

单词 friendship


Brit. /ˈfrɛn(d)ʃɪp/, U.S. /ˈfrɛn(d)ˌʃɪp/

α. early Old English friondscipe, Old English freodscipe (probably transmission error), Old English freodscype (probably transmission error), Old English freondsciepe (rare), Old English freondscype, Old English–early Middle English freondscipe, late Old English–early Middle English frendscipe, early Middle English frendcipe, early Middle English frendsipe, early Middle English frentchipe, early Middle English freondschipe (south-west midlands), early Middle English freontschipe (south-west midlands), early Middle English frieondscype, early Middle English fryndscipe, Middle English ffrendship, Middle English freendeschip, Middle English freendshipe, Middle English freendshipp, Middle English freendshippe, Middle English frendeschepe, Middle English frendeschip, Middle English frendeship, Middle English frendeshippe, Middle English frendischipe, Middle English frendschip, Middle English frendschipe, Middle English frendscip, Middle English frendshep, Middle English frendshepe, Middle English frendshipp, Middle English frendshypp, Middle English frendssipe, Middle English–1500s frendshipe, Middle English–1500s frendshippe, Middle English–1500s frendshyp, Middle English–1500s frendshyppe, Middle English–1600s frendship, Middle English– friendship, 1500s freendship, 1500s freendshyppe, 1500s frendeshyp, 1500s frendshype, 1500s–1600s friendshippe, 1500s–1700s frindship, 1600s freindshippe, 1600s friendshyp, 1600s–1700s freindship; Scottish pre-1700 freindscheip, pre-1700 freindscheipe, pre-1700 freindschip, pre-1700 freindschipe, pre-1700 freindship, pre-1700 freindshipp, pre-1700 frendchyp, pre-1700 frendschepe, pre-1700 frendschip, pre-1700 frendschipe, pre-1700 frendschype, pre-1700 freyndschip, pre-1700 freyndschyp, pre-1700 friendschip, pre-1700 frindeschip, pre-1700 frindschip, pre-1700 frindschipe, pre-1700 1700s– friendship, pre-1700 1800s freendship.

β. late Old English freonscype, late Old English–early Middle English freonscipe, early Middle English frenscep, early Middle English frenscipe, early Middle English freonchipe, early Middle English freonseipe (perhaps transmission error), early Middle English freonshype, early Middle English fronsipe, Middle English ffrenschip, Middle English freinschip, Middle English frenchep, Middle English frenchepe, Middle English frenchip, Middle English frenchipe, Middle English frenchippe, Middle English frenchyp, Middle English frencipp, Middle English frenschep, Middle English frenschepe, Middle English frenschip, Middle English frenschipe, Middle English frenschippe, Middle English frenschyp, Middle English frenscip, Middle English frenshepe, Middle English frenshipe, Middle English frenshippe, Middle English frenshyp, Middle English–1500s frenchype, Middle English–1500s frenship, 1500s–1600s frienship; Scottish pre-1700 franscheip, pre-1700 franship, pre-1700 freinschip, pre-1700 frenschepe, pre-1700 frenschip, pre-1700 frenschipe, pre-1700 frenschippe, pre-1700 frenship.

Origin: A word inherited from Germanic.
Etymology: Cognate with or formed similarly to Old Frisian friūndskip (West Frisian freonskip ), Old Dutch friuntskap (Middle Dutch vrientscap , vrientschap , Dutch vriendschap ), Old Saxon friundskepi (Middle Low German vrüntschop , also in senses ‘kinship’ and ‘relatives collectively’), Old High German friuntscaf , friuntscaft (Middle High German vriuntschaft (also in sense ‘kinship’), German Freundschaft ), all in senses ‘state of being a friend’, ‘close relationship between friends’, ‘friendliness’, and (in senses ‘kinship’ and ‘relatives collectively’) Old Swedish frändskaper (Swedish frändskap ), Old Danish frændskab (Danish frændskab ) < the Germanic base of friend n. + the Germanic base of -ship suffix. Compare friendrede n.The β. forms show simplification of the consonant cluster; compare also β. forms at friend n. and adj.
a. The state or relation of being a friend; association of persons as friends.
eOE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Tanner) iv. xxx. 370 Wæs sum mæssepreost..se wæs geara & longe þæm Godes were [in węre] geðeoded gastlices freondscipes [L. spiritalis amicitiae foedere copulatus].
