

单词 government


Brit. /ˈɡʌvnm(ə)nt/, /ˈɡʌvəm(ə)nt/, U.S. /ˈɡəvər(n)mənt/

β. late Middle English–1600s gouerment, 1500s– goverment (nonstandard in later use), 1600s gouverment; Scottish pre-1700 gouerment, pre-1700 goverment, pre-1700 gowerment, 1900s– gooverment; U.S. regional 1900s– govemment, 1900s– govermint, 1900s– guvermment.

α. late Middle English–1500s gouernament, late Middle English–1600s gouernement, late Middle English–1600s gouernemente, late Middle English–1600s governement, 1500s gouernamente, 1500s–1600s gouernment, 1500s–1600s governemente, 1500s– government, 1600s gouvernement, 1600s gouvernment; Scottish pre-1700 gouernament, pre-1700 gouernment, pre-1700 gouuernement, pre-1700 governement, pre-1700 governiment, pre-1700 gowernement, pre-1700 1700s– government; U.S. regional 1900s– govrenment.

γ. chiefly U.S. regional and nonstandard 1800s– gobment, 1800s– gubmint, 1900s– govmint, 1900s– gov'mint, 1900s– gubment, 1900s– gubmunt (in African-American usage), 1900s– guvment, 1900s– guv'mer, 1900s– guvmint.

See also gahmen n.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French government.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman government, guvernement, Anglo-Norman and Middle French governement, gouvernement (French gouvernement ) political rule, exercise of political power (c1170 in Old French), action or manner of directing people or things (end of the 12th cent.), good conduct or behaviour, self-control (c1270 or earlier; late 14th cent. in sense ‘conduct, behaviour (whether good or bad)’), office or function of governor (early 14th cent. or earlier), medical treatment (a1365 or earlier), act of governance, administration (late 14th cent. or earlier), management (late 14th cent.), action of steering or navigating a ship (late 14th cent.), geographical area over which a governor has authority (1462), (in plural) rules or constitutions collectively (1463), physical conduct (1558, in the passage translated in quot. ?1566 at sense 3b, or earlier), political structure of a state (1588) < governer , gouverner govern v. + -ment -ment suffix. Compare earlier governance n., and (with the use in sense 1d) earlier govern n. and the foreign-language forms cited at that entry.Compare Spanish †governamiento (first half of the 13th cent.; also †gobernamiento ). In sense 2c after governess n. 2b. In sense 9 after Russian gubernija , first-level administrative division of Russia in 1708–1929 ( < gubern- (in gubernator gubernator n.) + -ia -ia suffix1). Compare governorate n. 1.
I. General senses, relating to actions with direct or controlling influence, or to the exercise of personal authority.
a. The continuous exercise of authority over a person, group, etc.; guardianship, protection; control.
?c1400 (c1380) G. Chaucer tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (BL Add. 10340) (1868) ii. pr. vii. l. 1493 Men myȝten speke or writen of his goode gouernement.
?1483 W. Caxton tr. Caton i. sig. aviiv Euery man that hath ony gouernemente or rewle vpon his householde is bounden to hit in thre maners.
1547 Bp. S. Gardiner Let. 30 Aug. (1933) 277 I kepe my wont to write to your Grace now, in whose hands I know the estate of the realm to be fortime in government.
1561 tr. Hist. Strange Wonders sig. B.vii There be Sermons of repentaunce, whych not wythstandynge they that are destitut of the gouernment of the word of god do take neuer the latter.
?1566 J. Alday tr. P. Boaistuau Theatrum Mundi sig. H iv b A king or a prince..that hath under his governement so manye thousands of men.
1624 T. Heywood Γυναικεῖον i. 25 These Goddesses..as they are opiniated, have the government of children in their infancie.
1663 E. Waterhouse Fortescutus Illustratus xlii. 488 No wife recalcitrates the government of her husband whom she is presumed to have chosen and voluntarily to have pledged her faith to.
1708 S. Hill Thorough Exam. False Princ. Preface 30 Every Man's maturity of Reason must be at least equal up to a certain Point, before he can claim this Liberty against the Government of his Parents.
1726 Bp. J. Butler 15 Serm. iv. 67 The Government of the Tongue..relates chiefly to Conversation.
1758 S. Hayward Seventeen Serm. i. 4 We are all under its [sc. sin's] power and government.
1790 E. Burke Refl. Revol. in France 137 All who administer in the government of men..should have high and worthy notions of their function and destination. View more context for this quotation
1836 C. Wislez Let. 18 Jan. in Lewin Lett. (1909) I. ii. 337 I have been seriously ill lately, and am still under the Doctor's governement.
1847 Howitt's Jrnl. 2 99/2 [He] was extremely stern and determined in the government of his children, especially of his sons.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. vi. 88 The Dean was charged with the government of a..number of youths of high connections.
1859 Ld. Tennyson Enid in Idylls of King 56 They..[sc. horses], like creatures gently born..felt Her low firm voice and tender government.
1958–9 J. R. R. Tolkien Lett. (1981) 293 But the government of a ‘family’..was not a monarchy (except by accident).
2010 M. Dean Governmentality (ed. 2) i. 27 All practices of government of self or others presuppose some goal or end to be achieved.
b. A determining or guiding influence over physical phenomena. Obsolete.
society > authority > rule or government > [noun] > action or act of
?c1400 (c1380) G. Chaucer tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (BL Add. 10340) (1868) i. pr. vi. l. 688 Þou hast forȝeten by whiche gouernementȝ þe worlde is gouerned.
1644 W. Lilly Englands Propheticall Merline To Rdr. sig. Ajv The Government of the World by the seven Planetary Angels under the severall Trygonicall Revolutions of Saturne and Iupiter.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. Hylegial Places, among Astrologers, are such, in which, when a Planet happens to be set, it may be said to be fit to have the Government of Life attributed thereto.
1810 C. T. Watkins Portable Cycl. at Helm The movements of the tiller to the right and left, accordingly direct the efforts of the rudder to the government of the ship's course as she advances.
c. Authoritative direction or control; management, regulation. Obsolete.
society > authority > control > [noun] > direction
1556 M. Huggarde Displaying of Protestantes f. 69 Matrones, which..are contented to applie their mindes to the gouernement of houshold matters.
1666 P. Henry Diaries & Lett. (1882) 184 That the Governmt of the Church of Christ ought to bee manag'd by the Ministers of Christ.
1758 J. Mackenzie Hist. Health i. xvii. 293 Calculated rather to obtrude particular nostrums, than to give prudent rules for the government of health.
1847 Statutes New Jersey xxvi. 772 Such rules of discipline as are or may be hereafter laid down for the government of horse artillery.
1883 M. Oliphant Hester II. i. 11 The idea that Hester..might have had something to say in the government of the bank, struck her as if some one had given her a blow.
1909 Kansas City Med. Rec. Jan. 22/2 Hygiene is a department of sanitary science that lays down laws for the government of health.
d. Guidance of a person or a person's conduct. Obsolete. N.E.D. (1900) labels this sense ‘Obs. except in commercial and official epistolary use’, but supporting 19th-cent. evidence is elusive.
1576 J. Daniel tr. J. Pérez Excelent Comfort xxxiii. f. 156v The people of Israell (which are as a myrrour or glasse for vs to looke in so, for the gouernement & guyding of our humaine liues).
1694 P. Wall Let. in J. Praed Modest & True account of Proc. against Mr. Abraham Anselm 7 The said Anselm did desire to know.., where he could raise Men in Cornwal, for the Late King James, and what Number: So (for your Government,) you may use your own Discretion.
1712 J. Arbuthnot Law is Bottomless-pit ix. 16 If she submits to my Government, she will be abroad in a little time.
1796 L. Murray Eng. Gram. (ed. 2) 108 Examples..which may serve as some government to the scholar.
1900 N.E.D. at Government Please send me, for my government, a copy of your correspondence with Mr. A.
e. The action of tending, caring for, or cultivating something. Obsolete.
society > authority > control > [noun] > management or administration
case management1918
1587 L. Mascall First Bk. Cattell Epist. sig. A3v The gouernment of cattell.
1660 R. Sharrock Hist. Propagation & Improvem. Veg. 22 The whole government and husbandry of hemp from the seed to the distaffe is like this of flax.
a1667 A. Cowley Agric. in Wks. (1668) 101 Rural Oeconomy..would contain the Government of Bees, Swine, Poultry [etc.].
