

单词 genesis


Brit. /ˈdʒɛnᵻsɪs/, U.S. /ˈdʒɛnəsəs/

α. Old English– genesis, Middle English–1500s genesys, late Middle English genosis, late Middle English genysis, late Middle English ienesis, 1500s genisis, 1500s genyses, 1500s–1600s genises.

β. Middle English genesi, Middle English genesy, Middle English genesyȝe.

Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin genesis.
Etymology: < classical Latin genesis birth, nativity, horoscope, destiny, in post-classical Latin also book of Genesis (late 2nd or early 3rd cent. in Tertullian), origin, descent (from c1000 in British sources), (in mathematics) generation (1686 in a British source) < ancient Greek γένεσις origin, creation, generation, in Hellenistic Greek also book of Genesis, nativity, horoscope, (in mathematics) generation < the root of γίγνεσθαι to come into being, be born ( < the same Indo-European base as classical Latin gignere to beget: see genital adj.) + -σις -sis suffix. Compare Anglo-Norman and Middle French Genesis book of Genesis (beginning of the 13th cent. or earlier in Anglo-Norman; early 12th cent. in Anglo-Norman as Genesin, also as Genesim, Genesime, in these forms after the Latin accusative singular; also Genesi, Genesie (13th cent. or earlier)), Middle French, French genèse (with capital initial) book of Genesis (15th cent.), (in mathematics) generation (1660), origin or mode of formation of a thing (19th cent.), Middle French genesie, French génésie nativity (1499), origin or mode of formation of a thing (1611 in Cotgrave with reference to the origin of living beings, early 19th cent. in medical contexts). Compare also Catalan gènesi (14th cent.), Spanish génesis (late 13th cent.), Portuguese gênese (14th cent. as genesi, genesis), Italian genesi (a1313), all earliest in sense ‘book of Genesis’.In β. forms (which occur only in sense 1) probably partly after the Latin ablative singular, and partly after Anglo-Norman Genesi, Genesie.
1. With capital initial. (The name of) the first book of the Bible, which includes the stories of the creation of the world, Noah's Ark, the Tower of Babel, and the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.The name was given by the Greek translators, and retained in the Vulgate and subsequently in English bibles. In Hebrew, the book is called Bĕrē'šīṯ, literally ‘in the beginning’, after its opening words.
society > faith > aspects of faith > Bible, Scripture > Testament > Old Testament > divisions of Old Testament > [noun] > Genesis
OE Ælfric Let. to Sigeweard (De Veteri et Novo Test.) (Laud) 21 Fif bec he awrat mid wundorlicum dihte. Seo forme ys Genesis, þe befehð þas racu ærest fram frumsceafte.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 45 Ameiden huchte dina iacobes dochter hit telleð inþe genesi heode vt to seon vncuðe wimmen.
a1325 (c1250) Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 2522 Ðe boc ðe is hoten genesis.
c1390 (a1376) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Vernon) (1867) A. vii. 219 (MED) Go to Genesis þe Ieaunt, engendrure of vs alle.
?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 208 (MED) Þei cone all speken of the Bible, & namely of Genesis [Fr. Genesis].
c1450 (a1425) Metrical Paraphr. Old Test. (Selden) 39 In this boke that cald genesis, ther may men see the soth vnsogh.
1533 J. Gau tr. C. Pedersen Richt Vay 33 It is writine in the first chaiptur of Genesis [etc.].
1592 G. Harvey Foure Lett. iii. 19 Not Tubulcain,..but Tuball, whom Genesis voutsafeth honourable mention.
1649 F. Roberts Clavis Bibliorum (ed. 2) 6 Genesis, i.e. Generation, so called by the Greek; partly because it sets forth the Generations of the heavens and of the earth, in their first creation; partly because it describes the Genealogie of the Patriarchs.
1682 J. Dryden Medall Epist. Whigs sig. a1 He has damn'd me in your Cause from Genesis to the Revelations.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. at Pentateuch The five books of Moses..; viz. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
1790 H. Murray Evidences Jewish & Christian Revelations vii. 72 God could have given no commandment, but one of the nature of that described in Genesis, considering the state of Adam and Eve.
1805 Ann. Rev. 3 xii. 634/2 Divines, astronomers, poets, painters, and puppet–showmen, all have found employment from Genesis... From Genesis the Moors of the farthest east get their circumsicision; from Genesis we get our tithes.
1885 T. H. Huxley Coll. Ess. (1893) IV. 157 Those modern representatives of Sisyphus, the reconcilers of Genesis with science.
1925 A. E. Newton Greatest Bk. in World i. 47 Elizabeth Cady Stanton..instructed each member..to purchase a bible and go through it from Genesis to Revelation, marking all the passages in which women are mentioned.
1973 Sci. Amer. Aug. 98/3 Add the number on the top of A to the number on the bottom of B, then find the chapter of Genesis (in a King James Bible) that corresponds to the sum.
2007 N.Y. Times Mag. 25 Nov. 32/1 Young-earthers treat the words of Genesis as irrefutable fact.
2. Astrology. = nativity n. 4. Obsolete.
the world > the universe > astrology > judicial astrology > horoscope > [noun] > nativity
birth paper1824
c1480 (a1400) St. Clement 434 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) I. 385 Inpossible thing is, þat ocht be done but genesis [L. extra genesin].
1625 B. Jonson Fortunate Isles 119 Hauing obseru'd your Genesis, He would not liue.
1652 J. Gaule Πυς-μαντια 347 Vespasian being admonished by the Mathematicians to take heed of Metius Pomposianus, because he had an imperiall Genesis [etc.][L. genesim imperatoriam Suet. Vesp. 14].
