

单词 god's day

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God's day
God's day n. a day or period of time belonging especially to God; spec. †the Day of Judgement, †Easter Day, or the Sabbath; (also) eternity. [With reference to the Day of Judgement after post-classical Latin dies domini (Vulgate); compare day of the Lord at day n. 11a.]
OE Ælfric Gram. (St. John's Oxf.) 270 Prope est dies domini, gehende is godes dæg.
OE Homily: Larspel & Scriftboc (Corpus Cambr. 421) in A. S. Napier Wulfstan (1883) 244 Oððæt se eahtoða dæg cymð; þæt is domes dæg, þæt is se eca dæg.., godes dæg and ealra halgena dæg.
?a1500 Sermo in die Pasche in R. T. Hampson Medii Ævi Kalendarium (1841) II. 122 [The Paschal Day] in sum place is called Estern Day, in sum place Pace Day, and in sum place Goddis Day.
1652 E. Benlowes Theophila xii. xcvii. 231 Time in Eternities immense Book is But as a short Parenthesis..Gods Day is never-setting Bliss.
1695 E. Pelling Pract. Disc. conc. Redeeming of Time ix. 104 For 'tis not how long, but how well a Man lives, which God considers; nor is it his Years, but his Works, that will be regarded in God's Day.
1797 J. Bowdler Reform or Ruin (ed. 2) 28 How many..spend God's Day in doing their own business, or in jaunting about, or in getting drunk; though it is expressly ordered,..that we shall keep it holy!
1899 K. Chopin Awakening xiii. 91 It must always have been God's day on that low, drowsy island, Edna thought.
1964 Life 25 Dec. 7/2 The paradox is that this pattern will not be fulfilled or verified in history, but only in the suprahistorical event called God's day, the end of time.
2007 R. Saxen Good Eater iii. 30 On God's day there was no sunshine, there were no birds singing, no gentle breeze in the trees—no beauty.
extracted from godn.int.
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