1727 B. Langley New Princ. Gardening vii. i. 40 I gave them an equal Attendance in every part of their Government.
a. The office or function of governing or ruling; authority to govern.
society > authority > rule or government > [noun]
c1450 ( J. Walton tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Linc. Cathedral 103) 31 (MED) A blissfull þing..if þat thise þat vsen gouernement In wisdom wolde dispende þaire besynesse.
1584 H. Llwyd & D. Powel Hist. Cambria 69 The rule and Gouernment of North Wales.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene i. x. sig. K2 The first..Of all the house had charge and gouernement, As Guardian and Steward of the rest.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 3 (1623) iv. vii. 24 I here resigne my Gouernment to thee. View more context for this quotation
1685 R. Baxter Paraphr. New Test. Matt. x. 2 Peter had a priority, though no Government over the rest.
1727 D. Defoe Syst. Magick i. i. 19 Prometheus obtain'd the Government of a Part of Armenia.
1850 C. Anthon Syst. Anc. & Mediæval Geogr. 132 While Julian held the government of Gaul under Constantius, the environs of Lugdunum were ravaged.
1872 J. L. Sanford Estimates Eng. Kings: Charles I 333 He would learn..to look upon government as an absolute function of the Sovereign.
1927 Encycl. Islam IV. 775/2 Muhammad..held the government of Sarakhs, which he retained after his father's death.
2001 T. Pálosfalvi tr. P. Engel Realm St. Stephen (2005) vii. 106 As compensation for the loss of Styria [Duke Stephen] was given the government of Transylvania.
b. The position of governor; tenure of this; (also) the right to hold or fill such a position. Obsolete.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > [noun] > position or function of
1617 F. Moryson Itinerary ii. 68 Hee..had made offer to resigne the gouernement he had in the Prouince of Connaght.
1647 C. Cotterell & W. Aylesbury tr. E. C. Davila Hist. Civill Warres France i. 19 Those few small Governments which yet remained in their Family.
1700 J. Tyrrell Gen. Hist. Eng. II. 915 He was..perswaded..to accept the Government of Dover Castle.
1769 W. Draper in ‘Junius’ Stat Nominis Umbra (1772) I. iv. 40 My silence may have been purchased by my government.
1803 G. Mason Life Richard Earl Howe 4 He was sent for education first to Westminster school, when his father went to Barbadoes as governor of that island—having been appointed to his government in May 1732.
c. The position or function of governess (governess n. 2c). Obsolete. rare.
society > education > teaching > teacher > [noun] > professional teacher > governess > in position of
1653 F. G. tr. ‘G. de Scudéry’ Artamenes I. ii. ii. 96 As my mother had the honor of that great Queens love, she moved the King her husband, to confer the Government of the Princess Araminta upon her.
1804 G. Rose Diaries (1860) II. 196 Lady Pembroke had been offered the government of the Princess Charlotte.
a. The manner in which a person's action is governed; conduct, behaviour; esp. good conduct or behaviour, discretion (cf. self-government n. 1). Now rare. In later use, English regional (south-western).
the world > action or operation > behaviour > [noun] > in moral aspect
the world > action or operation > behaviour > way of life > [noun]
daily life1516
way of living1516
way of lifea1616
c1450 tr. G. Deguileville Pilgrimage Lyfe Manhode (Cambr.) (1869) 158 (MED) Thou art thanne..thing that hast no techinge ne gouernement [Fr. gouvernement] in thee.
1484 W. Caxton tr. G. de la Tour-Landry Bk. Knight of Tower (1971) xx. 40 The good knyght..was wyse, and of grete gouernement in repreuyng of the lady.
1561 H. Bennet tr. O. Mykonius in Famous & Godly Hist. sig. D.ivv We couet not ye bloud of any lyuing creature, & abhorre the effusion of the same in thys commocion: but our whole entent is to interrupte the licencious gouernment of some.
1562 W. Ward tr. G. Ruscelli 3rd Pt. Secretes Alexis of Piemont f. 26v If the thyng be growen to an vlcer, either by the foly of the Phisition, or els by the euill gouernement of the Pacient [etc.]
1596 E. Spenser Second Pt. Faerie Queene iv. v. sig. E4v Whose beauties wonderment She lesse esteem'd, then th'others vertuous gouernment . View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Othello (1622) iii. iii. 261 Feare not my gouernement . View more context for this quotation
1633 J. Ford 'Tis Pitty shee's Whore i. sig. B v How did the Vniversity applaud Thy Gouernment, Behauiour, Learning, Speech.
1639 T. B. tr. J.-P. Camus Certain Moral Relations in S. Du Verger tr. J.-P. Camus Admirable Events 319 He tooke into his house one of his sisters, a maid of government and judgement.
1923 J. Read Cluster-O'-Vive ii. 84 The man had no more gover'ment than a whirdlygig; no matter where a did point one minute, a puff o' wind wur enough to zet en off in a new direction the next.
b. Management or control of the body or the limbs; physical conduct. Also: regime for the maintenance of health or fitness. Obsolete.In quot. c1485, as a count noun.
the world > movement > bodily movement > [noun] > management of
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Gouernaunce of Princis (1993) xxiv. 99 Quhat euer a man les of his blude..the vertuous sesoun with gude nutrimentis and gouernementis restoris naturaly all agayne.
?1566 J. Alday tr. P. Boaistuau Theatrum Mundi sig. E ij Here you may see his life and gouernement [Fr. gouuernement], whilst he is inclosed in his mothers wombe.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene i. ix. sig. H6v Their God himselfe..Shott many a dart at me with fiers intent, But I them warded all with wary gouernment.
1601 R. Chester Loves Martyr 96 Running, vaulting, and Actiuitie, And other exercise of gouernement.
1612 in R. F. Williams Birch's Court & Times James I (1849) (modernized text) I. 203 The disease..must have its ordinary course, and the less physic the better, but only sweating, and an orderly course of keeping and government.
4. The action of working, propelling, or steering a ship; (also) command or control of a vessel. Obsolete.
society > travel > travel by water > directing or managing a ship > [noun]
1562 A. Brooke tr. M. Bandello Tragicall Hist. Romeus & Iuliet f. 39 Sometimes the beaten boate, by cunning gouernment... Doth win the long desyred porte.
1583 P. Barrough Methode of Phisicke Pref. sig. *vv He hath forsaken the quiet hauen, and launched out into the rough seas, and hath taken vpon him the gouernment of the ship.
1699 J. Potter Archæologiæ Græcæ II. iii. xiv. 133 All the three Ways of Government [of Ships], viz. by Sail, Oar, and Cords, were upon occasion made use of.
5. Grammar. The influence of one word over another in determining the case of a noun, mood of a verb, etc.; the effect of this influence.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of grammar > syntax or word order > syntactic relations > [noun] > government
1569 W. Haywarde tr. A. Guarna Bellum Grammaticale sig. F.vi We appoint that the Participle..haue the gouernement of the verbe before hym first, and that of the Noune after him last.
1651 J. Shirley Grammatica Anglo-Latina 127 Government, or Construction. Every word is commonly governed of that which goeth next before.
1762 R. Lowth Short Introd. Eng. Gram. (1838) 157 Adverbs have no government.
1795 L. Murray Eng. Gram. 112 This position of the pronoun sometimes occasions its proper case and government to be neglected.
1804 L. Murray Eng. Gram. (ed. 9) iii. 183 Participles have the same government as the verbs have from which they are derived.
1859 H. Alford Greek Test. IV. i. (Heb. ix. 15) 173 The severing of a genitive in government from its governing noun is not uncommon in our Ep[istle].
1965 Bull. School Oriental & Afr. Stud. 28 227 In such a circumstance, reciprocal government is assumed: the determined noun requires that the determining one be in the genitive.
1992 Trans. Philol. Soc. 90 4 It is interesting that the variation between Gothic and Greek in case government relates to the internal semantic structure of the same three prepositionally-governed cases: accusative, genitive and dative.
II. Senses related to the exercise of political authority, influence, or control.
a. The action of directing the affairs of a state, province, city, etc.; political rule.In quot. ?c1400, as a count noun.
?c1400 (c1380) G. Chaucer tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (BL Add. 10340) (1868) i. pr. iv. l. 275 For þat þe gouernementes of comune citees y-left in þe hondes of felonous tourmentours Citiȝenis ne scholde not brynge inne pestilence and destruccioun to goode folk.
1474 W. Caxton tr. Game & Playe of Chesse (1883) ii. i. 20 He ought alleway thenke on the gouernement of the Royame and who hath thadmynystracion of Justice.