OE tr. Defensor Liber Scintillarum (1969) lxiv. 379 Illa uera est amicitia quae nihil quęrit ex rebus amici nisi solam beniuolentiam : se soð ys freondscype se naht secð of þingum freondes butan sylfe welwyllednysse.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 77 For nan freonchipe nis se muchel as is fals frentchipe.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 818 Þat bi nom þe My frendssipe vor þi soþnesse al clene.
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add. 27944) (1975) II. xvi. iii. 828 Alabastre..gendreþ and kepeth frenshepe.
a1450 York Plays (1885) 322 He fest me to his frenschippe, so frendly he fared.
1553 R. Eden tr. S. Münster Treat. Newe India sig. Kiiij Wilde menne, which could by no gentilnes be allured to frendshippe.
1612 F. Bacon Ess. (new ed.) 80 Without friendship, society is but meeting.
1694 R. South 12 Serm. II. 59 Friendship is the Noblest and most Refined Improvement of Love.
1733 J. Swift Life & Char. Dr. Swift 11 True Friendship in two breasts requires The same Aversions, and Desires.
1794 R. B. Sheridan Duenna (new ed.) iii. 62 In religion, as in friendship, they who profess most are ever the least sincere.
1841 R. W. Emerson Friendship in Ess. 1st Ser. 219 The essence of friendship is entireness.
1875 H. E. Manning Internal Mission of Holy Ghost v. 125 The love of friendship is..the most perfect form of love.
1902 Daily Chron. 22 Apr. 3/3 Friendship is the same to-day as it has been for a myriad of yesterdays.
1944 New Times & Ethiopia News 2 Dec. 4/4 She has been faithful to them in the spirit in which friendship is given and accepted in our mountains.
1956 E. Fromm Art of Loving iv. 130 In pre-capitalist societies, the exchange of goods was determined either by direct force, by tradition, or by personal bonds of love or friendship.
2004 New Yorker 14 June 192/2 The soul-scraping honesty of his meditation on faith and friendship is a testament to the monk's continuing influence.
b. A close relationship between friends.
the mind > emotion > love > friendliness > [noun] > friendship
the mind > emotion > love > friendliness > [noun] > friendly relation(s)
eOE King Ælfred tr. Gregory Pastoral Care (Hatton) (1871) xiii. 79 Sua sceal se sacerd giet simle beran ða domas awritene on his breostum.., ðætte sio menisce oliccung for nanum freondscipe ðærto ne gemencge.
OE Prognostics (Tiber.) (2007) 317 Panem cerarium accipere amicitias nouas iungit : hlaf wexenne niman freodscipas niwe gefegð.
lOE Laws of Æðelstan (Rochester) vi. vii. 177 We cwædon..þæt we wæron ealle swa on anum freondscype swa on anum feondscype, swa hwæðer hit þonne wære.
1385 in W. Fraser Red Bk. Grandtully (1868) I. 139 Yharnand thair endeful and tendyr frenschepe.
c1430 Acts Parl. Scotl. (1844) I. 89/2 A falouschip sekyr and a suthfast frendschip bot dyssayt.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) ii. l. 170 Thair frendschip woux ay mar & mar.
c1540 J. Bellenden tr. H. Boece Hyst. & Cron. Scotl. i. iii. f. 3/1 Knawyng weil na thyng mycht bryng the pepill sonar vnder ane freindschip and band, yan sic doyngis.
1583 B. Melbancke Philotimus sig. Riiv Yet my good Philotimus, caskes will taste of their full licour, and I shal never forget our old frenship.
1629 J. Earle Micro-cosmogr. (ed. 5) xxxvi. sig. G10v His friendships are a kinde of Gossiping friendships.
1697 W. Dampier New Voy. around World vii. 182 To endeavour a Friendship with those Indians; a thing our Privateers had long coveted.
