

单词 grammatical sense

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grammatical sense
2. grammatical sense: that sense of a text which is obtained by the simple application of the rules of grammar to the words, without reference to any extraneous considerations; the literal sense. So grammatical category, grammatical feature, grammatical form, grammatical meaning, grammatical interpretation, †grammatical translation, grammatical word (see quots.).
the mind > language > linguistics > semantics > meaning or signification > [noun] > literal or primary
grammatical sensea1530
grammatical meaning1769
the mind > mental capacity > intelligibility > meaning > meaning of linguistic unit > literal meaning > [noun] > according to grammar
grammatical sensea1530
grammatical meaning1769
a1530 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfeccyon (1531) iii. f. CCxiv As the lettre of these wordes (as to the grammaticall sense) pretendeth or sheweth.
1597 R. Hooker Of Lawes Eccl. Politie v. xiii. 22 In as much as by plaine grammaticall construction, Church doth signifie no other thing then The Lords house.
1651 T. Hobbes Leviathan iv. liv. 350 They had not transgressed the Grammaticall sense thereof.
1654 R. Whitlock Ζωοτομία Pref. sig. a vj As for my declining in many places Grammaticall Translations, it is to bring the Sense neerer my Purpose.
1769 in ‘Junius’ Stat Nominis Umbra (1772) I. 139 I trouble not myself with the grammatical meaning of the word expulsion. I regard only its legal meaning.
1891 H. A. Strong et al. Introd. Study Hist. Lang. xx. 343 The grammatical categories of substantive, adjective, and verb correspond to the logical categories of substance, quality, and..occurrence.
1924 O. Jespersen Philos. Gram. ii. 44 The paradigmatic arrangement is not one of grammatical form.
1924 O. Jespersen Philos. Gram. iii. 54 The grammatical category of number evidently corresponds to the distinction found in the outside world between ‘one’ and ‘more than one’.
1925 P. Radin tr. J. Vendryes Language ii. 90 To the concepts expressed by means of morphemes, we give the name grammatical categories. Thus, gender, number, person, tense and mood, interrogation and negation,..etc., are grammatical categories in languages where these concepts are expressed by special morphemes.
1933 L. Bloomfield Lang. x. 166 A simple feature of grammatical arrangement is a grammatical feature or taxeme... The utterance Run!, for example, contains two grammatical features (taxemes), namely, the modulation..and the selective feature.
1933 L. Bloomfield Lang. x. 166 The smallest meaningful units of grammatical form may be spoken of as tagmemes.
1933 L. Bloomfield Lang. x. 169 Some pitch-scheme.., in English at any rate, lends it a grammatical meaning such as ‘statement’, ‘yes-or-no question’, ‘supplement-question’, or ‘exclamation’.
1933 L. Bloomfield Lang. x. 169 The grammatical forms of a language can be grouped into three great classes.
1958 C. F. Hockett Course in Mod. Linguistics xxvii. 231 A specific grammatical category is an element in a system or a class in a classification: English plural, Spanish masculine, Latin accusative.
1963 Listener 3 Jan. 21/2 The feeling of climax comes..from increasing syntactical concentration. More merely grammatical words—‘see’, ‘are’, ‘was’, ‘is’—are omitted.
1964 M. Joos Eng. Verb iv. 81 The necessity of distinguishing between lexical meaning and grammatical meaning.
1966 G. N. Leech Eng. in Advertising ix. 88Grammatical words’ such as prepositions, pronouns, and auxiliary verbs.
1968 M. Black Labyrinth of Lang. iv. 85 The totality of rules that determine the correct use of a given word or expression may be said to specify the grammatical form of that word or expression.
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