

单词 full point

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full point
Frequently with allusion to sense 16a, esp. in full point. In quot. c1475 used punningly.extracted from pointn.1
full point
a. A full stop (in full full point); (hence) any terminal punctuation mark, as an exclamation mark or question mark.Also used of certain reference marks, as an asterisk, obelisk, etc.
society > communication > writing > written character > punctuation > [noun] > point or stop > full stop
full stop1643
c1395 G. Chaucer Canon's Yeoman's Tale 1480 Þer a poynt, for ended is my tale.
Promptorium Parvulorum (Harl. 221) 479 Strek, or poynt be-twyx ij clausys yn a boke, Liminiscus.
c1450 Med. Recipes (BL Add. 33996) in F. Heinrich Mittelengl. Medizinbuch (1896) 86 (MED) Take þrie oblies, and wryte on þat on: pater alpha..and make apoynt..on þat oþer: filius est vita, and make two poyntes.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 15 b A poynt, whether it be suche as the Latins call punctum planum thus made . ,..or with suche as the Latins cal comma thus made : , or uirgula thus made /.
1587 F. Clement Petie Schole 25 The perfect pause, or full point is set down in the line immediatly after the last word.
1623 W. Lisle in tr. Ælfric Saxon Treat. Old & New Test. ad init. The Saxon vseth our note of Full-point commonly for all other distinctions.
1665 R. Hooke Micrographia 3 A point commonly so call'd, that is, the mark of a full stop, or period.
1755 J. Smith Printer's Gram. iv. v. 77 These are the Names and Figures of what Founders reckon among Points, and Printers call References.
1795 L. Murray Eng. Gram. 169 The Interrogative point, ? The Exclamation point, !.
1837 Biblical Repertory Apr. 295 There should be a full point after church of the living God.
1891 Notes & Queries 7th Ser. 12 99/2 All abbreviations being uniformly denoted by the full-point.
1963 H. Shaw Punctuate it Right! xvi. 91 When ellipsis periods come at the end of a statement requiring a period, then four of these ‘suspension periods’ or ‘suspension points’..are occasionally used.
1995 Lit. & Ling. Computing 10 83/1 There is no full point after Dr, Mrs, Ms, or Mr.
extracted from pointn.1
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