1702 Clarendon's Hist. Rebellion I. i. 30 The Other..declared, with a very unnecessary frankness, ‘that he would have no Friendship with him’.
1770 W. Cowper Let. 25 Sept. (1979) I. 235 The Storm of 63 made a Wreck of all the Friendships I had contracted.
1804 T. Jefferson Corr. (1830) 18 In its unfortunate bearings on my private friendships.
1842 Ld. Tennyson Will Waterproof's Monologue in Poems (new ed.) II. 184 And softly, thro' a vinous mist, My college friendships glimmer.
1872 J. Morley Voltaire vii. 342 His friendship with two of the chief actors may have biassed his judgment.
1915 E. Wharton Let. 17 Dec. (1988) 365 His friendship has been the pride & honour of my life.
1951 Ann. Reg. 1950 186 Mr. Acheson was..asked whether he himself, in view of his friendship for Hiss, could be considered a security risk.
2002 N. Lebrecht Song of Names iv. 85 I felt redeemed by his friendship from a cocoon of caterpillar misery.
a. Friendly feeling or disposition felt or shown by a person or group of people (for or to another); friendliness, amicableness. †in friendship: on friendly terms.In early use frequently denoting the goodwill or favourable disposition of a ruler or superior.In quot. ?c1425 in to be had in friendship: to be beneficial.
the mind > emotion > love > friendliness > [noun]
OE Ælfric Old Test. Summary: Maccabees (Julius) in W. W. Skeat Ælfric's Lives of Saints (1900) II. 106 Nicanor..sende to Iudan mid swicdome and cwæð, ne com ic for nanum gefeohte ac for freondscipe to eow.
OE Wulfstan Pastoral Let. (Hatton) (1957) 227 Hwa mæg æfre oðrum furðor freondscype gecyðan þonne he his agen feorh gesylle & ðurh þæt his freond wið deað ahredde?
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) anno 1052 Se cyng forgeaf þam eorle & his bearnum his fulne freondscype & fulne eorldom & eall þet he ær ahte & eallon þam mannon þe him mide wæron.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) iii. l. 1060 Wher they wenden frendes finde, Thei founden frenschipe al behinde.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 14359 (MED) Mikel frenscip has þou him kidd.
?c1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (Paris) (1971) 369 (MED) Acorus..and grownde yve ben hadde in frendeschip to alle ioyntes.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) i. 84 For yat at ye king off Ingland Held swylk freyndschip and cumpany To yar King.
a1566 R. Edwards Damon & Pithias (1571) sig. Civv I wyll vse his friendship to myne owne commodytie.
a1599 E. Spenser View State Ireland 84 in J. Ware Two Hist. Ireland (1633) Such rawe Captaines, as are usually sent out of England, being thereunto onely preferred by friendship, and not chosen by sufficiency.
1693 T. Power in J. Dryden et al. tr. Juvenal Satires xii. Argt. 240 He professes the reality of his Friendship, and the Sincerity of his Intentions.
1694 R. South 12 Serm. II. 59 We have here an Account of Christ's friendship to his Disciples.
?1723 in J. Hawkesworth Lett. by Swift & Friends (1766) I. ccxviii. 323 I could never impute it to want of friendship in one, whose goodness to me hath always been abundantly more than I could deserve.
1760 C. Lennox Lady's Museum No. 7. 558 He will perceive you to be actuated by your mood and over-hastiness, not by reason or friendship to him.
1832 A. Earle Narr. Resid. N.Z. 159 He..rubbed noses so forcibly with me that I felt his friendship for some time.
1861 M. Pattison in Westm. Rev. Apr. 409 To renew the assurance of his friendship, which was not diminished by the sorrowful event.
1928 N. Richardson Mother of Kings iii. 181 Poor fellow—it cost him his head, this and his friendship for Dubarry.
1951 Boys' Life June 11 Those Belgian Scouts..wanted to give one final demonstration of their friendship and good will toward us Americans.
