

单词 good old days

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good (also bad) old days
a. Designating a past time or period, esp. in old days, old times, and variants. Also in good (also bad) old days, good (also bad) old times. Cf. olden days at olden adj.
the world > time > relative time > the past > [noun] > time long past or long ago
auld lang syne1666
(the) year one1754
good (also bad) old days1828
the year dot1857
old times1898
eOE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Tanner) iv. xxix. 364 Forðon ða sylfan stowe..wæs ðær io on ealdum tidum ge biscop mid his geferum, ge eac abbod wunode mid munecum.
OE Ælfric Homily: Sermo de Die Iudicii (Corpus Cambr. 178) in J. C. Pope Homilies of Ælfric (1968) II. 602 Iu on ealdum dagum, ær ðam þe Cristendom wære, menn worhton deofolgyld wide geond þas woruld.
OE Paris Psalter (1932) lxxvi. 5 Þa ic ealde dagas eft geþohte hæfde me ece gear ealle on mode.
lOE Writ of Edward the Confessor (Sawyer 1121) in F. E. Harmer Anglo-Saxon Writs (1952) 344 Se is gemæne swa he onn ældum timum gelegd wæs.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 5196 Helyas wass..an wurrþfull prophete. Onn alde daȝhess.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 5913 Þiss waȝȝn wass þurrh an kingess waȝȝn. Inn alde daȝhess tacnedd.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) 1457 Ȝeare a þan holde [Otho eolde] dawen heo wes swiðe aðel burh.
c1300 St. Francis (Laud) 408 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 65 (MED) Moyses opon synay was bi olde dawe Fourti daiȝes in priuete.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) Ruth iv. 7 Þis..was þe maner in old tyme in Israel betwen neeȝ kyn.
?a1425 MS Hunterian 95 f. 87v (MED) Boþe surgenes þat weren in olde tyme & also surgenes þat ben now stauncheden blode alle in one manere.
c1440 (?a1400) Morte Arthure 13 Elders of alde tym.
c1471 in J. B. Sheppard Let. Bks. Monastery Christ Church Canterbury (1889) 251 (MED) They to observe all such covenauntes be twyxe your predecessors and thers of olde tyme made.
a1500 in A. Zettersten Middle Eng. Lapidary (1968) 30 (MED) In olde tyme þe enchaunteres wolde put quykke brennyng coles in the foure partes of the howse.
?1555 Image of Idlenesse sig. Ciii A myracle whiche in the olde dayes she wrought.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues at Argent In good old times when men were loath to publish their owne goodnesse.
1693 W. Congreve Old Batchelour iii. 28 Ay, ay, in old days People married where they lov'd; but that fashion is chang'd.
1727 D. Defoe Compl. Eng. Tradesman II. ii. Introd. 7 In the good old days of Trade..there were no Bubbles, no Stock-jobbing.
1785 W. Cowper Task v. 217 Tubal..the Vulcan of old times.
1828 Oscotian (ed. 2) I. 1 However glorious those ‘good old times’ may have been, they still were destitute of one very important advantage.
1856 ‘G. Eliot’ in Westm. Rev. 10 55 The aristocratic dilettantism which attempts to restore the ‘good old times’ by a sort of idyllic masquerading.
1891 T. Hardy Tess of the D'Urbervilles I. i. 6 If knighthood were hereditary, like a baronetcy, as it practically was in old times, when men were knighted from father to son, you would be Sir John now.
1898 G. B. Shaw Mrs. Warren's Profession ii. 197 Suppose we were both as poor as you were in those wretched old days.
1906 Nature 3 May (Suppl.) p. vii/2 In writing of times that are past and gone, while still within our recollection, we have all to be on our guard against a popular illusion as to the ‘good old days’.
1911 G. B. Shaw Getting Married in Doctor's Dilemma 261 I felt that I had left the follies and puerilities of the old days behind me for ever.
1958 A. Huxley Brave New World Revisited (1959) 27 In the bad old days children with considerable, or even with slight, hereditary defects rarely survived.
1994 Wall St. Jrnl. 25 Feb. a15/3 For a visitor returning after many years, it's like old times.
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