1561 G. Gilby in G. Gilby tr. Cicero Epistle sig. B.vv (note) The felicitie of the subiectes is the ende of gouernement.
1604 C. Edmondes Observ. Cæsars Comm. II. vi. ix. 28 Gouernment is defined, to be an establishing of order best fitting the maintenance of a people, in a peaceable and happie life.
1700 S. Patrick Paraphr. Ecclesiastes i, in Paraphr. Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon 12 All Government is so full of cares, perplexities, and impediments, that..he would rather die than be promoted to it.
1789 J. Bentham Introd. Princ. Morals & Legisl. vii. §1 The business of government is to promote the happiness of the society by punishing and rewarding.
1841 E. Miall in Nonconf. 1 1 At present we have government in excess.
1861 J. S. Mill Considerations Representative Govt. i. 1 Government..is a problem to be worked like any other question of business.
1895 J. Morley in Daily News 30 May 2/1 All government is difficult.
1917 T. Roosevelt Let. 10 Jan. in Proc. Congr. Constr. Patriotism 172 Everything is un-American that tends either to government by a plutocracy or government by a mob.
1969 V. Bartlett Past of Pastimes v. 70 The masses..had no say whatsoever in the government of their country.
2002 Independent 23 Sept. 13/3 There is no slot less rewarding than that of becoming PM at the end of a long period of government by your own party.
b. The fact that a particular person or group of people rules.
society > authority > rule or government > [noun] > by a person or body
?c1400 (c1380) G. Chaucer tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (BL Add. 10340) (1868) i. pr. v. l. 563 Ȝif þou remembre of what contre þou art born, it nis not gouerned by emperoures, ne by gouernement of multitude.
1558 P. Morwen tr. A. ben David ibn Daud Hist. Latter Tymes Iewes Commune Weale f. xxxvii The lorde God wold you shuld be afflicted & punished by the gouernement of the Romaynes.
1559 J. Aylmer (title) An harborowe for faithfull and trewe subiectes, agaynst the late blowne blaste, concerninge the government of wemen.
1656 T. Blount Glossographia Demonicratie, the Government of divels.
1759 W. Robertson Hist. Scotl. I. ii. 79 The government of a Queen was unknown in Scotland.
1790 R. Gray Key Old Test. & Apocrypha (1792) 125 The government of the Judges may be conceived to have continued..to the twenty-first year of Samuel's judicature.
1809 E. S. Barrett Setting Sun I. 39 May we not see in them the handwriting on the wall,..the end of the government of light-weight princes?
1879 A. H. Edgren tr. V. Rydberg Magic Middle Ages iv. 175 Never has there been a time when a divine and universal government was so much despaired of as in the Middle Ages.
1926 M. R. Dobie tr. A. Jardé Formation of Greek People iv. i. 243 Even when a Greek city accepted the government of a tyrant, the master which it gave itself refused to consider his fellow-citizens as slaves.
1996 I. Galbraith & K. Williams tr. R.-M. Hagen & R. Hagen What Great Paintings Say: Old Masters in Detail II. 74/3 Disaster was all that could be expected from the government of a woman, nay, a foreigner.
c. A period of rule; tenure of office.
society > authority > rule or government > [noun] > period of
society > authority > office > [noun] > period of office
1550 T. Nicolls tr. Thucydides Hist. Peloponnesian War vi. x. f. clixiii Pysystratus hadde sometyme bene harde and cruell about the ende of hys gouernement [Fr. domination].
1617 F. Moryson Itinerary ii. 2 The time of my owne being in Ireland, in the Lord Mountjoy his Governement.
1664 in G. Miege Relation of Three Embassies (1669) 289 I..shall pray to God to bless your Majesty with a long and happy Government.
1782 Polit. Mag. & Parl., Naval, Mil. & Lit. Jrnl. Aug. 479/2 Sir Thomas Rumbold said that these debts had not been created during his government.
1831 J. V. L. McMahon Hist. View Govt. Maryland I. iii. 260 During his short government, he appears to have retained the confidence and affection of the colony.
1835 Colonist (Sydney) 22 Jan. 29/2 Neither threw himself into the hands of the emancipists, like Sir Thomas Brisbane at the close of his government.
1853 B. C. Clark Plea for Hayti 34 It was during the government of Boyer that the Spanish or Dominican part of the Island was united with the French part.
1917 Ann. Amer. Acad. Polit. & Social Sci. 69 6 During the long government of General Diaz the Catholic clergy..recovered much of its temporal power.
1992 Vanity Fair Dec. 104/2 During the government of Virgillo Barco..those who really governed the country were the police.
a. The governing power in a country or state; the body of people charged with the duty of governing; spec. (a) the governing group regarded as a permanent entity (often without article); (b) the group of individuals who hold power at a particular time; an administration.In the United States commonly used of local (state and municipal) as well as national (federal) government.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > a or the government > [noun]
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > a or the government > [noun] > a particular government or the administration
All the Virtues1869
a1544 R. Barlow tr. M. Fernández de Enciso Brief Summe Geogr. (1932) 39 [In Parys] resideth the councell and governement of all the realme [Sp. el parlamento e consejo que goviernan a todo el reyno].
?1689 T. S. Let. from Friend in North 7 That Men be permitted to undermine the Government, pull down Episcopacy, or deprive them of their antient Right of Sitting and Voting as Peers of the Realm.
1702 N. Luttrell Diary in Brief Hist. Relation State Affairs (1857) V. 212 The government yet has not any account of it.
1788 J. L. de Lolme Observ. Taxes upon Windows or Lights 32 Government at length resorted to anew expedient.
1801 Bp. Tomline in Earl Stanhope Life W. Pitt (1861) II. 395 A Roman Catholic Bill, which Government stands pledged to Ireland to introduce into the Imperial Parliament.
1828 Visct. Palmerston Let. 18 Jan. in H. L. Bulwer Life Visct. Palmerston (1871) I. v. 217 The Duke of Wellington has been employed since..the 9th in taking steps to reorganize the Government.
1861 J. S. Mill Considerations Representative Govt. xviii. 330 In all questions between a government and an individual, the presumption in every Englishman's mind is, that the government is in the wrong.
1868 M. E. Grant Duff Polit. Surv. 17 The Liberal Government..is neither so strong nor so wisely composed as we might wish.
1880 Our Nat. Responsibility for Opium Trade 4 The Indian Government is the greatest manufacturer in the world.
1888 J. Bryce Amer. Commonw. I. 119 In America people usually speak of the President and his ministers as the ‘administration’, not as the ‘government’.
1925 Woman's World (Chicago) Apr. 3/3 Our courts are rotten and ruled by grafters. Our government is worse.
1953 Earl Winterton Orders of Day xxiv. 345 The Government of that day..had assured us and the nation at large that it was ‘a war to end war’.
1994 P. D. James Original Sin iv. 30 They'll hype the memoirs as if their disclosures could bring down the Government.
b. U.S. The governing body of a college. More fully college government. Obsolete.
1787 in B. H. Hall Coll. College Words (1851) 149 The Government of college met, And Willard ruled the stern debate.
1812 in B. Peirce Hist. Harvard Univ. (1833) App. 87 The two Boards, which constitute the college-government.
1837 Knickerbocker Mag. 9 347 I am sorry to inform you, that the government deem it expedient that you should spend a few months in the country.
1851 B. H. Hall Coll. College Words 149 Tutors, who are styled the Government, or the College Government.
8. The system according to which a nation or community is governed; form or kind of polity.Often with preceding modifying word indicating either the nature of the community governed, as in civil or political, church or ecclesiastical government, or the kind of organization adopted, as in monarchical, oligarchical, republican government; episcopal, presbyterian government.
society > authority > rule or government > a or the system of government > [noun]
party government1834
1553 J. Brende tr. Q. Curtius Rufus Hist. iv. f. 48 He passed..vnto the inwarde partes of Egypt, and set a staie and order of the gouerment of the countrey.
1588 ‘M. Marprelate’ Oh read ouer D. Iohn Bridges: Epist. 2 The Church gouerment prescribed in the worde.
1605 W. Camden Remaines i. 2 Governement Ecclesiasticall and Civill.
1660 J. Milton Readie Way Free Commonw. 3 Depriving our selves the instant fruition of that free government which we have so dearly purchasd.
a1698 W. Temple Introd. Hist. Eng. (1699) 9 Their Government was like that of the ancient Gauls, of several small Nations under several petty Princes.