2011 ‘A. Morgan’ Darkness Beyond 167 I find myself reluctant to test the depths of his friendship for me.
b. Accord, alliance, peace; a state of mutual trust and support between allied nations or peoples.
society > authority > rule or government > politics > international politics or relations > international agreements > [noun] > alliance or confederacy
political union1676
OE Beowulf (2008) 2069 Þy ic Heaðo-Bear[d]na hyldo ne telge, dryhtsibbe dæl Denum unfæcne, freondscipe fæstne.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 13078 Betere þe is freondscipe to habben þene for to fihten.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1871) III. 81 Tullius Hostilius..prayde to come wiþ hym Mecius, kyng of Albans, boþe for olde kynrede and for newe couenant and frenschepe i-made [L. foedus renovatum] after þe deth of þe þre knyȝtes.
c1450 (?c1400) Three Kings Cologne (Cambr. Ee.4.32) (1886) 132 (MED) He schal make a contrait, a Matrimonye bitwix þe Emperouris sone of Rome and þe Emperouris doughter of Tartaryn, and with þis contract and ffrenschip þe holy londe schal be ȝolde.
c1540 (?a1400) Gest Historiale Destr. Troy (2002) f. 195 Þen acord was þer knyt þo kyngis betwene, Ffull frenchip and fyn festnyt with hond.
1584 Copie of Let. conc. Erle of Leycester 24 By this breach wyth Fraunce, we stand alone..wythout anie great vnition or friendship abrode.
1646 Earl of Monmouth tr. G. F. Biondi Hist. Civil Warres Eng. II. ix. 221 The true way to effect it [sc. peace] would be, by Henrie's giving him for wife his Eldest daughter Margaret; for that thereby, the friendship between the two nations would be perpetuall.
1673 tr. Let. States-General United Provinces 3 We have never desired any thing more then..to cultivate a Friendship..between Your Majesties Kingdom and this Republick.
1731 G. Medley tr. P. Kolb Present State Cape Good-Hope I. v. 57 The strictest Alliance and the closest Friendship subsisting between the Dutch and the several Hottentot Nations.
1782 T. Paine Let. to Abbe Raynal (1791) 69 Where is the impossibility..of England forming a friendship with France and Spain?
1819 D. B. Warden Statist., Polit. & Hist. Acct. U.S. III. li. 554 The Indian chiefs..engaged not to supply guns, ammunition, or other implements of war to tribes of Indians not in friendship with the United States.
1858 Times 9 Nov. 7/1 This treaty..engages that there shall be perpetual peace and friendship between Her British Majesty and the Tycoon of Japan.
1927 Modesto (Calif.) News-Herald 13 Jan. 1/8 Chile today registered with the league of nations a treaty of friendship with Turkey.
1958 E. J. Rozek Allied Wartime Diplomacy iv. 128 Sikorski wished to sign a pact of mutual friendship and assistance with the U.S.S.R.
2003 Economist 18 Jan. 37/1 The 40th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty, a historic pledge of Franco-German friendship.
3. A friendly or helpful act; a favour typical or characteristic of a friend. Chiefly in to do (someone) a friendship. Also: friendly aid. Now rare.
the mind > emotion > love > friendliness > [noun] > friendship > act of friendship or favour
c1175 (?OE) Instr. for Christians 98 in Anglia (1964) 82 14 Se ðe ear gifð [read ær gifeð] and eft oftihð bearna gehwylce, bysmer he gewyrceð furþur mycele þonne ænig freondscipe.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 242 Heo wlleð þe freonscipe don.
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Canon's Yeoman's Tale (Ellesmere) (1875) l. 1362 And nere the freendshipe þat ye dide er this To me ye sholde paye moore y-wis.
a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) l. 1884 (MED) Dede wil na frendshepe do ne favour.
1431 in H. M. Flasdieck Mittelengl. Originalurkunden (1926) 99 The greet plaisirs and kyndenesses..and frendeshippes whiche [they]..haue doon and shewed vs.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Prov. xviii. C A frende that delyteth in loue, doth a man more frendshipe, and sticketh faster vnto him then a brother.
1608 W. Shakespeare King Lear ix. 63 Hard by here is a houell, some friendship will it lend you gainst the tempest. View more context for this quotation
a1625 F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher Coxcombe ii. i, in Comedies & Trag. (1647) sig. Nn3v/1 You have done me friendships infinite and often.
