

单词 goodnight


Brit. /(ˌ)ɡʊdˈnʌɪt/, U.S. /ˌɡʊdˈnaɪt/
Forms: see good adj., n., adv., and int. and night n. and int.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: good adj., night n.
Etymology: < good adj. + night n. Compare Old Frisian gōde nacht (West Frisian goede nacht ), Middle Low German gōde nacht , Middle High German guote naht (German gute Nacht ), Middle French, French bonne nuit (second half of the 14th cent. or earlier, in e.g. Dieu vous doint bonne nuit (1357), donner bonne nuit à quelqu'un (a1370)). Compare good day n., good day int.With later use in sense A. 3 compare scientific Latin bona-nox (1753 as a specific epithet).
A. n.
1. As part of a customary expression of good wishes on parting (or occasionally meeting) at night or before going to bed. Also figurative and in figurative contexts, referring to loss, death, the failure of plans and hopes, etc. Originally in have good night, (God) give you good night; now chiefly in to wish (also bid) (a person) a good night, and (as an address) a good night to you.
the world > action or operation > behaviour > good behaviour > courtesy > courteous act or expression > courteous formulae [phrase] > expressions of leave-taking > at night
Gad ye good night1849
(good night) sleep tight1933
the world > action or operation > behaviour > good behaviour > courtesy > courteous act or expression > [noun] > parting salutation > at night > specific phrase
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 9578 Nu ich fare forð-riht habbeoð alle gode niht.
a1413 (c1385) G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde (Pierpont Morgan) (1882) iii. l. 420 Haue now good nyght and late vs boþe slepe.
1490 Caxton's Blanchardyn & Eglantine (1962) xv. 51 The captayne gaff the goode nyght to the damoyselle.
a1500 (a1400) Sir Amadace (Adv.) (1810) l. 187 My leve dame, have gud nyght!
?1553 Respublica (1952) v. ix. 58 Than goode night the laweiers gaine.
1603 W. Shakespeare Hamlet i. i. 12 Giue you good night.
1631 T. Heywood England's Elizabeth (1641) 87 And so gave them the good-night.
a1656 Bp. J. Hall Invisible World (1659) ii. viii. 130 O my soul..art thou so loath to bid a cheerfull good-night to this piece of my selfe.
1738 R. Dodsley Sir John Cockle at Court ii. 13 I wish your Majesty a good Night.
1789 E. Hands Death of Amnon App. 105 When she had made him this reply, He'd nothing more to say But—Nelly, a good night to you, And homeward went his way.
1820 W. Scott Monastery II. vi. 204 Having wished..to all others the common good-night.
1845 J. H. Ingraham Forrestal iii. 40 Wishing the two officers a ‘good night’, in return, he closed the cabin door and departed to his own state-room.
1920 L. W. Dodd Bk. of Susan ii. 31 ‘A good night to you, Mr. Hunt,’ elaborated Mrs. Parrot, not without malice.
1959 J. Prebble Buffalo Soldiers (1964) 78 He heard the children's voices calling a good night to him from behind the gunnysack curtain.
2001 S. Laurens All about Love 158 ‘All is in order, so I'll bid you a good night.’ ‘And a good night to you, my dear.’
2. An instance of saying ‘goodnight’; a valediction or farewell at night or late in the evening; (Caribbean) a greeting using the word (see sense B. 2).
the world > action or operation > behaviour > good behaviour > courtesy > courteous act or expression > [noun] > parting salutation > at night
?1540 tr. Erasmus Dialoge Two Persons sig. Diiijv There thay saye that thys blessyd martyr sayd his last good nyght to our lady.
1577 J. Grange Golden Aphroditis sig. S.ij, (heading) His good night to the same A. T.
1655 J. Phillips Satyr against Hypocrites 22 In these goodly good nights much time was spent.
a1766 F. Sheridan Concl. Mem. Miss Sidney Bidulph (1770) IV. xxxiii. 227 They snatched up their hats, and went away without the ceremony of a good-night.
1795 A. Yearsley Royal Captives II. 130 Emily..returned to give us her good night.
1842 H. W. Longfellow Excelsior in Ballads (ed. 3) 131 ‘Beware the awful avalanche!’ This was the peasant's last Good-night.