1733 A. Pope Ess. Man iii. 303 For Forms of Government let Fools contest.
1735 Visct. Bolingbroke Diss. upon Parties (ed. 2) 142 A Government by Will, never prevail'd in Britain.
1748 T. Gray Let. 9 Mar. in Corr. (1971) I. 317 The three sorts of government, Despotism, the limited Monarchic, & the Republican.
1769 W. Robertson Hist. Charles V II. vi. 448 But Loyola..appointed that the government of his order should be purely monarchical.
1771 ‘Junius’ Stat Nominis Umbra (1772) II. xlvii. 176 The government of England is a government of law.
1809 S. T. Coleridge Friend 28 Sept. 99 Government must have originated in Choice and an Agreement.
1874 G. Bancroft Footpr. of Time i. 43 Government, in early times, was very imperfectly organized.
1915 T. C. Nixon Ess. in Social Justice v. 125 Only rich countries can afford democratic government.
1967 Bull. Atomic Scientists May 28/1 No country has moved so far in the past five years toward popular acceptance of communist government.
2010 N.Y. Times Mag. 11 July 51/1 Robin came up with the concept of futarchy, a form of government in which prediction markets would be used to determine the viability of various policies.
9. A geographical area over which a governor (or occasionally other ruler) has authority; spec. a subdivision of a kingdom or empire, esp. in France or Russia. Now historical.
society > authority > rule or government > territorial jurisdiction or areas subject to > territory under a governor or official > [noun]
society > authority > rule or government > territorial jurisdiction or areas subject to > an administrative division of territory > [noun] > large or culturally distinct division
1554 W. Prat tr. J. Boemus Discr. Aphrique sig. F.viiv Al Egypt is deuyded into diuers gouernementes [Fr. gouuernemens], euery one of them by a name, constituted a gouernour who hath the charge of all thyngs.
1603 Sir D. Carleton in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1824) 1st Ser. III. 82 Which was payde owt of his goverment of Jersy.
1617 F. Moryson Itinerary i. 245 To make a present to a Cady, returning from his governement to Constantinople.
1624 N. De Lawne tr. P. Du Moulin Elements Logick 54 As when we divide..France into seventeene governments.
1700 J. Dryden tr. Ovid Baucis & Philemon in Fables 156 To Phrygian Realms, my Grandsire's Government.
1705 J. Addison Remarks Italy Ded. sig. A2 When I pass'd through most of the Protestant Governments in Europe.
1710 C. Whitworth Acct. Russia (1758) 53 In 1710, the Czar..divided the Empire into eight governments.
1759 E. Wheelock in F. Chase Hist. Dartmouth Coll. (1891) I. 6 I was upon the same road to New Haven when that Doctor passed through this government.
1840 C. Thirlwall Hist. Greece VII. 127 The governments west of the Euphrates.
1894 Daily News 24 Mar. 5/3 The manufacture of Russian lace..is spread over many governments.
1914 Observer 16 Aug. 5/5 An aeroplane was damaged and brought down in the Suvalki Government.
1935 B. W. Maxwell Soviet State i. i. 30 Russia, before the Revolution, was divided for purposes of administration into seventy-eight governments (guberniya), twenty-one regions (oblast), and one circuit (okrug).
1997 Ancestry June 3/3 (advt.) First published in 1772, this map shows the area [of Scandinavia] divided into provinces and governments.
10. Short for Instrument of Government n. (a) at instrument n. Phrases 1. Obsolete. rare.
1654 His Highnesse Lord Protector's Speeches to Parl. (Wing C7170D) 43 As the Government doth express, you may make any Laws; and if I give not my Consent within twenty dayes, to the Passing your Lawes, they are ipso facto Laws, whether I consent, or no, if not contrary to the Government.
1654 Perfect Acct. Intelligence Armies & Navy No. 156. 1245 This day was extant the Government of this Commonwealth by his Highness special commandement.
11. U.S. In plural. Short for government securities n.
society > trade and finance > stocks and shares > stocks, shares, or bonds > [noun] > bond > types of bond
government securities1707
Sword-blade bond1707
long bond1720
government paper1774
premium bond1820
preference bond1848
investment bond1853
mortgage bond1853
revenue bond1853
municipal bond1858
property bond1869
priority bond1884
income bonds1889
war baby1901
Liberty Bond1917
Liberty Loan1917
victory bond1917
performance bond1938
managed bond1972
granny bond1976
bulldog bond1980
1870 M. H. Smith 20 Years Wall St. 83 A special chamber is assigned for the sale of governments.
1877 Harper's Mag. Dec. 37/1 On 5000 governments which I hold, I have received $166.
1885 Boston (Mass.) Jrnl. 30 Apr. 1/3 Money Steady—Governments Firmer—Stocks Higher.
2003 A. H. Meltzer Hist. Federal Reserve I. 203 The governors voted to defy the Board by purchasing long-term governments to increase earnings.


to form a government: (of a political party or party leader) to fill the ministerial offices whose holders are collectively responsible for the administration of the country.
1766 C. Lloyd Exam. Princ. Late Right Hon. Gentleman 22 It is not possible, but that this Nobleman..must have contracted his Political Friendships and Dislikes; but the moment the forming a Government came in view, he divested himself of both.
1793 L. P. Rosse Thoughts Liberty & Equality 26 Men may therefore, if they please, when they form a government, form it with the hereditary honours, privileges, and pre-eminencies.
1842 N. D. Maillard Hist. Republic Texas ii. 60 Guerrero, immediately after he had abdicated the presidency, formed a government in opposition to Bustamante.
1845 Economist 27 Dec. 1317/1 After the noble lord had formally accepted the Queen's commission to form a government.
1942 C. Headlam Diary 13 Oct. in S. Ball Parl. & Politics in Age Churchill & Attlee (1999) ix. 337 I am told that he [sc. Shinwell] refused an under-secretaryship when Winston formed his government.
1961 A. Hosain Sunlight on Broken Column iii. xviii. 262 Congress commands a majority, and will be asked to form a government. It is nothing short of a revolution.
2013 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 6 June 38/3 The NLD will not have the chance of forming a government until after a general election scheduled for 2015.


C1. (In sense 7.)
(a) General attributive, as government expenditure, government grant, government programme, etc. Some of the more established compounds of this type are treated separately.
1763 London Mag. June 315/2 So zealous were the people now become, for the support of every government measure.
1825 Berrow's Worcester Jrnl. 17 Feb. 4/1 In two instances the contributions include government grants.
1855 H. H. Wilson Gloss. Judicial & Revenue Terms India p. ix In Karnáta, kul is a payer of government revenue.
1876 Brit. Q. Rev. July 79/2 The incurable looseness of the Premier's statements, and the general flaccidity of the government programme, must be irritating in the last degree.
1891 Daily Inter Ocean (Chicago) 29 July 4/3 A determined effort was to be made to reduce the government expenditures.
1908 Craftsman Mar. 668 Under government aid permanent schools could be established.
1938 Newsweek 3 Oct. 37/3 Management leaders representing the world's democratic countries agreed that free enterprise, not government control, is the key to better times.
1959 M. W. Leiserson Wages & Econ. Control Norway ii. 17 The process..of meeting and conferring with representatives of the various government ministries..until a program was developed.
1975 Corbin (Kentucky) Times-Tribune 9 Mar. 16/4 The Federal Reserve Board increased the money supply to offset the pressure of government borrowing.
1991 J. Kingdom Local Govt. & Politics in Brit. xi. 187 The Public Expenditure Survey Committee (PESC) process..fixes the expenditure levels of all government programmes.
2008 Vanity Fair Nov. 138/1 The free-market fundamentalists—who believe in the miracles of markets—have not been adverse to accepting government bailouts.
government account n.
1772 Kentish Compan. 1773 63/1 T. Scammel; now in America on the government account.
1809 A. Henry Trav. & Adventures Canada 58 A clerk, who managed the Indian trade here, on government account.
1995 S. China Morning Post Internat. Weekly 21 Oct. 7/3 In some cases, cadres simply claim possession by writing the property off government accounts.
government act n.
1827 P. Cunningham Two Years New S. Wales II. xxxiii. 313 It..renders..government-acts less liable to be made objects of personal cavil or animosity.
1993 B. Schwartz Hist. Supreme Court (1995) xiv. 324 The Court ruled that proof that a government act has a disproportionate impact upon racial minorities is not enough to show a violation of equal protection.
government agency n.
1814 tr. G. H. von Langsdorff Voy. & Trav. II. xviii. 378 At Markofski..is a government agency, not very long established.