1703 Athenian Oracle II. 275/2 You do 'em a friendship.
1766 H. Brooke Fool of Quality I. vii. 235 It is not he who gives you money, but he who puts you into a way of getting it, that does you a friendship.
1850 R. Gordon-Cumming Five Years Hunter's Life S. Afr. II. xxxi. 298 I then remarked that he would do me a friendship if he would set his people the example by first dealing with me himself.
1905 Rep. 11th Ann. Meeting Pennsylvania Bar Assoc. 177 There is nothing in this act which hinders any one who desires to do a friendship.
1937 P. Sturges in A. Horton Three more Screenplays by Preston Sturges (1998) 294 I'm doing her a friendship and she wants to play puss in a corner.
4. In singular and occasionally plural. Friends or allies collectively. Also (chiefly Scottish): kinsmen. Obsolete.
the mind > emotion > love > friendliness > [noun] > friend > collectively
?c1335 Erthe upon Erthe (Harl. 913) (1911) 2 (MED) Be þou þre niȝt in a þrouȝ, þi frendschip is i-lor.
c1400 Brut (Rawl. B. 171) 101 (MED) Cadwalayn..in pleyn bataile quellede Edwynne and alle his frendeshippes.
c1460 (?c1400) Tale of Beryn l. 3526 And lokid..with a rewful cher..on othir frendshipp & Neyȝbours he had ther.
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Law of Armys (2005) 245 Gif ane man suld be aire till ane othir..for falt of nerare airis of his frendschip.
a1500 Sir Degrevant (Cambr.) (1949) l. 1290 Þe Duke rekyuered aȝ[a]yne, Hys frenchepys [c1440 Thornton frendis] were fayn.
1545 in C. Innes Bk. Thanes Cawdor (1859) 167 The bluid allya frenschipe and nychbourheid.
1600 in R. Pitcairn Criminal Trials Scotl. (1833) II. 145 The aduocat answeris to the friendschip of the sheref Murray as of before.
5. The capacity to unite harmoniously; affinity, correspondence; (also) an occurrence of this. Cf. friendly adj. 5. Obsolete. rare.
the world > relative properties > order > agreement, harmony, or congruity > [noun] > compatibility
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Knychthede (1993) viii. 52 Nobless and gentillesse ar of tenderness and frendschip to knychthede and to the honour of knychthede.
1663 J. Beale Let. 9 Nov. in R. Boyle Corr. (2001) II. 202 Yet the friendship of burnet, angelica, & of Lillyes of the Vale is best knowne in White & Rhenish Wine.
1695 J. Dryden tr. R. de Piles in tr. C. A. Du Fresnoy De Arte Graphica 175 This rule obliges us to know those Colours which have a Friendship with each other, and those which are incompatible.


friendship bracelet n. originally U.S. a bracelet exchanged as a token of friendship; spec. (in later use) one made of woven or knotted wool, cotton, or other yarn, often worn by young people.
the mind > attention and judgement > beautification > types of ornamentation > jewellery > arm or leg ornament > [noun] > bracelet or armlet > other types of bracelet
friendship bracelet1890
slave bangle1923
slave bracelet1934
1890 Washington Post 14 Nov. 8/3 (advt.) The friendship bracelet... This is one of fashion's newest whims. 14 karat gold plan inside band.
1937 N.Y. Times 8 Apr. 44/1 (advt.) Lost... Friendship Bracelet, platinum, with seven charms; reward.
1995 E. Arthur Antarctic Navigation 170 When I left, we hugged again, and he gave me a gift, a bit of sweetgrass that he had woven into a friendship bracelet.
2000 E. Reid Midnight Sun (2002) 113 He could have been any college kid, backpack slung over his shoulder, dirty friendship bracelets corded around his ankles.
friendship centre n. a centre established to provide advice, social services, etc., to the community in which it is situated; (Canadian) = native friendship centre n. at native adj. Compounds 2b.
