

单词 gingham


Brit. /ˈɡɪŋəm/, U.S. /ˈɡɪŋəm/
Forms: 1600s gingam, 1600s– gingham, 1700s ginghem, 1700s guingam.
Origin: Probably a borrowing from Portuguese. Etymon: Portuguese guingão.
Etymology: Probably < Portuguese guingão (1552); further origin uncertain.It is sometimes assumed that Portuguese guingão was borrowed < Malay ginggang, genggang a kind of cloth (perhaps < genggang (verb) to gape or genggang (adverb) apart, with reference to the striped pattern of the cloth; compare also Javanese ginggang, ginggam (adjective) distantly spaced, wide apart). However, an attestation in 1485 of Spanish †guingao inexpensive cloth used chiefly for the outer layer of bed bags (now guinga gingham), predating Vasco da Gama's voyage, makes an origin in Malay very unlikely. The next earliest attestation in Spanish outside the same documentary source is 1528 (also in form guingao, suggesting a borrowing < Portuguese, although that is attested later: see above). Limited currency of the word in Malay, combined with the apparent absence of early attestations, also casts doubt on a Malay origin, despite the fact that in European 16th- and 17th-cent. sources the term is usually found in descriptions of East Indian voyages or in combination with terms for other goods imported from that region. Compare Dutch gingang, ginggang, †gingan (1726; compare also an earlier †gamiguin (1648), perhaps showing an alteration of the same word), French guingan (1701), Italian gingano, ghingano, guingano (1587 or earlier), all apparently < Portuguese. It has sometimes been suggested that the word for the fabric goes back to Guingamp, the name of a cloth-manufacturing town in Brittany. However, this is not borne out by the chronology of attestation in various European languages, and is not supported by any of the early evidence.
A. n.
1. A type of cotton fabric typically having a checked pattern woven from contrasting white and coloured yarns; a pattern or fabric of this kind; a piece of this fabric.In early use sometimes having a striped pattern.
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > textile fabric or an article of textile fabric > textile fabric > textile fabric made from specific material > made from choice of fibres > [noun] > cotton or linen > patterned
Bengal silk1711
Bengal stripes1875
1615 R. Coppindall Let. 5 Dec. in R. Cocks Diary (1883) II. App. 272 Capt. Cock is of opinion that the ginghams, both white and browne..will prove a good commodity in the Kinge of Shashma his cuntry.
1687 London Gaz. No. 2269/3 19176 pieces of divers sorts of Ginghams.
1763 Brit. Mag. 4 406 Ladies of taste are prodigiously fond of the Ginghams manufactured there [i.e. at Manchester].
1779 T. Forrest Voy. New Guinea 47 I presented him with a whole piece of English scarlet broad cloth, for the Sultan; and two pieces of gingham for himself.
1814 Niles' Weekly Reg. 8 Jan. 317/2 Twenty-four cases cotton and woollen goods, cloths, ginghams, chambrays, shirtings, [etc.].
1859 E. Bulwer-Lytton What will he do with It? (1st Edinb. ed.) I. i. vi. 45 Only a little commonplace child in dingy gingham.
1893 S. O. Jewett Native of Winby 178 The three bean-pickers were dressed alike in stout brown ginghams.
1904 Nat. Mag. July 459/2 His usual dress was a ‘romper’ suit of brown gingham.
a1939 Z. Grey Black Mesa (1955) i.17 Shelves full of dry goods, mostly cheap gaudy ginghams.
1965 Embroidery Autumn 82/2 Gingham and plain cottons for aprons and children's clothes.
2015 Wall St. Jrnl. 11 Apr. d2/4 If you favor patterned shirts, skip predictable gingham and reach for a subtle striped or micro-checked shirt.
2. colloquial. An umbrella, originally one covered with gingham. Also figurative. In later use English regional (midlands and northern). Now rare.
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > types or styles of clothing > umbrella or protection against bad weather > [noun]
1838 C. Webbe Man about Town I. 116 If it rained when he halted at a book-stall, of course he held his gingham up.
1861 M. E. Braddon Trail Serpent i. vii Mr. Peters..took immediate possession, by planting his honest gingham in a corner of the room.
1884 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Mar. 422/2 The umbrella cannot be got to go up at the right moment, which seems to be generally the case with the Government ‘gingham’.
1897 Moonshine 12 June 285/2 A stout man opened his gingham for the better protection of his silk hat.
1900 J. Good Gloss. Words E. Lincs. 46 Gingham, umbrella.
1924 J. H. Wilkinson Leeds Dial. Gloss. & Lore 119 Gingham, an umbrella.
1995 J. M. Sims-Kimbrey Wodds & Doggerybaw: Lincs. Dial. Dict. 119/2 Gingham, an umbrella.
B. adj.
Made of gingham.
1730 J. Guthrie Ordinary of Newgate Acct. 12th May Dalton never wore a Gingham Waistcoat while he was in Newgate.
1793 H. Boyd Indian Observ. No. 14. ⁋7 Even the ginghem waistcoats, which striped or plain have so long stood their ground, must I hear, ultimately give way to the stronger kerseymere.
a1845 R. H. Barham Blasphemer's Warning in Ingoldsby Legends (1847) 3rd Ser. 232 A good stout Taglioni and gingham umbrella.
1853 E. S. Sheppard Charles Auchester I. xi. 102 She wore a pink gingham frock, ill made to a degree.
1925 J. Dos Passos Manhattan Transfer i. iii. 51 A woman with gingham sleeves rolled up on sausageshaped arms.
1979 B. Tudor Drawn from New Eng. v. 35 The boys looked fine in gingham shirts with straw hats.
2013 Daily Tel. 27 Feb. 14/3 Other hits included intriguingly cut gingham dresses in danger of slipping off.


General attributive and objective, as gingham manufacturer, gingham-mill, etc.
1811 Jollie's Cumberland Guide & Directory i. p. x Blaylock Joseph, muslin and gingham manufacturer, Water-lane.
1860 R. W. Emerson Power in Conduct of Life (London ed.) 72 In the gingham-mill, a broken thread or a shred spoils the web through a piece of a hundred yards.
1905 Wool & Cotton Reporter 10 Aug. 922/4 A prominent gingham maker says he regrets that goods are on such a high basis.
1949 America's Textile Reporter 3 Nov. 27/1 Everett Mills, the big gingham producer, sold through Smith, Hogg & Company.
2015 A. Eaton Amoskeag Manufacturing Company xix. 99 [They] visited mills in England and Scotland to learn what it would take to establish gingham production in Manchester.


ˈginghamed adj.
1831 J. Wilson Let. 26 May in J. Hamilton Mem. Life J. Wilson (1859) iv. 136 All our other pets are well, both the feathered..and the ginghamed.
1927 S. Bent Ballyhoo 116 Nowadays it is the papa and mama in sables and diamonds who wait for the ginghamed babies.
2008 N.Y. Times Mag. (Nexis) 10 Feb. 34 The ginghamed waitress brought their coffee.
ˈginghammy adj. Obsolete rare
1856 Tait's Edinb. Mag. 23 215 Recommended to you by snubby seniors and ginghammy old maids.
1897 J. A. Clark Sel. Verses & Ess. 305 But 'tother gent had an umbereller And he looked a werry respectable feller With his ginghammy, ginghammy, drip, drip, drop.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2017; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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