

单词 godhead


Brit. /ˈɡɒdhɛd/, U.S. /ˈɡɑdˌhɛd/
Forms: early Middle English goddhead, Middle English godded, Middle English goddehed, Middle English goddhed, Middle English goddhede, Middle English godhiede, Middle English–1500s godhed, Middle English–1500s godhede, late Middle English godheede, late Middle English godhyd, late Middle English goodhed, late Middle English–1500s godheed, 1500s– godhead; also Scottish pre-1700 godede, pre-1700 godheid. Also with capital initial.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: god n., -head suffix.
Etymology: < god n. + -head suffix. Compare earlier godhood n. and the Germanic parallels cited at that entry.
a. The character or quality of being God or a god; divine nature or essence; deity.
the world > the supernatural > deity > [noun] > state of being or divinity
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 286 His scheld þe wrech his godhed wes his leoue licome þe wes isprad on rode.
c1390 Castle of Love (Vernon) (1967) 81 (MED) Alle poyntes..Þat bifalleþ to Godes godhede As wel as to his monhede.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) v. l. 172 Him thenkth it were a vilenie, Bot he [sc. Bacchus] rewarde him [sc. Midas] for his dede, So as he mihte of his godhiede.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 561 His goddhed es in trinite.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) l. 5622 (MED) Sum grayne of godhede, I gesse, was growen ȝow within.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. xx. 229 That fatoure says that thre Shuld euer dwell in oone Godhede.
1513 G. Douglas in tr. Virgil Æneid x. Prol. 27 Set our natur God hes to hym vnyte, Hys Godhed incommixt remanis perfyte.
1579 W. Fulke Confut. Treat. N. Sander in D. Heskins Ouerthrowne 616 Some of the Gentiles thought some priuie godhead or power to be contained in their images.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost iii. 206 Man..sinns Against the high Supremacie of Heav'n, Affecting God-head . View more context for this quotation
1698 J. Crowne Caligula iii. 30 If Caesar be a God, as he pretends, His Godhead in Creation was display'd.
1746 J. Wesley Let. 18 June (1931) II. 67 You..blame me for supposing that gentleman to be one who..openly denied the supreme Godhead of Christ.
1796 S. T. Coleridge Relig. Musings in Poems Var. Subj. 142 He [sc. Christ] on the thought-benighted Sceptic beam'd Manifest Godhead.
1856 R. A. Vaughan Hours with Mystics (1860) I. 191 Then hath the created spirit lost itself in the spirit of God, yea, is drowned in the bottomless sea of Godhead.
1875 B. Jowett tr. Plato Dialogues (ed. 2) I. 359 Do you mean that I do not believe in the godhead of the sun or moon?
1947 Life 7 Apr. 36/3 A window through which the selfless eye may see its way to that final necessity of the human spirit, Godhead and immortality.
2002 L. Cohn-Sherbok Who's Who in Christianity 193 He is remembered as the founder of the Pneumatomachi sect, which denied the full godhead of the Holy Spirit.
b. With possessive adjective: as a title of respect or form of address for a god or divinity; (also) as a humorous title or form of address for a person regarded as important or powerful.
c1405 (c1385) G. Chaucer Knight's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 1523 If so be..þt my myght be worthy for to serue Thy godhede [etc.].
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. xxxii. 599 Asfor Caligula, Domitian, Heliogabalus, and others..they were not so soone dead, but their Godheads were dragged in the myre lyke doggs.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Timon of Athens (1623) iii. vii. 74 Were your Godheads to borrow of men, men would forsake the Gods. View more context for this quotation
1665 R. Howard & J. Dryden Indian-queen iii, in R. Howard Four New Plays 160 Summon their Godheads quickly to your aid.
1718 A. Pope tr. Homer Iliad IV. xv. 117 Supreme he sits; and sees..Your Vassal Godheads grudgingly obey.
1737 London Mag. Sept. 510/2 If to thy Godhead then I sue for grace..Propitious thou wilt hear me.
1846 E. R. Eastlake Lett. Shores Baltic 49 Still the gentlemen kept close behind the clouds with which they enveloped their godheads from our grosser view.
