

单词 great tom

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Great Tom
2. The name of certain exceptionally large bells; chiefly with modifying word or specifying place name, as Great Tom, Mighty Tom, Tom of Lincoln, Tom of Oxford, Tom of Exeter, etc. Hence attributive, applied to bell towers or other architectural features associated with such bells (esp. with reference to that at Christ Church, Oxford), as Tom Tower, Tom Gate, Tom Quad.
society > faith > artefacts > division of building (general) > tower or steeple > [noun] > bell-tower > for great bell
Tom Tower1613
society > leisure > the arts > music > musical instrument > percussion instrument > bell > [noun] > very large bell
1613 W. Gamage Linsi-woolsie i. lxiii. sig. E4 So, Tom thy sound which all thy mates excels, Doth thine Oxonians cause to flie their Hoasts.
1631 R. Johnson Tom a Lincolne (ed. 6) ii. sig. B4v He sent..a thousand pound in treasures, to be bestowed vpon a great Bell to bee rung at his Funerall, which Bell hee caused to bee called Tom a Lincolne, after his owne name.
1667 Mr. White in J. Playford Hilton's Catch that catch Can (new ed.) 80 Great Tom is Cast, and Christ church Bells ring..and Tom comes last.
1685 H. Aldrich in J. Hilton Catch that catch Can (new ed.) sig. B1 The Dev'l a Man will leave his Can, 'till he hears the mighty Tom.
1705 E. Hickeringill Priest-craft 54 Whose Tongue was as clamorous and loud almost as Tom a Lincoln.
1787 ‘P. Pindar’ Ode upon Ode (ed. 5) 43 Thus when the Oxford Bell, baptiz'd Great Tom, Shakes all the City with his iron Tongue, The little tinklers might as well be dumb.
1818 A. Taylor Young Travellers 51 Having crossed the road and entered, by Tom gate, the great quadrangle or square.
1839 Penny Cycl. XIV. 8/2 The old bell, called the Tom of Lincoln..being exceeded only by ‘Mighty Tom’ of Oxford..and ‘Great Tom’ of Exeter.
1853 ‘C. Bede’ Adventures Mr. Verdant Green iii. 24 As he looks across the Christ Church Meadows and rolls past the Tom Tower.
1886 J. Ruskin Præterita I. xi. 369 I..amused myself till Tom rang in.
1922 S. Gardner Guide to Eng. Gothic Archit. 56 The central tower [of Lincoln Cathedral], called the Tom Tower, is perhaps the finest Gothic tower in existence.
1933 Musical Q. 19 385 As loud as Tom of Lincoln.
1940 Sewanee Rev. 48 175 Liddell..lived in the northeast angle of ‘Tom Quad’, and her professorial chum lived in the northwest angle.
2012 R. Shepherd Westminster xi. 84Great Tom’ became the hour bell of St Paul's Cathedral and, remarkably, after two re-castings, still rings out.
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