1874 Jrnl. Ceylon Branch Royal Asiatic Soc. 5 i. 68 The robin-chat was chirping his goodnight in an orange tree hard by.
1881 Scribner's Monthly 22 282/1 She promptly made her good-nights and vanished.
1934 A. Mendes Pitch Lake i. 25 He greeted her with the usual goodnight.
1952 T. Armstrong Adam Brunskill vii. 230 Cherry received a chorus of good nights.
1994 Today's Parent Oct. 63/1 My five-year-old, Mika, has to be the one to declare the final goodnight.
2001 L. Enger Peace like River 92 We shut our eyes, slurred our goodnights.
3. In the names of plants; spec. the night-flowering Ipomoea alba (family Convolvulaceae) (also called moonflower). goodnight-at-noon n. the Venice mallow or flower of an hour, Hibiscus trionum, whose flowers close by midday.
the world > plants > by age or cycles > [noun] > condition of being closed for night > name referring to
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 791 Venice Mallowe, or Goodnight at noone..openeth it selfe about eight of the clocke, and shutteth vp againe at nine.
1629 J. Parkinson Paradisi in Sole 368 Venice Mallow, or Good night at noone.
1840 J. Paxton Pocket Bot. Dict. Good night, Argyreia bona-nox.
1874 Rural Carolinian Apr. 391/2 We are indebted to Mr. Jos. R. N. Teuhen, Marion S. C., for seeds of the White ‘Good Night Flower’, Ipomea Bona Nox.
1919 A. E. Georgia Man. Weeds 282 Bladder Ketmia... Hibiscus Trionum... Other English names: Flower-of-an-hour, Goodnight-at-noon.
1955 G. Grigson Englishman's Flora 100 French mallow... good night at noon.
1972 Amateur Gardening 1 July 32/3 The cultivated species, C[alonyction] aculeatum, [is] also sometimes known as Ipomoea bona-nox or Good Night.
2003 S. Knapp Plant Discov. 154/2 The flowers of many sorts of hibiscus last a single day, then wither and shrivel, hence the common name of the African species..Goodnight-at-Noon.
4. A tune suitable for serenading a lover at night. Obsolete. rare.
society > leisure > the arts > music > piece of music > type of piece > [noun] > serenade
1600 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 iii. ii. 309 + 5 A..sung those tunes to the ouer-schutcht huswiues, that he heard the Car-men whistle, and sware they were his fancies or his good-nights . View more context for this quotation
B. int.
a. Expressing good wishes on parting (or occasionally meeting) at night or before going to bed. Also in to say (also bid) good night (frequently as a general expression of farewell or leave-taking at the end of the day, without the implication that the word goodnight is necessarily used).Frequently replaced, esp. with regard to going to bed, with more informal equivalents: cf. night int., night-night int., nighty-night int.
?1496 in Lyfe Thre Kynges Coleyn (de Worde) sig. Fi Yf he sayd (Bona nox) yt is to saye Good nyght.
1544 in J. A. Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) IV. 305 I will not bid you good night. Suddenly we shall meet again in the kingdom of heaven.
a1556 Certaine Songs in N. Udall Ralph Roister Doister (?1566) sig. I.ijv Good night Roger olde knaue.
1597 W. Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet ii. i. 229 Good night, good night, parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow. View more context for this quotation
1604 W. Shakespeare Hamlet v. ii. 313 Good night..And flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest. View more context for this quotation
1675 W. Wycherley Country-wife iii. 52 Come let us go too: Madam, your Servant... Good night Strapper.
1710 J. Swift Jrnl. to Stella 2 Nov. (1948) I. 79 Well, little monkies mine, I must go write; and so good night.
1794 A. Radcliffe Myst. of Udolpho III. iii. 83 Good night, lady.
1852 J. W. Carlyle Let. in Lett. & Memorials (1852) II. 177 And now good-night; I am off to bed.
1883 M. Oliphant Hester III. ii. 39 He put on his coat and went out, forgetting that it was his usual custom to go up stairs and say good-night to Catherine before doing so.
1917 Blackwood's Mag. Mar. 380/2Good-night, you chaps,’ said one of the flight-commanders.
1976 ‘R. Boyle’ Cry Rape xxi. 94 Goodnight, Anne. Sleep tight.
1995 D. Lodge Therapy 81 It seemed a good exit line, so I got to my feet and bade them both goodnight.
2011 E. M. Smith Shadow of Olympus xix. 124Good night’ said Angela. ‘I hope you have a nice wedding.’
b. Expressing finality, esp. with regard to a disastrous or unwelcome outcome or conclusion, as death, loss, the failure of plans and hopes, etc. See also Phrases 2.