1937 Amer. Speech 12 6 Boondoggling became the current term for describing the waste assertedly evident in..government agencies and bureaus.
2010 E. McKenzie in S. Blandy et al. Multi-owned Housing iv. 69 There was no government agency responsible for enforcing all these dictates.
government borough n.
1735 W. Pulteney Let. 22 Nov. in J. Swift Corr. (1965) IV. 436 Four and twenty bishops and sixteen Scotch lords,..and all the government boroughs.
1861 T. E. May Constit. Hist. Eng. I. i. 15 The king..wrested government boroughs from the ministers.
1995 S. S. Webb Lord Churchill's Coup (1998) i. 48 He had been elected in March to a government borough, Newport, Isle of Wight, administered by his old commander.
government cheese n. (a) cheese imported by the British government for sale in Britain to help relieve food shortages caused by the First World War (now rare); (b) U.S. colloquial cheese provided by the United States government processed from surplus stocks and distributed to people in receipt of certain welfare benefits; also in extended use, representing welfare benefits in general.
1917 Scotsman 18 June 7/2 Special show-cards..so that the public will know that they are buying Government cheese and getting it at a moderate price.
1921 Manch. Guardian 5 Mar. 12/6 Government cheese has met with a good demand at 1s. 4d. per lb. to the retailer, to retail at 1s. 8d.
1934 Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Press 19 July 2/3 If we feel that to carry out our regulations we must require all federal surplus relief cheese to be marked with our grades,..the government cheese going out under these contracts would partly be marked state brand and partly standard.
1982 Washington Post 14 Apr. c3/1 President Reagan ordered that the nation's needy be given thousands of tons of surplus government cheese.
2003 Anthropol. Q. 76 716 Welfare-state-devotees fearing the loss of their dependent constituencies once they..shake their dependency on government cheese.
2010 ‘Jay-Z’ Decoded iii. 154 We grow up knowing people who pay for everything with little plastic cards—Medicare cards for checkups, EBT cards for food... We stand for hours waiting for bricks of government cheese.
government department n.
1767 Gazetteer & New Daily Advertiser 21 Sept. 1/4 The Dock-yards, Victualling-office, Custom-house, Barracks, and every other government department, were used to engage the electors.
1845 J. R. McCulloch Treat. Taxation ii. viii. 309 A mere charge by one government department against others.
1941 Economist 15 Feb. 209/2 The actual handling of news items [by the B.B.C.] is subject to ‘directives’ or advice from Government departments.
2011 F. Sartor Fog on Hill v. 99 All treasuries, by the nature of their function, attract a degree of criticism and resentment from government departments.
government money n.
1734 Freeholder's Alarm 56 If the Electors be corrupted with Government Money, that choice may be made of such as shall be propos'd to them, without Regard to their Qualifications.
1865 Rep. Select Comm. Educ. 328/1 in Parl. Papers (H.C. 403) VI. 1 I do not see that the education of the people can be accomplished without Government money, and I do not think that Government money can be given by any means but by strict Government superintendence.
2009 Wall St. Jrnl. 15 June a12/1 Increasingly, companies big and small are competing on the basis of their ability to tap government money.
government policy n.
1813 Star 10 Apr. 2/4 It was a question involving..the highest consideration of Government policy.
1906 Daily Colonist (Victoria, Brit. Columbia) 11 Jan. 4/1 In the King's Speech will be indicated some of the salient points of the government policy.
2004 M. Over et al. HIV/AIDS Treatm. & Prevention India iv. 66 In the absence of government policy, the quality of unstructured health care will decline as it spreads.
government price n.
1772 H. Swinden Hist. & Antiq. Great Yarmouth viii. 306 50 barrels of powder at the government price.
1837 H. Martineau Society in Amer. II. 87 The soldiers have disposed of their lands much under the government price.
1984 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 4 Dec. a1/1 Government prices now often exceed those of the market, resulting in unwanted surpluses and large Government payments to farmers.
government property n.
?1785 Before Lords Commissioners of Appeals in Prize Causes 37 Had he been bound to the West Indies, and had met with the said Four Ships at Sea, he should have thought..the Cargoes Government Property.
1832 G. Downes Lett. from Continental Countries I. 489 A quantity of government property has been destroyed by the inundation.
2004 J. Hawkins Lovelace & Button 243 ‘You've no right to do this,’ protests Buzzer. ‘This is government property. I demand you call the American consul.’
government-rent n. Obsolete
1793 G. F. Greville Brit. India Analyzed II. 483 Indemnifying Zemindars by the government rents.
1827 P. Cunningham Two Years New S. Wales II. xxxiii. 334 The internal taxes and government rents are collected by a colonial treasurer.
government spending n.
1891 Social Economist May 180 It is the poverty of society,..high taxation with bad government spending which increase poverty.
1958 Spectator 13 June 761/1 The demands of the welfare-statists in Congress for increased Government spending and tax cuts are now only occasionally heard.
2011 J. A. Reyes & W. C. Sawyer Lat. Amer. Econ. Devel. xi. 285 Government spending in many cases was being cut in order to obtain fiscal balance.
government timber n.
1755 E. Wade Proposal for improving & adorning Great Brit. 10 The Prices given the last War for Government Timber.
1803 Edinb. Rev. 2 39 Reserving the best timber on the estates as government-timber.
2004 W. G. Robbins Landscapes of Conflict 171 The report..recommended ‘a virtual revolution’ in the management and sale of government timber.
(a) attributive. Designating a person who works for or represents the government, as government contractor, government leader, government representative, etc. Some of the more established compounds of this type are treated separately.
1762 London Chron. 4 Sept. 5/2 Some government contractors have orders to bring in their accounts, to the treasury, by a fixed day.
1796 Monthly Mag. May 330/1 Many vexations must also arise from men having their affairs exposed to a Government commissioner.
1836 W. Beattie Switzerland II. 29 In every prefecture, or provincial jurisdiction, a magistrate..is the government representative.
1848 N.Y. Jrnl. Med. 10 397 By an improved scale of diet, and by every ship carrying a government surgeon, nearly all of the above sickness, mortality, and expense, might be avoided.
1890 Washington Post 11 July 6/5 Mr. W. H. Smith, the government leader, stated that..the government would not proceed with the standing order.
1931 Manitoba Free Press 12 Feb. 1/4 Government employees, charged with being members of a ring that racketeered in civil service positions.
1969 Spectator 13 Dec. 819/2 Government spokesmen have sought to counter critics of the present defence policy.
1987 A. Nickon & E. F. Silversmith Org. Chem.: Name Game xi. 148 The government scientists simply mixed the borinic acid..with the hydroxylamine.
2013 K. Jensen Trust Factor xi. 246 The government representative hints that if she reduces her price by another 3 percent, he can guarantee that the transportation director will sign the contract.
government candidate n.
1783 At Meeting Soc. for Constit. Information 24 Jan. 7 The government-candidates have usually had about 120 votes by the connections of the customs and excise.
1812 Sporting Mag. 39 177 The agent of the Government-Candidates.
2012 Irish Times (Nexis) 13 Aug. 8 Venezuela's president..has been accused of..selecting military men ahead of civilians to run as government candidates in state elections.
government minister n.
1798 A. Crichton Inq. Mental Derangem. II. iii. 201 Mr. Glave, an Aulic counsellor, and government minister,..says, that the unfortunate man sent his wife to church.
1850 Observer 14 Oct. 5/3 Messages were forwarded..to the different Government Ministers.
1978 National Geographic Jan. 48/2 Prince Gabheni..and K.H. Dlamini, a government minister, arrived in pin-striped suits.
2000 B. Bryson In Sunburned Country (2001) v. 76 Two government ministers were suing a publisher over a book containing scurrilous..allegations.
government official n.
1821 New Monthly Mag. 2 373 This expression is never witnessed in government officials.
1956 Wall St. Jrnl. 10 Oct. 12/3 Some of our government officials get carried away with the thought of spending $156 million.
2004 H. Kennedy Just Law (2005) v. 128 I have frequently criticised judges for their hidebound attitudes to women or their unwillingness to see how the system discriminates, but I am not a government official.
government secretary n.
1799 J. Taylor Trav. Eng. to India II. 198 In the want of those officers having occasion for express conveyance, they are directed to signify such necessity to the Government Secretary.
1827 P. Cunningham Two Years New S. Wales II. xxxiii. 334 To a government secretary residing in the colony is consigned all epistolary correspondence.
2009 Irish Independent (Nexis) 31 Dec. As government secretary he led officials in the negotiations leading up to the 1985 Anglo Irish Agreement.
c. Objective.
government-making n.
