

单词 friendless man

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friendless man
c. Anglo-Saxon Law. Outlawed; exiled. Chiefly in friendless man. Now historical. [As a term of Anglo-Saxon legal history, apparently deriving from a substitution for original friþlēas outlawed ( < friþ frith n.1 + -lēas -less suffix) in the textual transmission of a Latin translation of the Laws of Cnut (see quots. OE, c1300). It is uncertain whether the variant reading fredlese (from the 12th-cent. Lambeth manuscript) in quot. c1300 should be taken as the earliest witness to the substitution or as showing a variant of frith n.1 in its first element; in any case, use of the word in quot. ?c1300 (where it is usually assumed to be the authorial reading) also suggests that the substitution ultimately goes back to the 12th cent. The substitution is perhaps partly due to confusion with legal use of Old English frēondlēas as seen e.g. in quot. OE3 at sense A. 1a, also from the Laws of Cnut. Compare, however, the association of exile and lack of supporters in contexts such as quot. OE2 at sense A. 1a; such an association perhaps also underlies use in quot. c1325.] The collocation friendless man is sometimes taken as a phrase, sometimes as a compound (compare quot. 1666).
society > authority > punishment > outlawry > [noun] > outlaw
friendless manOE
banished man1495
broken man1528
caput lupinum1837
OE Laws of Cnut (Nero) ii. xva. 318 Gyf hwa þæne friðleasan man healde oððe flyman feormie.]
a1300–1400 (a1268) H. Bracton De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae (1922) II. 361 (MED) Talem vocant Anglici utlaghe, et alio nomine..frendlesman.
c1300 ( Laws: Instituta Cnuti (Harl. 746) ii. xva. 319 [Qui expulsum..detinuerit pacifice, quem Angli uocant] frendlesmanne [lOE Rochester friðleasne man, a1200 Lamb. fredleseman].
?c1300 (?c1185) Pseudo-Cnut De Foresta xxiv, in F. Liebermann Gesetze der Angelsachsen (1903) I. 624 Si uero seruus [regalem feram coegerit anhelare], pro utlagato habeatur, quem Angli frendlæsman [so Stowe (c1575); 1577 Harrison frendlesman] uocant.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 7055 (MED) [Edward the Confessor] was fleme & frendles mo þan þritty ȝer.
1607 J. Cowell Interpreter 55 Frendles man was wont to be the Saxon word for him, whome we call an outlawe.
1666 W. Dugdale Origines Juridiciales xxxvi. 97/1 The English..had wont to call him a Friendless-man.
1783 J. Logan Runnamede v. 82 Alone you stalk..as if indeed you stood A friendless man, and outcast from the world.
1829 G. Crabb Hist. Eng. Law xx. 311 When a person was outlawed, whoever fed or harboured him was subject to the same penalty as the outlaw himself, who, on this account, was called a friendless man, because, by law, he could have no friend.
1910 A. Wilson Unfinished Man vii. 123 It was every one's duty to capture the outlaw, as indeed in our day when a murderer remains at large. It was a capital crime to harbour this lawless and friendless man.
2011 J. Brewer in A. L. Kaufman Brit. Outlaws of Lit. & Hist. ii. 35 Bracton refers to the outlaw as a ‘friendless man’ who, by his actions, has forfeited his right to have friends.
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