

单词 good under sail

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good under (also with) sail
a. good under (also with) sail: (of a ship) fast. Obsolete.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Edward IV f. ccix The kynges shyp was good with sayle.
1561 T. Becon Sycke Mans Salve (1572) Pref. A iij ‘My dayes’, saith Job..‘are passed away as the ships that be good vnder saile, & as the Egle that flyeth vnto the pray’.
1633 S. Otes Explan. Generall Epist. St. Iude vi. 68 Wee must march on in Religion, like Iehu in his Chariot, swiftly and couragiously; wee must be like the ships of Merchants, that bee good under saile.
extracted from goodadj.n.adv.int.
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