

单词 greyback


Brit. /ˈɡreɪbak/, U.S. /ˈɡreɪˌbæk/
Forms: see grey adj. and n. and back n.1
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: grey adj., back n.1
Etymology: < grey adj. + back n.1 Compare grey-backed adj.In sense 3 after greenback n. 3.
1. An animal having a greyish back.
a. U.S. Any of several wading birds; esp. the (red) knot, Calidris canutus, in winter plumage. Now historical.
the world > animals > birds > order Charadriiformes > family Scolopacidae (snipes, etc.) > [noun] > genus Calidris > calidris canutus (knot)
red-breasted sandpiper1813
grey plover1885
1813 A. Wilson Amer. Ornithol. VII. 47 The common name of this species [sc. Calidris canutus] on our sea coast is the Grey-back.
1882 E. K. Godfrey Island Nantucket 157 In the fall of 1881 large numbers of the upland gray-back, otherwise known as the brown-bird, made their appearance here on the marshes.
1912 C. A. Reed Amer. Game Birds 32 In this dress they [sc. knot] are almost universally known as ‘Gray-backs’.
1984 Sanctuary (Mass. Audubon Soc.) Dec. 16/1 In the fall the birds were marketed as gray-backs.
b. English regional and U.S. The (greater) scaup, Aythya marila. Now rare.
the world > animals > birds > freshwater birds > order Anseriformes (geese, etc.) > subfamily Merginae (duck) > [noun] > member of genus Aythya (miscellaneous) > aythya marila (scaup)
raft duck1824
mussel duck1864
1824 C. S. Girdlestone Let. 4 Nov. in Trans. Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Soc. (1879) 2 397 P.S. Scaup ducks are called Greybacks.
1888 G. Trumbull Names & Portraits Birds 55 Another title at Chicago is gray-back, and certain gunners about Detroit prefer black-neck to..‘blue-bill’.
1918 S. C. Arthur Birds Louisiana 24 American Scaup Duck... Big Blue-bill; Gray-back.
1986 N. Davis & K. Hart Coastal Carolina Cooking 100 (margin) Mitchell has stew-fried graybacks, sea robins, yellow sharks, mallards, and black ducks.
c. U.S. regional. A louse. Also figurative. Now archaic and historical.
the world > animals > invertebrates > phylum Arthropoda > class Insecta > subclass Pterygota > [noun] > division Exopterygota or Hemimetabola > group Anoplura > order Siphunculata > member of genus Pediculus (louse)
Welsh cricket1592
1840 Crockett Almanac 1841 24 You'll find gray-backs enuff up in the kalibuse.
1864 Daily Tel. 17 Mar. 5/2 The darkies sat grinning and hunting in their rags for greybacks.
1918 Highway Mag. Jan. 11/1 Just take me..Away from the shack where the small grayback Skiddoos through my uncut hair.
1932 Jefferson (Iowa) Bee 8 Nov. 1/1 A bunch of the lousiest, blood-sucking, ‘graybacks’ that have ever afflicted a political party.
1999 S. C. Bartoletti No Man's Land 31 Lice—or graybacks, the men called them.
d. U.S. More fully greyback whale. The grey whale, Eschrichtius robustus.
the world > animals > mammals > order Cetacea (whales) > suborder Mystacoceti > [noun] > genus Eschrichtius (grey whale)
grey whale1834
1869 Overland Monthly July 47/1 The Grayback swam off with their harpoon and several hundred feet of line.
1919 Aerial Age Weekly 19 Jan. 538/2 These are the first gray-back whales reported here in a school in nearly twenty years.
1984 Washington Post. 26 Aug. (Travel section) e1 My wife and I had scrambled round, to sit on the headland and watch gray-back whales rising and falling.
2011 S. G. Allen et al. Field Guide Marine Mammals Pacific Coast 172 Common names include Grayback Whale, Gray, Scrag, Mussel Digger, Hardhead, Ripsack, and Devil Fish.
e. English regional. More fully greyback crow. The hooded crow, Corvus corone cornix. Cf. grey crow n. at grey adj. and n. Compounds 1c(b). Now rare.
the world > animals > birds > order Passeriformes (singing) > larger song birds > family Corvidae (crow) > [noun] > genus Corvus > corvus cornix (hooded crow)
hooded crow?a1513
Royston crow1611
pied crow1648
grey crow1715
Harry Denchman18..
bunting crow1831
Norway crow1848
Kentish crow1893
1884 Zoologist 8 374 The Grey-back Crows.
1893 A. Newton Dict. Birds Greyback, in England a common name of the Grey form of Crow, Corvus cornix.
1909 C. Dixon Bird-life London 205 Hooded Crow. Corvus Cornix. Local names in surrounding counties: ‘Grey Crow’, ‘Grey-back’, ‘Hoody’, ‘Dun Crow’ (Essex).
