

单词 god give you good day

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God give you good day
1. As part of a customary expression of good wishes on meeting or parting during the day. Originally in have good day, God give you good day and variants; now chiefly in to wish (also bid) (a person) (a) good day, and (as an address) a good day to you. See also have a good day at have v. 19b.
the world > action or operation > behaviour > good behaviour > courtesy > courteous act or expression > courteous formulae [phrase] > terms of greeting
God give you good dayc1275
hail be thou (also ye)c1275
pax vobisc1275
how do ye?1570
(good, fair) time of day (to you)1597
how goes it?1598
I salute youa1616
how do you find yourself?a1646
how do?1886
how are you popping (up)?1894
how's (less frequently how are) tricks?1915
how's (or how are) things (or, originally Australia and New Zealand, tricks?)1926
how's life?1931
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 6252 Habbeð alle godne dæie.
c1300 (?c1225) King Horn (Cambr.) (1901) l. 727 Rymenhild, haue wel godne day, No leng abiden ine may.
a1325 (c1250) Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 1430 Eliezer..haueð hem boden godun dai.
c1400 (?c1390) Sir Gawain & Green Knight (1940) l. 668 (MED) Gawan..gef hem alle goud day.
c1430 (c1385) G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde (Cambr. Gg.4.27) (1882) v. l. 1074 Ȝit preye I god so ȝeue ȝou god day.
c1440 (a1350) Sir Isumbras (Thornton) (1844) l. 727 Lady, hafe now gud daye.
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope v. v. f. lxxxv My godsep, god yeue yow good daye.
a1500 (?a1475) Guy of Warwick (Cambr. Ff.2.38) l. 1271 (MED) The ermyte he yaue gode day, And to Pole he toke the way.
1535 D. Lindsay Satyre 4319 Gif ȝe be King, God ȝow gude day.
a1550 (c1441) Lament Duchess of Gloucester (Balliol) in T. Wright Polit. Poems & Songs (1861) II. 207 Farewelle, London, and have good day.
1579 E. Spenser Shepheardes Cal. Sept. 1 I bidde her God day.
1614 A. Spalding tr. A. Gotthard Dial. Eng. & Malaiane Lang. (new ed.) 71 God giue you good day friend.
1627 M. Drayton Moone-calfe in Battaile Agincourt 184 The dawne..at the windowe biddeth them good day.
1674 T. Good Firmianus & Dubitantius i. 1 A good day to you, Firmianus.
1708 tr. A. Bourignon Warning against Quakers p. ii For I perceived that they have it as a Rule among them, Not to salute any Body, or bid them Good-day, or Adieu.
?1766 W. Mason in Poems (1797) III. 220 Give you good day, my masters; 'tis my wish To rest awhile on this same portal bench.
1797 A. Radcliffe Italian I. i. 5 The old lady again bade him good-day.
1815 W. Scott Lord of Isles iii. xx. 107 Thanks for your proffer—have good day.
1850 C. Dickens David Copperfield lxi. 606 Gentlemen, I wish you a good day, and hoping you and your families will also see your wickedness, and amend.
1873 J. E. Cooke Her Majesty the Queen i. xvii. 73 I recognized at once my host of Buckinghamshire, Mr. Hampden. ‘Give you good-day, Mr. Cecil,’ he said, grasping my hand with cordial regard.
1909 H. Sutcliffe Priscilla of Good Intent iv. 42 ‘Hallo, Billy, give you good-day!’ said Gaunt, as he came nearer.
1922 H. C. Rowland Hirondelle xix. 161 ‘A good day to you, Lanty,’ said he, biting into the doughboy.
1995 C. B. Divakaruni Arranged Marriage (1997) 116 She wished him good day with a smile and asked after his wife and children.
extracted from good dayn.int.
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