

单词 full moon

full moonn.

Brit. /ˌfʊl ˈmuːn/, U.S. /ˌfʊl ˈmun/
Forms: see full adj., n.2, and adv. and moon n.1
Origin: A word inherited from Germanic. Etymons: full adj., moon n.1
Etymology: < full adj. + moon n.1 Compare Middle Dutch volle māne (Dutch volle maan ), Middle Low German vull māne , and (as compound) Middle Low German vulmān , Dutch vollemaan (16th cent.), Old High German volmāni (Middle High German volmǣne , vollemāne ; compare German Vollmond ). Compare also ancient Greek πανσέληνος (see panselene n.), classical Latin lūna plēna the moon with its whole disc illuminated, plēnilūnium the period during which the moon is full (see plenilunium n.), Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French, French pleine lune (first third of the 13th cent. or earlier with reference to the fully illuminated moon, c1300 or earlier with reference to the period during which the moon is full). Compare new moon n.In Old English the first element is treated as a normal adjective inflected for case and number.
1. The moon appearing with its whole disc illuminated. Cf. full adj. 6b.The full moon appears when the moon is in opposition to the sun (contrasted with new moon).
the world > the universe > planet > primary planet > moon > phase > [noun] > full moon
full mooneOE
full of the moona1325
eOE Metres of Boethius (partly from transcript of damaged MS) (2009) xxviii. 42 Hwa is on weorulde þæt ne wundrige fulles monan?
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) xl. 525 We rædað on tungelcræfte þæt..se fulla mona færlice fagettað þonne he þæs sunlican leohtes bedæled bið þurh ðære eorðan sceadewunge.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Ecclus. l. 6 As the fulle moone..he liȝteth [emended in ed. to liȝtneth].
c1450 in A. H. Thomas & I. D. Thornley Great Chron. London (1938) 4 (MED) There were seen two full mones in the firmament by clere day.
a1475 Sidrak & Bokkus (Lansd.) (1998) I. l. 5859 Whanne þe fulle mone stondiþ southe, Þe sunne is north—þis is wel couthe.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 223/2 Full moone, plaine lune.
1681 T. Otway Souldiers Fortune iv. i. 45 'Twas a full Moon, and such a Moon Sir!
1789 E. Hands Death of Amnon v. 36 Ere yet th' approaching day began to dawn, While the full moon reign'd mistress of the night.
1815 J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art I. 597 The full moon rises at sun-set.
1883 ‘Ouida’ Wanda I. 58 The full moon was rising above the Glöckner range.
1966 B. Cooper Drown him Deep xviii. 147 The full moon..stared down with a Billy Bunter's curious face.
2011 New Yorker 9 May 26/1 The previous night's full moon was still glowing in the dark sky.
2. The period or night each month (or in a specified month) during which the moon appears with its whole disc illuminated.
the world > time > period > a month or calendar month > [noun] > lunar month > periods within or phases of the moon
full moonOE
new moonOE
new of the moona1398
dark of the moon1591
month of apparition1594
dark moon1615
OE Ælfric De Temporibus Anni (Cambr. Gg.3.28) (2009) viii. 90 Ða treowu þe beoð aheawene on fullum monan beoð heardran wið wyrmætan & langfærran.
OE Byrhtferð Enchiridion (Ashm.) (1995) iii. ii. 144 Beda cwyð.., þæt malina onginð fif dagum ær þam niwan monan and eal swa ær þam fullan monan.
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add. 27944) (1975) I. viii. xvii. 490 Alwey in þe newe mone þe spring of þe see is hiest, and also in þe fulle mone.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 17288 + 72 Þese thre thinges a-bod our lord, or he to ded wald goo, Vre leuedy day & friday als and ful moyne als-soo.
c1475 tr. Henri de Mondeville Surgery (Wellcome) f. 161v As if it be in þe ful moone, þe operacioun schal be deferrid vnto þe wanynge.
1598 A. M. tr. J. Guillemeau Frenche Chirurg. 3/2 All..badde..accidents..publishe themselves at the full Moone, more then at other times.
1672 R. Wiseman Treat. Wounds i. x. 120 Towards the full moon, coming from abroad home one morning, he felt his legs faulter.
1796 H. Hunter tr. J.-H. B. de Saint-Pierre Stud. Nature (1799) III. 34 They [sc. tides] exhibit no sensible rise till the second or third day after the full Moon.
1840 J. Forbes Eleven Years in Ceylon I. xiv. 316 The third festival, called..Perraherra (The procession), commenced with the new moon, and continued until the full moon of July.
1952 J. A. Steers et al. Lake's Physical Geogr. (ed. 3) ii. iii. 179 The earth, the sun and the moon are almost in the same straight line..at full moon.
2010 Independent 9 Nov. (Viewspaper section) 10/4 Gout and asthma attacks peak during the new and full moon.


