (1904) 386 Knobbed Mountaine Valerian.
1640 J. Parkinson Theatrum Botanicum 119 The great Valerian hath a thicke short grayish roote.
1712 J. Browne tr. P. Pomet et al. Compl. Hist. Druggs I. 42 The little Valerian has small Roots, of a good Smell.
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. (at cited word) The great garden Valerian is an alexipharmic, sudorific, and diuretic.
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. (at cited word) The wild Valerian root is much more famous than this.
1769 W. Buchan Domest. Med. ii. 519 Infusions of balm-leaves..the roots of wild valerian, or the flowers of the lime-tree.
1872 D. Oliver Lessons Elem. Bot. (new ed.) ii. 192 The root of the Common Valerian possesses a strong and peculiar odour.
1890 Hardwicke's Sci.-gossip 26 183 The handsome heart-leaved valerian (Valeriana Pyrenaica).
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