

单词 germane brother

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germane brother
2. Chiefly Law. Having the same biological parents. germane brother: = brother-german n. (see for some variations of sense). germane sister: = sister-german n. †Also figurative.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > [adjective] > closely
near of kin1491
near akinc1515
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > kinsman or relation > sibling > [adjective] > having same parents
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 146 We byeþ alle godes children be adopcion..and children of holy cherche, broþer germayn of uader and of moder.]
a1449 J. Lydgate Minor Poems (1934) ii. 652 (MED) To Pertholyne he was germayne brother.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. v. 58 Iacob, That is thyne awne german brother.
?1548 D. Lindsay Tragical Death Dauid Beaton sig. C.iiiv The Erle of Anguishe, & his germaine brother I purposed, to ryd them out of thys lyfe.
1567 T. Drant tr. Horace Pistles in tr. Horace Arte of Poetrie sig. D.vijv In this thinge onely wee are founde vnlike in iudgmente others, In all thinges els wee tune in one as it were germaine brothers.
1594 W. Clerke Triall of Bastardie ii. 12 German brothers and sisters are betweene themselues in the second generation.
1626 G. Sandys tr. Ovid Metamorphosis vi. 117 For him the Nymphs, and german Satyres [L. Satyri fratres] weepe.
1711 T. Wise Christian Eucharist i. 137 I am heartily sorry..to find how much your Malice works and boils within your Breast, which must needs be very painful; insomuch that to this may truly be apply'd, what the Poet says of Envy, her German Sister.
1736 R. Robinson Disc. conc. Law of Inheritances in Fee 65 The German Sister of P. produced the Purchasor.
1754 P. Pineda Synopsis of Geneal. xxiv. 105 Unto him succeeded Hugh the Forth his German Brother.
1854 Rep. Supreme Court Louisiana 7 265 The 40th article of the code, in the case in which the deceased has left no german brothers or sisters, but only paternal or maternal brothers and sisters, has established a complicated mode of partition.
1915 T. Roehl Flemming's Formulary of Civil Procedure 419 A. Jones Smith, german brother of decedent.
1982 A. Layish Marriage, Divorce, & Succession in Druze Family xii. 298 A germane brother excludes a consanguine brother or sister, and a germane sister excludes a uterine sister, by the greater strength of the blood-tie.
2005 R. Peters Crime & Punishm. in Islamic Law ii. 45 A germane brother and his offspring exclude a consanguine brother.
extracted from germaneadj.n.
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