1915 Assoc. Men Aug. 595/1 Every class of people, all ranks from wealth to poverty, attend. It's a friendship center.
1967 Times 26 Sept. 10/5 A dreary basement hall at the Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church..has been transformed into a bright friendship centre.
1996 B. Maracle Back on Rez ii. ii. 9 Before returning to Six Nations, I lived in Ottawa... Although there were a lot of Indians and a friendship centre in Ottawa, it wasn't the same as living on a reserve.
2012 N.Z. Herald (Nexis) 1 Sept. CMA, a multi-cultural organisation which has Friendship Centres throughout Auckland for elderly, lonely or disabled people.
friendship plant n. any of several ornamental plants that are easily maintained, and hence frequently given as gifts; esp. Pilea involucrata (family Urticaceae) of Central and South America.
1934 Amer. Home Dec. 36/4 Like a popular school child it has plenty of nicknames—Irish Moss, Baby's Tears, or Friendship Plant.
1960 Tucson (Arizona) Daily Citizen 9 July 52/3 Keep a friendship plant fairly warm.
2011 S. Baker Compl. Guide keeping Houseplants Alive v. 167 If the friendship plant is raised in a dry area, mist the leaves to increase humidity.
friendship quilt n. originally U.S. a handmade quilt comprising a variety of blocks, typically made by a group of friends, with each participant making and signing one or more blocks. Cf. album quilt at album n.2 Compounds 1b.
1866 Lowell (Mass.) Daily Citizen & News 10 Feb. The editor of the Presque Isle Loyal Sunrise has been made the happy recipient of a ‘Friendship Quilt’, the gift of forty-eight ladies of that village.
1944 E. F. Robacker Pennsylvania Dutch Stuff (1945) 43 Comparatively few patchwork quilts were dated, usually only those which were ‘friendship’ quilts (in which individual blocks were contributed by friends).
1983 Washington Post (Nexis) 31 Jan. d5 You can ask friends who can sew to come to a party and help to create a friendship quilt.
2004 K. Wellhousen & I. Crowther Creating Effective Learning Environments vii. 134 A class was making a friendship quilt to hang on the wall of a new children's pioneer museum.
friendship ring n. (a) originally and chiefly U.S. a ring given as a token of friendship (cf. friendship bracelet n.); (b) (chiefly U.S. and Australian) a ring given to a romantic partner as a symbol of commitment to the relationship.
1858 Bangor (Maine) Daily Whig & Courier 13 Aug. 2/7 (advt.) Superb friendship ring, solid 16 caret [sic] gold, richly enameled.
1897 A. M. Douglas Hannah Ann (1898) xvii. 271 She had brought the friendship ring, which was two tiny hands clasped over a sapphire with diamond sparks around it.
1926 Pop. Mech. Mag. Jan. 154/1 (advt.) It makes a wonderful engagement ring or friendship ring.
1987 K. Lette Girls' Night Out (1989) 61 ‘Gee, how romantic.’ It made my friendship rings and gropes at the drive-in..look like one of Keats' love poems.
2008 W. L. Cozy Bronze Dinosaurs xii. 152 We had exchanged gifts before and I had given her a friendship ring, but I just was not ready to consider marriage.
friendship treaty n. a treaty establishing friendly relations between two nations or peoples.
1886 Standard 22 Jan. 5/5 Since the Grand Friendship Treaty entered into..between the Burmese and British Governments there has existed a real Royal friendship.
1916 C. A. Eastman From Deep Woods to Civilization x. 153 After the early friendship treaties which involved no cession of land,..the Sioux gave up a long strip of land lying along the west bank of the Mississippi.
1944 A. Visson Coming Struggle for Peace x. 186 In June 1939 Turkey signed friendship treaties with Britain and France, which resulted in..the cession by France of the Sandjak of Hatay.
1988 F. W. Axelgard New Iraq? i. 8 Iraq immediately began to forge close ties with the Soviet Union, which culminated in the conclusion of a Soviet-Iraqi friendship treaty in 1972.
2011 Austral. Financial Rev. (Nexis) 14 July 14 The negotiation of a friendship treaty with a country which is also seen by many as a strategic threat will be challenging.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2013; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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