

单词 fresnel mirror or mirrors

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Fresnel('s) mirror or mirrors
1. Used attributively and in the possessive to designate apparatus, phenomena, and concepts relating to his work in optics, as Fresnel biprism = biprism n.; Fresnel diffraction, diffraction in which the diffraction pattern is a non-linear function of the variation in phase across the diffracting aperture or object; Fresnel's formulae, two formulæ giving the proportion of linearly polarized light reflected from a plane surface in terms of the angles of incidence and refraction (see quot. 19571); Fresnel lens, a lens consisting of a number of concentric annular sections, each of different curvature and so designed that a parallel beam relatively free from spherical aberration can be produced; Fresnel's integrals, the integrals x0 cos ½πt2dt and x0sin ½πt2dt, used in the theory of Fresnel diffraction; Fresnel('s) mirror or mirrors, two plane mirrors set together at an angle of just less than 180 degrees; Fresnel's rhomb, a glass parallelepiped of such a shape that light can be passed through it to undergo two total internal reflections and emerge parallel to its initial direction.
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > optical instruments > lens > [noun] > other lenses
crown lens1764
meniscus lens1820
Fresnel lens1835
Stanhope lens1850
spot lens1860
triplet condenser1892
Aldis lens1902
Schmidt correcting plate1934
coated lens1948
Schmidt correcting lens1961
the world > matter > physics > electromagnetic radiation > light > diffraction > [noun] > Fresnel's theory
Fresnel's formulae1835
the world > matter > physics > electromagnetic radiation > light > reflection > [noun] > instrument
Fresnel's rhomb1835
Fresnel('s) mirror or mirrors1874
Brewster window1965
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > optical instruments > instruments to refract, etc., light > [noun] > prism
Nicol prism1838
Foucault prism1882
Fresnel biprism1890
Porro prism1909
the world > matter > physics > electromagnetic radiation > light > diffraction > [noun]
Fraunhofer diffraction1888
Fresnel diffraction1905
1830 D. Brewster in Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 120 73 I am persuaded that the formulæ of Fresnel are accurate expressions of the phenomena under every variation of incidence and refractive power.
1830 D. Brewster in Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 120 77 M. Fresnel's general formula has been adapted to this species of rays.]
1835 Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1834 333 M. Poisson applied Fresnel's integral to the case of diffraction by an opaque circular disc.
1835 Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1834 370 The parallelopiped thus constructed, and which is known under the name of Fresnel's rhomb, is of essential service in experiments on circular and elliptic polarization.
1848 A. Stevenson Acct. Skerryvore Lighthouse ii. 257 The divergence..may be described as the angle which the flame subtends at the principal focus of the lens, the maximum of which, produced at the vertex of Fresnel's great lens.., is about 5° 9′.
1849 G. G. Stokes in Cambr. & Dublin Math. Jrnl. IV. 9 There are three particular angles of incidence..for which special results are deducible from Fresnel's formulæ.
1854 B. Powell Pereira's Lect. Polarized Light (ed. 2) 105 Fresnel effected the circular polarization of light by means of a parallelopiped of St. Gobin (crown) glass.., whose acute angles B and C are about 54° and consequently whose obtuse ones A and D are about 126°. This apparatus is commonly called Fresnel's rhomb.
1874 tr. Lommel's Nature of Light (1875) xv. 207 (caption) Fresnel's mirror.
a1884 E. H. Knight Pract. Dict. Mech. Suppl. 356/2 Fresnel lens, a lens consisting of a central portion of spherical section and surrounding rings, so adapted as to direct the rays practically parallel.
1890 T. Preston Theory of Light 119 Fresnel's Bi-prism... Let CDE represent a glass prism with a very obtuse angle E... The whole prism is as if made up of two prisms CE and DE of very small angle (at C and D) placed base to base at E, and hence the name bi-prism.
1904 A. Schuster Introd. Theory Optics iv. 60 (heading) Fresnel's Biprism.
1905 R. W. Wood Physical Optics vii. 195 (heading) Fresnel diffraction phenomena.
1937 F. A. Jenkins & H. E. White Fund. Optics viii. 173 Since Fresnel diffraction is the easiest to observe, it was historically the first type to be investigated.
1937 G. S. Monk Light x. 129 A much better device for obtaining the interference between two sections of a wave front..is the Fresnel biprism.
1957 Encycl. Brit. XIV. 61/1 If i is the angle of incidence and r that of refraction, the fraction [of light] reflected is sin2(ir)/sin2(i + r) or tan2(ir)/tan2(i + r), according to the direction of polarization. These expressions are usually called Fresnel's sine and tangent formulae.
1957 Oxf. Compan. Theatre (ed. 2) 476/1 The Fresnel lens spotlight or step-lens spotlight seems to have had more development and use in the U.S.A. than in England.
1959 M. Born & E. Wolf Princ. Optics i. 50 One may also invert the procedure and produce, by means of Fresnel's rhomb, linearly polarized light from elliptically polarized light.
1966 McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. (rev. ed.) VII. 185 Another way of splitting the light from the source is the Fresnel double mirror.
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