C1. General attributive.
a1615 N. Downton in S. Purchas Pilgrimes (1625) I. iii. xii. 302 Wee found the water highed more on the full Moone spring then on the change, by foure foot.
1617 S. Purchas Pilgrimage (ed. 3) iv. xix. 524 Euery new and full Moone-day, a little before Sun-rising,..they [sc. the Chinese] make publication of these sixe Precepts.
1709 Ladies Diary in C. Hutton Diarian Misc. (1775) I. 49 There can be no full-moon eclipse this year.
1753 J. Kennedy Exam. Jackson's Chronol. Antiq. 50 The autumnal Æquinox is situated between two primitive Full-Moon Evenings, at unequal Distances from it.
1780 W. Cowper Progress of Error 282 The breach, though small at first, soon opening wide, In rushes folly with a full-moon tide.
1850 Naut. Mag. & Naval Chron. Sept. 502 A mean towards which an equal or nearly equal number of full moon apogees, and full moon perigees, must have contributed.
1894 G. Meredith Lord Ormont I. iii. 91 Howling like full-moon dogs all through their lives.
1917 Forest & Stream Nov. 530/1 The full moon tides of August.
1989 K. Green Night Angel xvi. 178 She's having a performance-art installation cum full-moon ritual at her place up in Fairfax tomorrow night.
1996 B. Hall in Granta Autumn 90 The high tides far away along seashores on this full-moon night.
2004 H. Kunzru Transmission (2005) 21 The realization at a full-moon party in Thailand that his future lay in the science of ‘deep-branding’.
C2. attributive. Applied to something, esp. a face, which resembles or is reminiscent of a full moon. [With use with reference to a face compare French visage de pleine lune (1640).]
1675 C. Cotton Burlesque upon Burlesque 116 Her pale, full moon, platter face.
1700 P. Danet Compl. Dict. Greek & Rom. Antiq. at Latona She is so fair, with her full Moon face.
1797 R. Southey Let. May in J. Cottle Reminisc. (1847) 211 A very brown-looking man of..full-moon cheeks.
1853 M. Howitt tr. F. Bremer Homes of New World II. 532 Our full-moon countenances, and noses which come directly out of them like a handle,..are not seen here.
1894 J. Dale Round the World by Doctors' Orders x. 169 He had a full-moon sort of face, with a gin-and-water nose and cod-fish eyes.
1922 National Geographic Mag. Apr. 424 (caption) The full-moon countenance of a young bull sea-elephant.
1949 N. Algren Man with Golden Arm ii. 266 The Prospector's full-moon smile lit up the query room.
2013 Woman's Era (Nexis) 1 Jan. Is there a make-up trick which can make my round, full-moon face look slimmer?
full moon festival n. = Moon Festival n. at moon n.1 Compounds 2.
society > leisure > social event > festive occasion > specific festivities > [noun] > other festivities
church ale1448
maids' ale1547
Chinese New Year1704
spring festival1788
walking day1826
Lag b'Omer1874
full moon festival1876
Moon Festival1892
sausage fest1908
1876 Standard 17 Apr. 6/3 The crowds of local and provincial Burmese who are drawn to the Great Pagoda at the full-moon festival, called by them Taboung-La-Byee.
1947 Lin Yueh-Hwa Golden Wing vi. 69 On the fifteenth day after the New Year, which is the Full Moon Festival of the Spring, another village gathering..was held in the ancestral hall.
2006 Denver Post (Nexis) 25 Jan. f1 They had chicken three times a year—for the Aug. 15 Full Moon Festival, dragon boat races and the New Year.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2016; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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