1809 Cobbett's Weekly Polit. Reg. 2 Dec. 842 They would rather fail in their enterprises, than suffer any under their authority to meddle with the work of government-making in Spain.
1905 Westm. Gaz. 30 Dec. 2/2 Government-making is a great sport for the public.
2011 H. Abbas et al. Indian Govt. & Politics v. 97 The growing requirements of coalition politics and government-making..have blurred the difference between government and opposition in the Legislature.
d. Instrumental.
government-appointed adj.
1846 E. Baines Let. 9 Oct. in Lett. to Ld. John Russell (1847) 105 A plan like that of Dr. Hook..would commit the education of the people to the Government and a Government-appointed and totally irresponsible Squirearchy.
1963 Rep. Comm. Inq. Decimal Currency i. 1 in Parl. Papers 1962–3 (Cmnd. 2145) XI. 195 Following reports in 1959 by Government-appointed committees, Australia will adopt a decimal currency in 1966.
2008 Daily Tel. 4 Aug. (Business section) b8/2 The Government-appointed court that deals with union recognition disputes has taken the highly unusual step of amending one of its judgments.
government-backed adj.
1908 Hardware Dealers' Mag. Mar. 619/2 Nothing could shake the confidence of the people in a ‘government-backed’ bank.
1951 A. L. Rowse Eng. of Elizabeth iv. 116 The Merchant Adventurers, the great government-backed body of exporters.
2009 Western Morning News (Plymouth) (Nexis) 6 Apr. 6 On one hand, Government support is being promised to the Post Office network but on the other, government-backed business is being taken away.
government-certificated adj.
1853 Minutes Comm. Council Educ. 1852–3 152 Every elementary teacher being a Government certificated teacher.
1909 Westm. Gaz. 11 Oct. 4/1 Four..Government-certificated schoolmistresses answered an advertisement.
2010 Korea Herald (Nexis) 10 Mar. The ministry..believes liquor manufacturers will be able to launch differentiated marketing strategies, while improving consumer trust in government-certificated products.
government-controlled adj.
1835 S. F. B. Morse Foreign Conspiracy against Liberties of U.S. App. D. 145 Where are our sympathies, when the interested statements of a government-controlled foreign press, inform us of the struggles of the people against age-consecrated oppression.
1964 M. Gowing Brit. & Atomic Energy 1939–45 xii. 329 Everyone agreed that a Government-controlled Experimental Establishment should be created.
2009 Honolulu Advertiser 14 Feb. (Business section) b5/1 Government-controlled mortgage finance companies said yesterday they have immediately suspended all foreclosure sales.
government-directed adj.
1918 Collier's 19 Oct. 7/1 The means or mediums through which Government-directed publicity is diffused.
2006 Wall St. Jrnl. 18 Oct. a20/1 In the mid-1990s, Beijing's policy makers realized that government-directed lending wasn't compatible with a rapidly expanding capitalist economy.
government-financed adj.
1913 Bull. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 953 115/1 Private enterprise has taken over many of the Government-financed plants.
2005 N.Y. Times 23 June a14/4 The president emphasized a proposal he made in April for government-financed ‘risk insurance’.
government-funded adj.
1825 Papers Melioration Condition Slave Population 206 in Parl. Papers (H.C. 008) XXVI. 205 Interest (at the average rate of Government funded securities) shall be allowed upon every sum of money.
1906 W. Willis-Bund & W. Page Victoria Hist. Worcester II. 423/2 John Millard directed that a sum should be raised out of his personal estate sufficient to produce £5 yearly when laid out in Government funded property.
2011 New Yorker 14 Feb. 44/3 Dwight Eisenhower..presided over the post-Sputnik boom in government-funded scientific research.
government-held adj.
1937 Far Eastern Surv. 6 221/1 An 8% dividend..was declared for private shareholders, and a dividend of 4.43% on the government-held shares.
1965 H. Kahn On Escalation iii. 60 A government-held village.
2011 Straits Times (Singapore) (Nexis) 4 Nov. The Privacy Act..allows individuals to request government-held information about themselves.
government-imposed adj.
1939 H. B. Parkes Marxism ii. 21 Under the stress of a government-imposed industrialization the other aims of the Revolution—equality and freedom—have been postponed to a distant future.
1960 Farmer & Stockbreeder 15 Mar. 66/1 The reward for this patriotic effort has been a Government-imposed cut of £9 million in the guarantees.
2009 Independent (Nexis) 4 Nov. 12 Doctors complain government-imposed targets have distorted clinical decision-making.
government-issued adj.
1949 Rotarian May 13/3 Their bible is the Government-issued Prospector's Guide for Uranium and Thorium Minerals in Canada.
1964 A. Wykes Gambling 335 The latter are government-issued bonds.
1997 Economist 25 Jan. 82/1 Recipients draw their retirement cash by inserting a government-issued card into a cash dispenser.
government-made adj.
1907 Westm. Gaz. 7 Nov. 1/3 I could not smoke the filthy Government-made stuff that French people call tobacco.
2004 Newsweek 27 Sept. 38/2 North Koreans roared at the jokes and gasped at the love scenes—an eye-popping departure from the government-made propaganda flicks that are standard viewing fare in the Hermit Kingdom.
government-mounted adj.
1907 Daily Chron. 1 Apr. 4/6 A special Government-mounted messenger was carrying the document along a country road.
2003 D. H. Eber Pitseolak (ed. 2) Pref. p. ix/1 Canadian Inuit began to adopt surnames only in the early 1970s following ‘Operation Surname’, a government-mounted initiative.
government-organized adj.
1940 G. E. Taylor Struggle for N. China 229 Chahar College—a government-organized college established in January, 1939.
2010 New Statesman 25 Jan. 38/2 All private-sector workers would be automatically enrolled in a new, government-organised scheme of ‘personal accounts’.
government-owned adj.
1836 Shipping Gaz. 19 July 3/6 The government should convey them [sc. convicts] in government-owned ships.
1965 Austral. Encycl. I. 414/1 The Reserve Bank of Australia..is a government-owned institution established by Act of the Commonwealth Parliament in 1959.
2002 Globe & Mail (Toronto) (Nexis) 22 Aug. b3 Unlike Via Rail Canada Inc., Amtrak is not government-owned, but merely financially supported.
government-run adj.
1905 Everybody's Mag. Oct. 568/1 The investigation of the South Carolina Slate Dispensary system shows the corruption that results from Government-run rumshops.
1964 A. Wykes Gambling x. 241 Britain's government-run lottery..is commonly called ‘Premium Bonds’.
2001 New Republic 23 July 6/3 Lots of formerly government-run services—from trash collection to prison management—have been outsourced to private firms.
government-sanctioned adj.
1892 P. T. Winskill Temperance Movement & Workers IV. lxxi. 145/1 This Convention protests against a government-sanctioned liquor traffic being forced upon native races in India, Egypt, and on the Congo.
1963 Los Angeles Times 15 Sept. b6/1 The 1st amendment's ban on a government-sanctioned religion prohibits the use of tax money for religious training.
2008 Independent 7 Feb. 25/1 Growing concern over sustainability could see traditional species such as cod and plaice disappear from the government-sanctioned menu.
government-sponsored adj.
1932 Times Lit. Suppl. 23 June 465/2 Part of the time he was with what he describes as an ‘official, Government sponsored party’ and part of the time he was alone.
2008 Wall St. Jrnl. 11 July c5/3 When it comes to big banks, government-sponsored entities and regional financial institutions, the refrain is that one or another is ‘too big to fail’.
government-subsidized adj.
1878 Weekly Gaz. (Martinsville, Indiana) 13 July The former [class] includes non-taxed bond-holders, government subsidized corporations, national bankers and the representatives of all other legislation-protected interests.
1931 Pacific Affairs 4 709 The national provident benefits (a Government-subsidized contributory pension scheme) is open to residents without restriction.
2013 F. Green Skills & Skilled Work ix. 145 Only for the unemployed..is there a potential case for government-subsidized training.
government-supported adj.
1859 Jrnl. Soc. Arts 7 590/2 Have any of the Government supported conservatoires abroad turned out composers during the last twenty years?
1956 Nature 18 Feb. 312/2 Graduates who take up government or government-supported jobs related to national defence.
2009 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 22 Oct. 20/2 The tradition of government-supported research continues in our day.
government-worked adj. rare
1900 Daily News 20 Apr. 3/2 Government-worked mines.
government–binding adj. (also government and binding) Linguistics (attributive) (in Chomskyan linguistics) designating or relating to a theory of generative grammar in which the notions of grammatical government and binding play an important role; often with capital initials.