1790 E. Sibly New & Compl. Illustr. Astrol. (new ed.) i. 254 In a diurnal genesis, Sol and the lord of the fourth shall signify the father, and the Moon, the mother.
a. The action of building up from simple or basic elements to more complex ones; composition. Opposed to analysis. Cf. synthesis n. 1a. Now historical and rare.
the mind > mental capacity > philosophy > logic > logical reasoning > [noun] > synthetic reasoning
1588 A. Fraunce Lawiers Logike i. i. f. 3 In discoursing, thinking, meditating, and framing of thine owne, as also in discussing, perusing, searching and examining what others haue either deliuered by speach, or put downe in writing: this is called Analysis, that Genesis, and in them both consisteth the whole vse of Logike.
1612 J. Brinsley Ludus Lit. viii. 108 Hereby schollars may haue daily much sure practice both of Analysis and Genesis; that is, resoluing and making Latine: which as was noted, all the learned doe acknowledge to bee almost all in all, in getting all learning.
1693 W. Freke Sel. Ess. 73 That you may the better Skill how to form a Subject into exact method, I shall here present you with the Pattern of an exact Genesis and Analysis.
1862 F. D. Maurice Mod. Philos. 148 If the student will be at pains to consider the remarks which he will find here upon Genesis and Analysis (not rashly substituting Synthesis for Genesis, because that is our opposition), he will gain much light upon the whole of the controversy in the sixteenth century between the natural and artificial logicians.
1989 Jrnl. Hist. Ideas 50 242 Praxis..is made up of genesis and analysis.
b. Mathematics. The process of obtaining a given power of a number. Obsolete.
1614 W. Bedwell De Numeris Geometricis ii. 19 The Quadrates of the Segments 90, and 8, with their Plaines or Complements, are the parts of the Quadrate of the whole number 98. The genesis or making of this Quadrate, after our prescript, is thus.
1705 E. Scarburgh Eng. Euclide ii. 119 This genesis of a Square exactly answers to Euclid's Proposition.
a1728 T. Weston Treat. Arithmetic (1729) xvii. 341 Now from this Genesis of the Cube, are naturally deduc'd the Directions before given, for its Analysis, or the Extraction of its Root.
1800 F. Maseres Tracts Resol. Affected Algebräick Equations 3 The fore-mention'd Rules are easily demonstrated from the Genesis of the Cube, and the 5th Power.
4. The origin or mode of formation of something.In early use chiefly with allusion to sense 1.
the world > existence and causation > causation > source or origin > [noun] > origination or derivation
the world > relative properties > number > geometry > [noun] > action or process
construction of equations1728
1604 R. Cawdrey Table Alphabet. Genesis, beginning.
1614 T. Adams Diuells Banket iv. 161 Euery man that hath his Genesis, must haue his Exodus; and they that are borne must dye.
1675 R. Burthogge Cavsa Dei 380 A Custom bottomed upon the Great Originist, and that account he gives us of the Genesis and Rise of things.
1678 R. Cudworth True Intellect. Syst. Universe i. iv. 238 All which Genesis or Generation of Gods is really nothing but a Poetical Description of the Cosmogonia.
1706 W. Jones Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos 224 The Genesis of Solids may be exhibited in various ways.
1715 tr. D. Gregory Elements Astron. I. ii. §2. 205 An account of the genesis, nature, and uses of the Celestial Equinoctial.
a1734 R. North Examen (1740) i. ii. §11 36 It seems the Author himself was in the Dark as to the Genesis of this Speech.
1799 Poetry of Anti-Jacobin 124 (note) The genesis of burning mountains was never, till lately, well explained.
1817 S. T. Coleridge Biogr. Lit. 138 I shall now proceed to the nature and genesis of the imagination.
1834 T. Carlyle Sartor Resartus ii. i. 29/1 To the Genesis of our Clothes-Philosopher, then, be this First Chapter consecrated.
1864 F. C. Bowen Treat. Logic v. 119 It explains only the genesis, not the nature, of the Categories.
1885 E. Clodd Myths & Dreams i. i. 5 The theory of evolution must embrace the genesis and development of mind.
1927 Econ. Hist. Rev. 1 29 This is a study of economic history from the genetic approach, a study of the genesis of institutions, habits and innovations, as they are being born and reborn.
1967 Canad. Med. Assoc. Jrnl. 19 Aug. 392/2 Psychoanalytic theory has stressed the importance, in the genesis of emotional illness, of psychologic conflicts in the developmental years.
2004 S. Mehta Maximum City 337 The idea for the movie has its genesis in a journey from Delhi to Lahore..in 1999.


genesis rock n. Astronomy a detached mass of solid material dating from the formation of objects, esp. the moon, in the early solar system.
1971 Wisconsin State Jrnl. 8 Aug. 2/3 The rock, which has become known as the ‘Genesis Rock’, could help scientists understand the violent processes by which the Moon was shaped.
1978 J. M. Pasachoff & M. L. Kutner University Astron. xiv. 392 It had been hoped that the astronauts would find a ‘genesis rock’, a rock from the time of the origin of the solar system.
2003 D. Mackenzie Big Splat ix. 140 The astronauts were trained to look for the white ‘genesis rocks’..that might remain from the original crust.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2009; most recently modified version published online March 2022).

> see also

also refers to : -genesiscomb. form
see also




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