1567 Triall of Treasure sig. D.iiiv Then honestie and profite you may bidde good night.
1598 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 1 i. iii. 192 If he fall in, god-night, or sinke, or swim. View more context for this quotation
1604 J. Marston Malcontent ii. iv. sig. D2 When our beauty fades, godnight with vs.
1661 G. Wharton Select & Choice Poems 58 Farewel to all our New Nobility: Good-night Illustriousness.
1700 C. Cibber Tragical Hist. King Richard III iv. 40 Ann, my Wife, has bid this World good night.
1859 Househ. Monthly Apr. 15/2 Good-night, good-night, to life and love.
c1875 W. G. Wills Hermann, the Fatalist ii. 28 Reluctant, I must bid good night to life.
1911 C. E. Van Loan Big League i. 17 If he ever gets within reaching distance of a fly ball—good night!
2003 P. Kay et al. Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights: Scripts 1st Ser. Episode 1. 14/2 Max (Demonstrates )..quick scissor kick to the temple. Goodnight, my friend.
2. Chiefly Caribbean. Expressing good wishes on meeting during the evening; = good evening int.
1844 Port of Spain Gaz. 17 Dec. 3 As he was passing the children and servants of Mrs. Hart told him ‘good night’.
1933 P. Cadey Broken Pattern xiii. 136 He bade his host and hostess ‘good night’ on entering the room, which disconcerted them temporarily.
1959 in F. G. Cassidy & R. B. LePage Dict. Jamaican Eng. (1967) 203/1 Goodnight, sir. (Said by watchman arriving at his post for the night.)
1974 F. Bain Child of Carnival 73 The door was opened—held ajar by the woman... ‘Good night!’ she said... ‘Good night senhora!’ he said alighting from his car.
2009 C. Wooding Retribution Falls xx. 215 He looked up as Crake and Jez arrived. ‘Good night,’ said Crake, without breaking stride.
3. colloquial. Expressing surprise, esp. unpleasant surprise at a suggestion or revelation. Also: expressing delight. Now rare.
1893 J. S. Farmer & W. E. Henley Slang III. 179/1 Good night, a retort to an incredible statement or a delightful piece of news.
1893 G. L. Gower Gloss. Surrey Words 18 Good night! Dear me! an exclamation of surprise.
1914 Collier's 16 May 11/1 I was to be married a week from tomorrow, but now—good night!
1929 Chicago Tribune 8 Dec. vii. 3/5 ‘Good night!’ said Mr. Jones. ‘What a layout!’
C. adj. (attributive).
Done as an expression of good wishes or affection on parting at night or before going to bed; (also more generally) taking place last thing at night or immediately before going to bed. Esp. in goodnight kiss.
1816 Ld. Byron Childe Harold: Canto III lxxxvi. 48 Or chirps the grasshopper one good-night carol more.
1822 B. Hofland Tales of Manor II. 94 A morning smile or a good-night kiss, were nearly all in his power to bestow.
1868 ‘H. Lee’ Basil Godfrey's Caprice lxv. 377 Give me a good-night kiss.
1871 R. Ellis tr. Catullus Poems lxiv. 382 In such prelude old, such good-night ditty to Peleus.
1929 N. Coward Last Dance in B. Day N. Coward: Compl. Lyrics (1998) 107/2 Just a slight dance, One more dream-of-delight dance, Just a sort of good-night dance Would be glorious fun.
1956 Los Angeles Times 29 July iii. 31/6 [The Englishman] hesitates to ask for a good-night kiss.
1992 M. Bishop Count Geiger's Blues xlv. 232 About once a week, Missy told Carrie-Lisbeth a good-night story about Little Rabbit Frou-Frou and the Blue Fairy.
2006 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 19 Oct. 31/4 They knew the narrator as the delicate boy who lies awake, anxiously waiting for his mother's goodnight kiss.


P1. (God give you) goodnight at Aldgate: used to suggest a lapse into disorder, indiscipline, or immorality. Obsolete. [With allusion to the fact that the Aldgate led from the City of London into Whitechapel, which lay outside the City's jurisdiction.]
