

单词 green wax

green waxn.

Brit. /ˈɡriːn ˌwaks/, U.S. /ˈɡrin ˌwæks/
Forms: see green adj. and n.1 and wax n.1
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: green adj., wax n.1
Etymology: < green adj. + wax n.1 With sense 1 compare post-classical Latin cera viridis estreat sealed with green wax (frequently 1275–1431 in British sources).
1. A document or estreat giving notice of a fine, amercement, etc., delivered by the Exchequer and bearing a green wax seal; such documents regarded collectively; (in extended use) the office issuing them. Also in process (also amerciament, issue) of green wax. Cf. green cloth n. Now historical.The office of Surveyor of Green Wax continued to exist nominally in the Exchequer Office until the early part of the 19th cent., but without substantive functions.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > evidence > [noun] > documentary evidence > types of
green waxa1350
society > communication > indication > marking > imprinting > sealing > [noun] > seal > official or sovereign
green waxa1350
secret seal1378
privy seal1410
Great Seal1419
private seal1440
common seal1449
privy signet1477
broad seal1550
a1350 in R. H. Robbins Hist. Poems 14th & 15th Cent. (1959) 8 Ȝet comeþ budeles wiþ ful muche bost: ‘greyþe me seluer to þe grene wax; þou art writen y my writ.’
1377–8 in J. T. Fowler Extracts Acct. Rolls Abbey of Durham (1901) III. 586 In soluc. facta vicecomiti Northumbr. pro le Grenwax, 13s. 4d.
1467 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 378 (MED) It ys agrede and accorded..that euery Bailly for the yere yelde accomptes of the yssues, fines, amerciaments of Grenewax in the kynges courte forfet by eny citezen..to the comyn chamberleyns.
c1500 God spede Plough (Lansd.) l. 69 in W. W. Skeat Pierce Ploughman's Crede (1873) 71 Then commeth the grenewex which greveth vs sore, With ronnyng in reragis it doth vs sorowe Inough.
1523 J. Fitzherbert Bk. Surueyeng xv. f. 28 The whiche afterwarde is estreyted agayne, and sende downe to the shiryffes of euery countie..and it is called grene waxe.
1587 A. Fleming et al. Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) III. 1241/1 Hugh Pateshull, treasuror of the excheker, which was treasuror of the greenewax, or of the seale.
1613 H. Finch Law (1636) 487 Of Sherifes and greene waxe.
1618 in R. F. Williams Birch's Court & Times James I (1849) (modernized text) II. 61 Sir Thomas Edmondes is in concert with the duke, to farm the green wax, as they call it, or the seal of the exchequer.
1668 in 10th Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS (1885) App. v. 76 A processe of green wax issued to the Sheriff of Sligo for £300 arreares of rent to his Majestie.
1716 N. Covert & W. Bohun Scrivener's Guide (ed. 3) II. 457 Also all Fines, Issues, Amerciaments, Post-Fines, and Issues, commonly called Issues of Green-wax.
1848 F. S. Thomas Anc. Exchequer Eng. 119 The Revenue of Greenwax, under his superintendence, was divided into two parts.
1976 Hist. Jrnl. 19 333 The Post Fines were part of the Greenwax in its wider sense. They were granted to Lord Knollys (later earl of Banbury) in 1608.
1994 Albion 26 429 Christopher Vernon, the king's First Secondary of the Pipe Officer and Surveyor of the Greenwax, was a noted specialist in obtaining favorable grants of concealed lands.
2. A fine or discretionary penalty exacted in accordance with such a document; such fines collectively. See amercement n. Obsolete.
society > authority > punishment > fine > [noun] > other fines
green wax1440
window fine1529
1440 in Hull Bench Bk. 3 f. 23 Grete..sklaunder has been..in esthewyng..of grete losse of money in Green wax.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. xxx. 413 Rasers of the fals tax And gederars of greyn wax.
c1613 ( in T. Stapleton Plumpton Corr. (1839) 2 I trust to god for to gett you downe your greenewax if that I may, thof it cost you mony.


C1. General attributive (in sense 1). Now historical.
1683 P. Brunskell (title) Vindication of the case relating to the green-wax-fines shewing how the rights and prerogative of the Crown are diminished, officers enrich'd, and the subjects oppressed by the mis-management of that revenue.
1696 R. Coke Detection Court Eng. (ed. 2) ii. 54 Sir Nicholas Tufton being very Aged and having a Patent for Life, of the Green-wax-Office in the Kings-Bench.
1788 Astræa 25 When I entered upon my office, I was determined to levy all the Green Wax fines and recognizances that I could.
1878 Archaeologia Cantiana 12 376 On the same day, the Green Wax Roll of the King was destroyed in John Colbrond's house,..near Wye.
1937 PMLA 52 1094 Grants from the King..included the right to collect and farm the most profitable customs (known as the Post Fines and the Greenwax duties).
green wax money n. Obsolete (chiefly in plural) the amounts exacted as fines or amercements by means of an estreat bearing a green wax seal (see sense 1).
1677 C. Wren Acct. Bk. July in Designs & Drawings St. Paul's Cathedral (Wren Soc.) (1936) XIII. 92 A pattent to Mr Brewster concerning the green wax monies.
1747 London Gaz. No. 8626. 1/1 All Manner of Fines, Forfeitures and Sums of Money, commonly called Green Wax Monies.
1777 Ann. Reg. 1775 (ed. 2) 201/1 The office of surveyor of his majesty's revenue arising by all and all manner of fines, forfeitures, and sums of money, commonly called green wax monies.
1883 Times 22 Sept. 7/7 The fines and quit-rents were collected under the name of Green Wax money, from the colour of the seal on the deed.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2011; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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