2006 M. Kirby Skelligs Sunset 197 Other enemies are stoats, grey-back crows and cats.
2. A member of a military or police force whose uniform includes, or consists of, a grey coat; spec. (U.S. colloquial) a soldier of the Confederate army in the American Civil War (1861–5). Cf. greycoat n. 1, grey n. 4d. Now archaic and historical.Recorded earliest in attributive use.
society > armed hostility > warrior > soldier > soldier by nationality > [noun] > American > specific
Jersey blue1758
Indian fighter1824
blue belly1827
Johnny Reb1862
blue coat1885
1854 Bell's New Weekly Messenger 3 Dec. 2/3 I kill about thirty grey-back gentlemen every morning.
1862 Marshall (Mich.) Statesman 29 Jan. 2/4 Should a battle occur there, it is probable that the ‘gray-backs’ will have to reinforce them.
1870 T. W. Higginson Army Life vi. 152 Yonder loitering gray-back leading his horse to water.
1883 Daily Tel. 9 Feb. 5/4 The Confederate armies, during the great Civil War in America..were known..as ‘greybacks’.
1916 F. D. Bidwell Hist. 49th N.Y. Volunteers iii. 20 The men were then ordered to ‘Commence firing!’ and sent lots of graybacks to grass in short order.
2011 R. M. Coffman Going back Way they Came vi. 62 The graybacks could not halt the westward thrust of the Federals under Meade.
3. U.S. A monetary note issued by the Confederacy during the American Civil War. Cf. blueback n. 2, greenback n. 3. Now historical.
society > trade and finance > money > medium of exchange or currency > paper money > foreign banknotes > [noun] > U.S.
long green1837
wild cat1861
postage currency1862
postage-stamp currency1862
postal currency1862
fractional note1863
1863 Cedar Falls (Iowa) Gaz. 17 Apr. Soldiers appear to be more attached to graybacks than greenbacks as the former will be retained longest.
1897 Gen. H. Porter in Cent. Mag. Aug. 593 The depreciation in the purchasing power of graybacks, as we call the rebel treasury notes, is so rapid.
1918 Internat. Steam Engineer 34 402/2 After they loaded old fisemup's carriage with dust they went to town and had it exchanged for graybacks.
2011 K. Allerfeldt Crime & Rise Mod. Amer. v. 85 As the Grayback declined in value, the forgers turned to Washington's currency.
4. Calico-printing. = backcloth n. 1. Cf. back-grey n. Obsolete. rare.
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > textile manufacture > manufacture textile fabric or that which consists of > manufacture of textile fabric > treating or processing textile fabric > [noun] > printing > calico printing > back-cloth
1875 Encycl. Brit. III. 814/2 The ‘gray-backs’ which have been used in calico-printing have always to be thus steeped.
1876 Encycl. Brit. IV. 685/2 Between the central bowl and the cloth to be printed there passes an endless band of cloth or blanket..and a ‘grey back’ or web of unbleached calico, used to keep the blanket clean.


General attributive and appositive (in sense 2). Now archaic and historical.
1854Greyback gentlemen [see sense 2].
1863 T. F. Galwey in B. I. Wiley Life Billy Yank (1952) 177 Go to hell, you Grayback S.O.B's.
1863 J. P. Thompson Sergeant's Memorial xvi. 118 I lent the captain my rubber coat in order to hide the heavy gilt braid on his grey-back coat.
1866 W. L. Goss Soldier's Story (1867) ii. 33 The irresistible Yankee spirit of trade and dicker perverted even the virtuous grayback guardians of the prison.
1912 H. Tyrrell Shenandoah xix. 309 The grayback divils have sprung up out of the ground.
1916 R. Graves Over Brazier 23 Seams, rather, of a Greyback Shirt, And we're the little lice Wriggling about in them a week or two.
1976 R. Wilkinson-Latham Sudan Campaigns 1881–98 7/1 Sweltering in his ‘grey-back’ shirt and scarlet frock,..British troops began an association with Egypt and the Sudan that was to endure until the Anglo-French expedition of 1956 was aborted by pressure from the United States.
2008 D. E. Shaffer Men of Granite xi. 271 The lines of the grayback troops soon appeared, and then wave after wave charged upon the fort.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2013; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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