1564 T. Becon Displayeng Popishe Masse f. lii (margin) , in Wks. iii God geue you good night at Algate.
1572 J. Jones Bathes of Bathes Ayde To Rdr. sig. b ij a Al men..greedily gape after worldly gayne, whyles in the meane tyme the members and the mynde fall into such lappes as they neuer may recouer agayne, so that then good night at Algate.
P2. In proverbial phrases expressing finality, esp. with regard to a disastrous or unwelcome outcome or conclusion (cf. sense B. 1b) in which the interjection is elaborated, typically with a person's name, an occupational name, or (less commonly) a place name, as the notional addressee. In early use in †goodnight John Line, †goodnight landlady (also landlord) (the moon is up), †goodnight Nicholas (the moon is in the flock-bed). Now in goodnight Irene, goodnight nurse, goodnight Vienna, etc.
c1576 T. Whythorne Autobiogr. (1961) 33 If it kam to making of loov, by word sign or deed, especially in deed (þen godnyght ȝon lyn) I had nomor fas to do þat, þen had a sheep.
1604 ‘W. Terilo’ Piece of Friar Bacons Prophesie sig. E4v And Peter weaue, what Parnell spunne Good night Iohn Line, and I haue donne.
?a1640 J. Day & H. Chettle Blind-beggar (1659) sig. K2 Oh good night Land lady the Moon is up.
1659 J. Howell Prov. Eng. Toung 11/2 in Παροιμιογραϕια Good night Nicholas, the Moon is in the Flock-bedd.
1688 in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1827) 2nd Ser. IV. 121 Pray my Lord let's have justice, or good night Nicholas.
1707 Reasons Decay of Trade & Private Credit 18 The Country being thus drein'd of Ready Money, the Clothier having not wherewith to employ his Workmen..he must lay the Key under the door, and so good Night Landlord.
1770 L. Carter Diary 9 Aug. (1965) I. 463 If these wet clouds..have produced such a cold air that even fires would have been welcome.., we may expect an early frost. If so, good night to you Nicholas, both with Corn and Tobacco.
1898 E. S. Brooks Master of Strong Hearts iv. 46 If it had gone the other way, it would have been ‘good–night, John!’ for you.
1913 M. Dana Within Law vii. 99 You never used to look at the men. The way you acted when you first run round with me, I thought you sure was a suffragette. And then you met this young Gilder—and—good-night, nurse!
1956 B. Behan Quare Fellow i. 5 Robbers, thieves and murderers I can abide, but when it comes to that class of carry-on—Good night, Joe Doyle.
1973 B. C. Boyd & F. C. Harris Great Amer. Baseball Card Flipping, Trading, & Bubble Gum Bk. 114 When the demon elbow begins its mordant mournful throb, it's good night, Irene.
1989 J. Sullivan Only Fools & Horses (BBC TV camera script) (O.E.D. Archive) Ser. F. Episode 2. 191 If she was to see you in that dopey shirt and yer face covered in Randolph Scotts! Well, it'd been goodnight Vienna, wouldn't it.
2003 G. Burn North of Eng. Home Service (2004) ii. 39 Curtains. Boof! All over. Goodnight Vienna.
2007 Wisden Cricketer July 48/4 The first ball whistled past off stump and I never saw it. The second was straight and that was Goodnight, Nurse.
P3. to kiss goodnight: to say farewell or take one's leave at night, or express affection before going to bed, with a kiss. Cf. goodnight kiss at sense C., to kiss goodbye at goodbye n., int., and adj. Phrases 2.
1827 C. M. Sedgwick Hope Leslie II. i. 15 Now, Esther, don't look at me so, as if I was little better than one of the wicked. Come, kiss me good night.
1847 E. Brontë Wuthering Heights II. vii. 157 She threw at me a very naughty look, so naughty that I would not kiss her good-night at first.
1883 Harper's Mag. Dec. 51/2 Coming to kiss good-night?
1954 Frederick (Maryland) Post 10 July 12/1 Mother insists on leaving the porch light on when I come home from a date. It's very embarrasing if my escort wants to..kiss me good-night.
1990 Thrust Winter 15/2 Hollywood is the kind of place where when your grandmother kisses you goodnight, she slips you the tongue and steals your wallet on her way out.
2003 G. Mitchell Loyal Women iii. 26 (stage direct.) Jenny kisses Brenda goodnight. Brenda and Terry wait for Jenny to leave.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2014; most recently modified version published online March 2022).

> see also

also refers to : good-nightv.
see also




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