

单词 gay-dressed

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C1. Compounds of the adverb (chiefly with present and past participles), as gay-beseen (see besee v. II.), gay-careering, gay-chirping, gay-dressed, gay-motleyed, gay-painted, gay-shifting, gay-smiling, gay-spent, gay-spotted, gay-throned, etc., adjs. Now somewhat rare.
1549 T. Chaloner tr. Erasmus Praise of Folie sig. Oijv What saie you to Courtiers? these minion gaibeseen gentilmen.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene ii. iii. sig. P3v She her gay painted plumes disorderid..Peepes forth, and soone renews her natiue pride.
1596 E. Spenser Second Pt. Faerie Queene vi. v. sig. Dd4v Deckt with greene boughes, and flowers gay beseene. View more context for this quotation
1642 H. More Ψυχωδια Platonica sig. G3v There be six Orders 'fore you do descend To this gay painted bow.
1690 W. Mountfort Successfull Straingers ii. ii. 15 The Gay Chirping Flutterers of the Air To their own mossy Architects repair.
1728 J. Thomson Spring 12 The downward Sun Looks out illustrious from amid the Flush Of broken Clouds, gay-shifting to his Beam.
1728 J. Thomson Winter (ed. 5) 36 Those busy, bustling Days..Those gay-spent, festive Nights.
1742 W. Collins Persian Eclogues iii. 16 Gay-motley'd Pinks and sweet Junquils she chose.
1744 J. Thomson Spring in Seasons (new ed.) 25 Nor broad Carnations; nor gay-spotted Pinks.
1747 G. Lyttelton To Memory of Lady ii. 2 Ye Lawns gay-smiling with eternal Green, Oft have You my Lucy seen!
1777 T. Warton Poems 36 The butterfly, gay-painted soon, Explores awhile the tepid noon.
1777 T. Warton Poems 76 But since, gay-thron'd in fiery chariot sheen, Summer has smote each daisy-dappled dale.
1784 Distressed Lady 9 In this manner she sat for about half an hour, when a very gay dressed lady came into the room, and said what is the matter with you madam?
1821 Xarifa in Lady Dacre Dramas & Occas. Poems v. ii. 209 The knights appellants, gay-careering, urge Their foaming coursers o'er the vacant space.
1824 T. Fenby Outl. Four Temperaments i, in Wild Roses 78 Thy gay-careering soul.
a1832 P. M. Freneau Poems (1929) 269 Gay spotted pinks their charming bloom withdrew, And Polyanthus quench'd its thousand dyes.
1844 R. M. Milnes Palm Leaves 132 The sparrow Gay-chirping by the door.
1848 A. H. Clough Bothie of Toper-na-Fuosich iv. 80 Seizing his gay-smiling Janet.
1850 H. Melville White-jacket xii. 59 For sights, a gay-painted punch-bowl, or Dutch tankard—never mind about filling it—might be recommended.
1900 R. C. Dutt tr. Ramayana vii. vi. 100 And five thousand gay-dressed damsels shall upon my Sita wait.
a1910 ‘O. Henry’ Rolling Stones (1916) 161 Footmen in gay-laced livery bring in beer noiselessly.
1966 Harper's Mag. Apr. 63/2 The coal-black Zouave attendants and guards stood in rank..under ribbons of red and bright gold and flags of red and green stars and coronets of wild, gay-blowing flowers, the flag and heraldry of Morocco.
extracted from gayadj.adv.n.
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