1980 Ling. Inq. 11 650 In the Government–Binding framework of Chomsky.., (45b) is excluded because it contains a variable in object position.
1995 D. Bouchard Semantics Syntax 477 In Government and Binding theory, it is an expletive that has no reference.
2004 K. Safir Syntax Anaphora i. 3 The government–binding approach..opened the door to a welter of crosslinguistic comparisons.
government bond n. a bond issued by a government in order to support its spending programme, typically offering investors a guaranteed rate of interest and full repayment after a fixed period.
society > trade and finance > stocks and shares > stocks, shares, or bonds > [noun] > types of
government bond1737
corporate bond1810
trustee security1859
most active list1885
toxic waste1922
prior charge1930
energy security1960
fallen angel1963
1737 Dublin News-Letter 26 Apr. 1/2 Many Persons of the highest Rank and largest Fortunes in Holland are Proprietors of Government Bonds.
1875 W. S. Jevons Money 246 Government bonds..differ..in the fact that they have very long, or even interminable, usance.
1968 Jrnl. Polit. Econ. 76 813 The interest rate on long-term government bonds and on corporates ranged..around 1.10 per cent.
2011 T. J. Miceli Econ. Theory Eminent Domain ii. 41 Each owner has $1,000, which they can either invest in maintaining their buildings or in some alternative investment, say a government bond.
Government-General n. the territory under the control of a Governor-General. [In quot. 1940 after German (now hist.) Generalgouvernement (1939 in this sense; 18th cent. in general sense).]
society > authority > rule or government > territorial jurisdiction or areas subject to > territory under a governor or official > [noun] > under a governor-general
1608 E. Grimeston tr. J. F. Le Petit Gen. Hist. Netherlands 219 The Emperour Maximilian (when he was yet but King of Romaines, and Gardien to his sonne the Arch-duke Philip) made him his Lieutenant in the gouernment generall of the Neitherlands. [No corresponding passage in the French original.]
1803 Duke of Wellington Dispatches (1837) III. 490 The Government-General repeatedly derived important advantages from the full command of those ports during the last war.
1940 Times 5 Apr. 8/6 The reconstruction work which is being carried on in the ‘Government-General’ of Poland, i.e., that portion of the country which has not yet been annexed to Germany.
2005 G. L. Weinberg Visions of Victory 63 Under a projected ‘Government General of Formosa’ would come Hong Kong, the Philippines, the Parcel Islands, and Macao..as well as the island of Hainan.
government handout n. a quantity of financial or other material aid provided by the government, esp. a welfare payment or state benefit provided to a person or people in need. In later use often with negative connotations; cf. handout n.2 1.
1920 Manitoba Free Press 29 Oct. 15/2 If this entitles them now to a Government ‘hand out’ there are others with stronger claims to consideration.
1969 Daily Tel. 14 Mar. (Colour Suppl.) 5/1 ‘The social wage’, in plain English, means Government hand-outs, the exact opposite of a wage.
2002 Time 26 Aug. 26/2 Many credit-strapped CEOs licked their chops in anticipation of yet another big, fat government handout. But this time..Uncle Sam hasn't turned into Uncle Sugar.
2013 R. Storch Working hard for Amer. Dream i. 63 Most citizens would see their payment as something they earned,..not a government handout.
government house n. (also Government House) (a) the official residence of a governor or (in former British colonies) an official representative of the Crown; (b) Australian the principal residence on a sheep or cattle station; (c) chiefly Australian a residential property owned and let by the state, esp. as way to provide low-cost housing.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > governor of province, dependency, or colony > [noun] > official residence of
government house1762
1762 London Mag. May 247/2 (heading) Observations on the Transit of Venus over the Sun, at the Government House, at Madras.
1802 A. Ellicott Jrnl. 43 The Governor..consented that we should meet at the government house.
1827 P. Cunningham Two Years New S. Wales I. 147 Few except the government houses are worthy of much notice, being chiefly small detached cottages of brick or wood, presenting no very imposing appearance.
1884 J. Baker Diary & Sketches Journey S.A. 23 Were well recd. by acting Manager (Napier) & had ‘Government House’ to ourselves.
1906 W. A. Horn Notes by Nomad 82 The traveller..according to his social grade, goes either to the ‘Government House’ (owner's dwelling), ‘Bachelor's Hall’ (overseer's), or to the men's kitchen.
1941 Lower Hutt Past & Present 58 (caption) Government Houses in a new street.
1950 Canberra Times 5 June 4/4 There are 2,644 applicants awaiting Government houses.
1994 Trav. Guide 1994 Newfoundland & Labrador 151/2 That grand old house just to the west is Government House. It's where the Queen stays when she comes to town.
government-issue n. and adj. chiefly U.S. (a) n. the distribution of rations, supplies, etc., by the government, typically to members of the armed forces; an instance of this; (b) adj. of or designating rations, supplies, etc., designed or provided by the government, typically for members of the armed forces.
1896 Interior 16 July 934/1 The government issue of beef to the Indians..has been quite common.
1919 Sandusky (Ohio) Reg. 5 Dec. 14 (advt.) Government issue shirts.
1942 N.Y. Times 19 July 26/5 Forty-seven separate items are included in the government issue of clothing for the members of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps.
1962 Boston Globe 24 June 61/1 A government issue of planes and equipment.
1988 J. Ehle Trials of Tears (1989) 109 Behind his saddle was tied..a government-issue rifle.
2012 S. John Three A.M. 89 A tiny cell with a few cans of government-issue food and some cheap liquor.
government man n. (a) a member or supporter of a government; (b) Australian (euphemistic) a convict (now historical); (c) a government employee or official; spec. (U.S. slang) = G-man n. b.
society > authority > office > holder of office > [noun] > under government
government man1747
1747 Scots Mag. Aug. 347/2 They call the king and it would seem the people of Scotland too, his inheritance, a phrase our elective government-men cannot endure.
1827 P. Cunningham Two Years New S. Wales II. xxiv. 117 When fairly domiciliated, they are more respectfully spoken of under the loyal designation of government-men, the term convict being erased by a sort of general tacit compact from our Botany dictionary.
1843 T. C. Haliburton Attaché II. viii. 142 That goverment man, that spoke in their favour, warn't his speech rich?
1850 W. M. Thackeray Pendennis II. xxxi. 309 Do we come out as Liberal Conservative, or as Government man, or on our own hook?
1912 A. Berry Reminisc. 180 Some of these Government men are still in my service to the present day, and some are my tenants.
1951 D. Thomas Let. Jan. (1987) 782 And I? I go with horrible oil-men to interview horrible government-men.
1966 L. Cochran FBI Man xviii. 156 This man is a government man. See? An FBI man.
1995 Age (Melbourne) (Nexis) 4 Nov. (News section) 17 As for the PM—one Government man described his present mood as ebullient.
2008 M. Mayo Amer. Murder 368/1 The government men claimed they identified themselves as U.S. Marshals and fired only in self-defense.
government office n. (a) a position or post within the government; (b) a building or set of rooms in which the business of a department of government administration is carried on.
society > authority > office > [noun] > an official post
government office1750
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > types of building generally > [noun] > other types of building
bridge house1319
searching housea1525
engine house1626
pot gallery1630
government office1750
art centre1863
arts centre1922
common house1989
1750 Gentleman's Mag. 467/2 A government-office like that of the excise.
?1797 J. Wright tr. F. A. Stanislaus Voy. St. Domingo xxii. 207 The new government offices, which they propose building.
1891 Pall Mall Gaz. 27 Aug. 6/2 Government offices were principally held by young men who were distinguished for their extraordinary insolence and incompetence.
1908 M. K. Waddington Chateau & Country Life in France v. 187 Convents and abbeys, now turned into schools, barracks, government offices of all kinds.
1993 Insight 11 Oct. 31/1 The allurement of government office should not be an opportunity to fleece taxpayers through overindulgent pension entitlements.
government paper n. bonds, exchequer-bills, etc., issued by a government.
society > trade and finance > stocks and shares > stocks, shares, or bonds > [noun] > bond > types of bond
government securities1707
Sword-blade bond1707
long bond1720
government paper1774
premium bond1820
preference bond1848
investment bond1853
mortgage bond1853
revenue bond1853
municipal bond1858
property bond1869
priority bond1884
income bonds1889
war baby1901
Liberty Bond1917
Liberty Loan1917
victory bond1917
performance bond1938
managed bond1972
granny bond1976
bulldog bond1980
1774 P. Francis tr. I. de Pinto Ess. Circulation & Credit i. 59 They knew nothing of bills of exchange, nor annuities, nor government-paper.
