

单词 going away

going awayn.

Brit. /ˌɡəʊɪŋ əˈweɪ/, U.S. /ˈɡoʊɪŋ əˌweɪ/
Inflections: Plural goings away.
Forms: see going n. and away adv.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: going n., away adv.
Etymology: < going n. + away adv., after to go away at go v. Phrasal verbs 1.
The action or an act of going away or leaving; departure.
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > going away > [noun]
going awayc1450
c1450 Jacob's Well (1900) 264 (MED) His fadyr & modyr, for his goyng awey, sowȝtyn hym in dyuerse londys.
1534 N. Udall Floures for Latine Spekynge gathered oute of Terence f. 147 For as moche as I see this poore soule to be in suche greate sorowe and heuynes or peyne, because of the goynge awaye of hym [L. eius abitu].
1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §997 The Going away of that, which had staid so long, doth yet sticke with mee.
1702 Clarendon's Hist. Rebellion I. v. 430 That he should begin his Journey..so unfit for Travel..if his going away was design'd the day before.
1761 Universal Mag. 28 Suppl. 356/1 If there be a going away, with a purpose of seeking to recover what is for the present left or forsaken.
1815 L. Simond Jrnl. Tour Great Brit. II. 152 The true enjoyment does not, in fact, begin till the concert is over. The going away is the thing.
1898 G. B. Shaw Philanderer i. 96 I'll have to apologize for her... Her going away is a downright slap in the face for these people.
1926 C. Sandburg Abraham Lincoln: Prairie Years I. xciii. 450 The life of a man or a nation of men is put down in two easy almanac dates, telling of a coming and of a going away.
1990 S. Maitland Three Times Table (1991) ii. i. 93 Rachel always knew somewhere and somehow that the going away had been good for Phoebe.
2004 L. Chaikin Desert Star ii. 41 This was shortly after the death of his pa and the going away of his favorite sister.


a. General attributive.
1835 E. W. Observations 60 There certainly is a smell of a going-away morning, a raw chilling smell.
1895 Daily Picayune (New Orleans) 30 June 26/4 As Easter presents and graduating presents and going away presents and presents to all the babies.., the nuisance is fast growing unendurable.
1976 Southern Evening Echo (Southampton) 13 Nov. 3/7 They were very happy to give a ‘going away’ party for the car at which they revealed their secret.
1987 New Mexico Dec. 79/2 Charlene Tisch got a going-away card from her co-workers.
2002 K. Love Blind to Molesting Hands iii. 114 He recommended that I shouldn't go to my going away drinks at work.
b. attributive. spec. Designating clothes worn by a bride when she departs for her honeymoon, or (in later use) other items associated with the departure of a couple after their wedding, as the vehicle used.
1871 Freeman's Jrnl. (Dublin) 22 Mar. Mrs. Sims..was informed that one of the costumes supplied by her was intended to be worn as her Royal Highness's going away dress on the occasion of her marriage.
1884 Pall Mall Gaz. 27 Aug. 7/2 Mrs. H—'s going-away gown being a dark brown cashmere.
1900 Lady's Realm Nov. 52/1 The horses of her going-away carriage stumbled and fell.
1936 Winnipeg Free Press 6 June 11/7 Try and pick out one [dinner dress] to slip in your going away suitcase.
1959 D. Eden Sleeping Bride iv. 30 This is my going-away suit.
1986 Sunday Express Mag. 19 Oct. 66/1 Guests waving off the happy couple in the going-away car.
2002 Financial Times 9 Feb. (FT Weekend section) p. ix/6 When the couple finally reappeared, she was in a brown herringbone tweed going-away suit.
going-away club n. now historical (chiefly in northern England) a savings club in which members build up holiday funds by making regular small payments.
1885 Chambers's Jrnl. 24 Jan. 57/1 Most of the Lancashire towns have their ‘going-away clubs’..into which each man puts weekly what he can spare.
1912 A. Bennett Matador of Five Towns & Other Stories 135 William Henry began grimly to pay his subscriptions to the next year's Going Away Club.
1928 Observer 1 July 21/4 The amount of money which has been disbursed by the ‘Going-away clubs’ is as large as ever.
2001 T. Griffiths Lancs. Working Classes vi. 212 A case in point is provided by the ‘going away’ clubs, present in most cotton towns through the period.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2015; most recently modified version published online June 2022).

going awayadv.

Brit. /ˌɡəʊɪŋ əˈweɪ/, U.S. /ˌɡoʊɪŋ əˈweɪ/
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: English going , go v., away adv.
Etymology: < going, present participle of go v. + away adv. Compare to go away 3 at go v. Phrasal verbs 1.
Originally Horse Racing.
While increasing the distance between oneself and the nearest competitor; (hence) by a substantial margin, by a long way, easily. Chiefly in to win going away.
1903 Morning Tel. Racing Chart Bk. July 13 Jigger..was outrun the first part, but..came through near the rail in the stretch and won going away.
1926 Washington Post 15 Mar. 13/2 The L Streeters..not only tied the score, but in turf parlance ‘won going away’.
1936 Muscatine (Iowa) Jrnl. 1 Apr. 9/2 A team..that could spot the Bulldogs 10 points and still beat them going away.
1988 R. Angell Season Ticket (1989) xiii. 354 The Mets came back from a..3–0 deficit and won going away (as turf writers say), 8–5.
2007 Washington Post 3 Apr. (Home ed.) e9/4 They took a very good team's best shot and still won going away, 84–75.
This is a new entry (OED Third Edition, June 2015; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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