1905 H. W. Fowler & F. G. Fowler tr. Lucian Wks. I. 130 Pray, your Godhead, put these expectations from you.
1938 F. M. Ford Let. 9 Mar. in B. Lindberg-Seyersted Pound/Ford (1982) 155 It would be a convenience if Your Divinity would communicate... Should Your Godhead write to the tops of Olivet.
2005 P. Green tr. Ovid Poems of Exile 190 I surmise that your godhead's yielding to my entreaties.
a. With the. The Supreme Being, the Deity; = god n. 5. Also: the Holy Trinity. Also occasionally without the.
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > [noun] > name of > God as name
J. Gaytryge Lay Folks' Catech. (York Min.) (1901) l. 83 The first poynt that we sal trowe of the godhede Is to trowe stedefastly in a trew god.
?c1450 (?a1400) J. Wyclif Eng. Wks. (1880) 362 Þis state or power [sc. the secular lords] is þe vicar of þe god-heede.
?c1500 Conversion of St. Paul (Digby) l. 182 + 2 (stage direct.) Saule faulyth down of hys horse: that done, godhed spekyth in heuyn.
?1533 G. Du Wes Introductorie for to lerne Frenche sig. Siv v Wolde to god That the godheed Full of goddnesse Had graunted to me [etc.].
1588 A. King tr. P. Canisius Cathechisme or Schort Instr. 5 The first personne in godheid is the father cœlestiall.
1623 T. Aylesbury Serm. 13 The Godhead neuer was distracted either from soule or body.
1673 J. Dryden Marriage a-la-Mode iii. i. 44 'Tis true, I am alone; So was the Godhead, ere he made the world.
a1711 T. Ken Hymnotheo xii, in Wks. (1721) III. 354 Great Godhead..Thou art eternal, pure Activity.
1743 E. Young Complaint: Night the Fourth 39 In Glory's terrors all the Godhead burns.
1834 T. Chalmers On Power of God II. 89 A rightness which..hath had everlasting residence in the character of the Godhead.
1879 A. H. Keane tr. A. Lefèvre Philos. i. ii. 181 The godhead, whether one or many, has no place in the system of Epicurus.
1965 A. J. Bryant Question Page i. 28 Whereas I John 4.12 is saying that no one has ever looked upon the Godhead itself.
1990 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 17 Sept. 8/1 There's authority in the Godhead with Christ being submissive to God.
2004 N.Y. Times 31 July b9/5 The sparks of the Divine will be freed from the depths of the underworld by those who submerge themselves in sin; those sparks, reunited with the Godhead, will usher in a Messianic world.
b. A deity or divinity; = god n. 1. Now rare.
the world > the supernatural > deity > [noun]
higher powerc1384
somebody up there1972
sky fairy1997
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Arcadia (1590) ii. xiii. sig. X7v Esteeming that could be no Godhead, which could breed wickednes.
?1611 G. Chapman tr. Homer Iliads vii. 21 At Jove's broad beech these godheads met.
1647 R. Stapleton tr. Juvenal Sixteen Satyrs 272 Th' huge long-taild monkey is a godhead there [i.e. at Thebes].
1725 E. Fenton in A. Pope et al. tr. Homer Odyssey I. iv. 632 What Godhead interdicts the wat'ry way?
1807 J. Barlow Columbiad ii. 86 These eyes must see..yon bright Godhead circle thrice the year.
1876 W. Morris Story of Sigurd iii. 222 Lest e'en as a Godhead banished he dwell in the world apart.
1973 F. Charles in J. Berry Bluefoot Traveller (1977) 47 The wild godhead rolls in a higher dream.
1999 W. Soyinka Burden of Memory i. 50 The peyote concession now made by the military establishment, one that enables its indigenous segment to commune (openly) with their godhead through the fumes of peyote.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2014; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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