1802 Edinb. Rev. 1 105 The privilege of using twenty millions of government-paper for a certain limited time.
2005 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 10 Feb. 31/1 He believed this required guaranteeing ‘security of transfer’—the right of those who bought government paper to all subsequent profit or loss.
government securities n. (a) = government paper n.; (b) slang handcuffs; fetters (obsolete).
society > trade and finance > stocks and shares > stocks, shares, or bonds > [noun] > bond > types of bond
government securities1707
Sword-blade bond1707
long bond1720
government paper1774
premium bond1820
preference bond1848
investment bond1853
mortgage bond1853
revenue bond1853
municipal bond1858
property bond1869
priority bond1884
income bonds1889
war baby1901
Liberty Bond1917
Liberty Loan1917
victory bond1917
performance bond1938
managed bond1972
granny bond1976
bulldog bond1980
society > authority > subjection > restraint or restraining > restraint depriving of liberty > binding or fettering > [noun] > bond(s) or fetter(s) or shackle(s) > for the hands or arms
government securities1707
1707 Short View Apparent Dangers from Bank of Eng. 7 Advancing Money on the Government-Securities.
1848 J. S. Mill Princ. Polit. Econ. I. i. iv. §3 76 He buys from the State what are called government securities; that is, obligations by the government to pay a certain annual income.
1893 J. S. Farmer & W. E. Henley Slang III. 189/2 Government-securities,..handcuffs; fetters generally.
1965 McGraw-Hill Dict. Mod. Econ. 367 In addition to common and preferred stocks, almost all U.S. government securities and municipal and corporate bonds are traded over the counter.
1998 World in 1998 (Economist Publ.) 57/1 As interest rates fall..banks find it less rewarding merely to park their cash in government securities and collect the yield.
government signpost n. slang Obsolete the gallows.
society > authority > punishment > capital punishment > hanging > [noun] > gallows
three treesa1566
Gregorian tree1641
wooden horse1642
triple tree1651
a horse that was foaled of an acorn1678
Tyburn tree1728
picture frame1785
Moll Blood1818
government signposta1828
leafless tree1830
a1828 J. Bernard Retrospections of Stage (1830) I. xi. 366 Doctor Mulready..has brought you alive agin, after you had been made the picture of the ‘slaping beauty’ on the Government sign-post.
1860 J. C. Hotten Dict. Slang (ed. 2) Government signpost, the gallows.
government stock n. (a) stock issued by or on behalf of a government; cf. government bond n.
society > trade and finance > stocks and shares > stocks, shares, or bonds > [noun] > stock > types of
joint stock1615
water stock1675
Bank stock1694
India stock1702
government stock1734
gas stock1820
railway stock1836
common stock1852
blue chip1874
red chip1968
small cap1984
1734 Let. to Member of Parl. on Support & Encouragem. Trade 29 The Landed Interest, as well as the Government Stocks, would suffer a proportionable Declension.
1797 Encycl. Brit. VII. 497/1 The prices of all the government stocks, which bear interest at the same rate, must be nearly the same, as they all depend on the same security.
1852 N.Y. Weekly Tribune 10 Apr. 8/4 The rates are 4 @ 4½ on Government Stocks, 5 @ 6 on general call loans.
1895 Manch. Guardian 20 May 8 The money of the small saver is invested in Government stock, and much of the old investments no doubt stand in the books of the banks at a handsome profit.
1958 Spectator 27 June 849/1 Our undated and long-dated Government stocks are selling at historically low levels.
1984 Financial Times 29 Feb. 6/1 Building Societies..last night threatened to challenge in court the Inland Revenue's decision to tax their profits on holdings of Government stocks (gilts).
2002 M. Choudhry Repo Handbk. viii. 180 In theory government stocks all have the same credit risk.
government stroke n. Australian derogatory a deliberately slow or easy pace of work, depicted as characteristic of public sector workers.Originally used of convict labourers.
1842 Geelong Advertiser 7 Mar. 2/3 The ‘Government Stroke’ is soon learned; and the proficiency of the new hands seems to exceed that of the oldest gang.
1856 W. W. Dobie Recoll. Visit Port-Phillip iii. 47 Government labourers..were breaking stones with what is called ‘the government stroke’, which is a slow-going, anti-sweating kind of motion.
1943 E. Mercier Giggles 13 There appear to be two occasions when the Government stroke is not noticeable in a Government department—when it is hounding a private citizen for money, and when it is trying to pass a liability on to another department.
1996 Age (Melbourne) (Nexis) 17 Aug. 21 Nobody loves public servants in the community generally, and the good ones have to carry the can for the all-too-many adherents of the ‘government stroke’ approach to work.
government surplus n. (a) unused equipment sold off by a government; (b) the surplus in a government's budget.
society > trade and finance > merchandise > [noun] > surplus or excess goods
government surplus1836
1836 Globe 27 Oct. The forty millions which is accumulating in the shape of a Government surplus.
1952 ‘E. C. R. Lorac’ Murder in Mill-race xv. 151 Grey blankets, (good ‘government surplus’).
1991 A. Alvarez Risk in I. Hamilton Penguin Bk. 20th-cent. Ess. 460 The prevailing style—in Britain, at least—is still government-surplus shabby.
1999 Daily Tel. 28 Oct. 33/6 The United States posted a record budget surplus..in the fiscal year to the end of September—the first back-to-back government surplus since the days of President Eisenhower.
government valve n. Mechanics Obsolete a safety valve fitted to the boilers of marine steam engines that is required by law and may be adjusted only by an authorized person.
society > occupation and work > equipment > machine > machines which impart power > boiler > [noun] > parts of > valves
safety valve1744
government valve1837
fusible plug1874
feed check valve1895
1837 Niles' Weekly Reg. 26 Aug. 404/1 With the aid of this, as it were government valve, there can be no danger of a violent explosion, such as we weekly chronicle.
1860 Mercantile Marine Mag. 7 216 The vessel was loaded at 25 lb. upon the government valve.
1893 E. Seeger Chicago, Wonder City 166 He blew out his government valve, (raising the steam pressure on the ‘Magnolia's’ boiler to 150 pounds, or 60 pounds more than allowed by law).
government-wide adj. and adv. (a) adj. that affects or involves all areas and departments of a government; (b) adv. throughout all areas and departments of a government.
1924 Dept. of Commerce (U.S.) Appropriation Bill 1925: Hearing before Sub-Comm. of House Comm. Appropriations (68th Congr., 1st Sess.) 234 A good example of the Government-wide saving resulting from well-prepared technical specifications..is seen in the contract-price reduction for exterior varnish.
1981 Syracuse (N.Y.) Post-Standard 28 Dec. a10/3 Any changes should be made only after proper consideration is given to the impact on the FOIA government-wide.
1998 Times 7 July 6/4 Lack of a government-wide strategy on public health was perpetuating unfairness in society.
2006 P. Aucoin in T. Christensen & P. Lægreid Autonomy & Regulation iv. 116 Extensive central agency management controls over the management of financial and human resources that applied government-wide.


governmentist n. Obsolete rare (a) a person who advocates the extension of government activity into a particular sphere; cf. governmentalist n.; (b) a supporter of a particular government (in quot. 1862 the Papal government).
1851 Brit. Controversialist 2 302/1 Another argument much relied upon by the Governmentists is, that education renders man much more independent, and thus prevents his becoming so easily the dupe of designing men or bad Governments.
1862 J. Severn Roman Jrnls. in Atlantic Monthly May (1892) 637 The governmentists swear that Victor Emmanuel is all the time in league with this ‘sacrilegious brigand’ [sc. Garibaldi].
ˈgovernmentship n. Obsolete = governorship n.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > governor of province, dependency, or colony > [noun] > position of
1615 in W. H. Stevenson Rec. Borough Nottingham (1889) IV. 339 Hee..shall..at all tymes duringe his gouernmentshipp geue accompte vnto them of all the saied beddinge.
1766 in Harper's Mag. Mar. 535/2 I, Governor Cuff of the Niegro's in the province of Connecticut, do resign my Governmentship to John Anderson Niegor man to Governor Skene.
1851 Colburn's United Service Mag. Jan. 44 One by one he has deprived the army of the military governmentship of colonies, which were considered the birth rights of distinguished soldiers.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2015; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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